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Presentation on theme: "JUDAISM: SYMBOLS, PRACTICES, RITUAL The Way of Torah."— Presentation transcript:


2 The Importance of Practice  Judaism’s main focus if on observance of the Torah and HOW to worship God.  A Jew is an “observer of the commandments”.  What one observes depends on what type of Judaism is practiced.

3 Daily life  The Torah outlines both ethical conduct and how to worship.  What is forbidden, obliged, free, holy, or profane is all outlined.

4 Ethics  10 Commandments  Acts of Loving Kindness  Performing a good deed is called a mitzvah.  Mitzvah is actually a commandment from God that gives people direction on how to live ethically while honouring God.  The Bible contains 613 mitzvah.

5 Examples of Mitzvah  To recite grace after meals  Not to stand by idly when a human life is in danger  To give charity according to one's means  That a widow whose husband died childless must not be married to anyone but her deceased husband's brother  That one who possesses evidence shall testify in Court

6 Ethics: Mitzvah  Emphasis on ethics is reflected in charitable and philanthropic efforts in the Jewish community.  Example of a Mitzvah (for kids!) Example of a Mitzvah (for kids!)  What are mitzvahs you can carry out?

7 Daily Worship Through Prayer  Daily prayer only mandatory for males age 13 and up  Ritual accessories: Kipah, yarmulke  The yarmulke, meaning skullcap in Yiddish, is a beanie that covers a Jewish man's head. The Hebrew term for it is Kippah. Jews cover their heads during prayer, eating and studying as a sign of respect toward God, who is above you. Religious Jews will wear it all the time. Covering the head is more of a custom than a commandment.  (

8 Daily Worship Through Prayer  Tefillin: cubic black leather boxes with leather straps that Orthodox Jewish men wear on their head and their arm during weekday morning prayer. Observant Jews consider wearing tefillin to be a very great mitzvah (command). (  Prayers kept near mind and heart

9 Daily Worship Through Prayer  Tallit (Prayer Shawl)  The corner fringes on this ritual garment remind the wearer of all the commandments in the Torah.  (http://www.myjewish allit-the-prayer-shawl)

10 Daily Worship Through Prayer  Prayers are said at least three times daily: morning, afternoon, and evening.  Included are a passages from the Bible and other sources.  Said at home but also at synagogue.

11 The Home and the Synagogue  The home is the centre of Jewish social life  Rules based on Torah govern family relationships  Jewish homes often feature a mezuzah (a container with a scroll featuring the Shema).

12 The Home and the Synagogue  Meals play an important role within the family.  All meals must be kosher (“proper”).  Kosher includes certain rules like prohibiting pork and not mixing meat and dairy products.  Food Network: Cooking Kosher Video

13 The Synagogue  Reform Judaism calls synagogue: temple.  Centre for prayer, study, and fellowship.  Synagogues can look different but all contain the Torah which is kept in an ark.

14 Synagogues  Led by rabbis  Rabbi refers to someone who has mastered the sacred writings of Judaism- a teacher of the Torah and leader of Jewish worship  role varies and less formal than the role of a priest

15 Sabbath (Shabbat)  Begins at sunset on Friday and ends at sunset on Saturday  Religious and social high point of the week  Patterned after Creation, when God rested, Jews will refrain from working on Shabbat, as well as other activities such as driving, answering the phone, or even turning on an electric light.  Partake in Sabbath services, enjoy special meals, and be in fellowship with family and others in the Jewish community

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