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Best Logics, Inc. BCS-ERP Unique software that supports your “Funds-Purchasing- Budgets-Inventory-Accounts Payable-Banks- Accounting-PEIMS” needs.

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Presentation on theme: "Best Logics, Inc. BCS-ERP Unique software that supports your “Funds-Purchasing- Budgets-Inventory-Accounts Payable-Banks- Accounting-PEIMS” needs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Best Logics, Inc. BCS-ERP Unique software that supports your “Funds-Purchasing- Budgets-Inventory-Accounts Payable-Banks- Accounting-PEIMS” needs

2 BCS-ERP was specially developed to fulfill the administrative needs of: School Districts Universities Hospitals Cities (Governmental Institutions) Non – Profits and Religious organizations

3 Common Administrative Needs of Educational Institutions, Hospitals, Government, Non-Profits and Religious organizations: They all have a Budgetary administration. Their Operation is under a Master Plan with Objectives and specific Programs. Their Operation is under Governmental and/or Private Funds. Their Operation is ruled by Governmental regulations. They have Tracking and Reporting requirements over the entire cycle “Funds-Purchasing- Budgets-Inventories-Accounts Payable-Banks- Accounting” They need True and accurate reporting of the moneys received. Their Administration is under a Purchasing-Budget process

4 Current solutions for “Budgetary-Financial- Accounting” needs: Budgetary Control Manual intensive administration. Microsoft Excel. In-house developed software tools with intensive manual support as RSCCC. ERPs.- Enterprise Resource Planning softwares as SAP, Peoplesoft, Oracle, Lawson, Intacct, etc. for School Districts, Universities, Government, Hospitals and Non-Profits with an ISOLATED budgetary tool, mainly to support Budget Creation. They don’t have the “Funds- Purchasing- Budgets-Inventories-Accounts Payable-Banks-Accounting process”.

5 VENDORSchool Districts Govern- ment HospitalsUniver- sities Non – Profits Religious Distribution/ Manufacturing Oracle Financials X RSCCC People Soft X SAP X Lawson X INTACCT X Best Logics BCS-ERP XXXXXX Market segments where Software Solutions better fulfill “business” necessities

6 ERP Software Solutions VS BCS-ERP Processes Diagram Comparison Best Logics BCS-ERP Budget-Finances-Fund- Accounting Streamline process Oracle, Peoplesoft, Lawson, SAP, etc. Budget -Accounting Stand alone Function Purchases Accounts Payable Payroll Order Entry Distribution Resources Planning Inventories Control Product Costing Banks Accounts Receivable Billing Materials Requirements Planning Work Orders General Ledger /Budgets Sales Forecast Manufacturing Master Plan Schedule Purchases Accounts Payable Order Entry Distribution Resources Planning Product Costing Banks Accounts Receivable Materials Require ments Planning Work Orders General Ledger /Budgets Sales Forecast Budget Process Funds Manufacturing Master Plan Schedule Payroll Billing (Revenue) Inventories, Non Stock, Services Control

7  Allows these organizations to achieve the Master Plan’s, Goals and Objectives.  Takes care of the exact tracking of the budget avoiding deviations of the same.  Updates Automatically and simultaneously the entire cycle “ Funds-Purchasing-Budgets-Inventories - Accounts Payable- Banks-Accounting”.  “Provides controls” of the expenses related to any procurement process based on budgets.  Establishes rules in the exercise of the budget.  Very friendly and flexible software solution. Can be 100% customized. BCS unique value proposition

8  Reduces the effort and resource headcount involved in the administrative process, contributing bottom-line dollars back to its customers. Why BCS-ERP?  BCS-ERP enforces compliance, thus, avoids breaking governmental regulations. BCS-ERP is the only software that complies with Financial, Operational and Reporting regulations stated by:  Places accurate and intelligent reports in the hands of its users for real-time decision making.  Increases efficiency and productivity.  The Texas Education Agency Financial Accountability System  The United States Office of Management and Budget  The Sarbanes-Oxly Act

9 Please start the BCS-ERP demo video. We believe you are going to find it very exciting ! ! ! We look forward to hearing from you: Best Logics, Inc. Ph. 469 467 0271

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