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Yammer Can Help with That! About Me  Liz Sundet– User Experience Manager/Information Architect  MBA, PMP, CBAP, CSM  Adjunct Instructor – RCTC/Mayo.

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Presentation on theme: "Yammer Can Help with That! About Me  Liz Sundet– User Experience Manager/Information Architect  MBA, PMP, CBAP, CSM  Adjunct Instructor – RCTC/Mayo."— Presentation transcript:


2 Yammer Can Help with That!


4 About Me  Liz Sundet– User Experience Manager/Information Architect  MBA, PMP, CBAP, CSM  Adjunct Instructor – RCTC/Mayo Clinic Rochester, MN  Musician: Fur-baby:  Biker—”Throttles Not Pedals”  Email: or  Follow on Twitter: @percusn  Connect with me on LinkedIn   Blog:

5 Common Business Problems Communication Project Transparency Culture Rewards and Recognition Employee Needs Onboarding Remote Employees

6 Jaded Jared As lead engineer on the migration, I’ve worked every weekend for the past 2 months and only seen my kids in the pictures on my desk. I don’t feel appreciated or valued in my job. Sometimes just a simple thank you would help.

7 Jared’s Yammer Post

8 HR department needs to respond to employees needs  Human Resources department response to employees: The Human Resource department needs to be more responsive to employee questions and concerns. In many companies, the HR department is perceived as the policy making, policing arm of management. In fact, in forward thinking HR departments, responsiveness to employee needs is one of the cornerstones – aboutmoney.comThe Human Resource department

9 Left Yammer Post alone and responded in a positive way Worked with manager who had no idea Jared was working that hard Brought in additional help Made Jared leave after 8 hours each day

10 HR Heather As the HR manager, I see a loss of 35% per year of our employees, many within the first few months that have reported they don’t feel part of the culture, don’t necessarily feel welcomed and don’t know where to turn to for help. If we could combine our social network with our onboarding process, we hope to reduce the number of employees leaving by 25% the first year

11 HR Onboarding 500,000 new Managers each year50% of senior outside hires fail in 1 year50% of hourly workers leave job within 120 days

12 Yammer Groups New Employee joins Yammer Added to group/access to resources On-boarding happens within the social network Referenced at a later date

13 We just made one company out of four existing companies. While this is great for our marketing and brand strategies, our culture across all those companies is lacking. As the CEO, I feel we should have a culture of openness, transparency and working collaboratively to solve our customer and business issues. In order to do this, we will use our social network and leadership will take an active part in that social network. Culture Champion - Phil

14 Cognitive Understanding of Why Change is needed Resources Shifting resources Motivation Need a reason to change Institutional Politics Understanding the employees

15 Can you really change a culture? This is one area where we can actually see the “tail wagging the dog” in terms of making a change – Naomi Moneypenney

16 What Happened? Created a Culture of “Superhero’s” Recognition of people doing outstanding work by their peers People loved the transparency of Yammer Leadership was actually one of the last groups to participate when they found all the “cool kids” were on Yammer

17 Rewards and Recognition Roland As a marketing manager, it’s good to reward and recognize people where appropriate. I feel good about being able to say “thank you” to my staff and give them a little something extra for a job well done, especially if they have gone out of their way. We have a rewards program, but many people don’t know how to go about recognizing other people, and the entries can only be made by managers and not all employees. Creating a badge and post in Yammer allows anyone to recognize people and bring the attention to their managers so they can be put in the company wide program.

18 Post a recognition to Yammer Peer to Peer Recognition Increases Engagement Makes employees feel good about themselves and the jobs

19 “Work from Home” Wendy Working from home is great most times, but I don’t necessarily get the interaction with my co- workers, especially when I need some help I don’t know who to ask. If only there was a way to ask a question without emailing the entire company and allow me to make some great connections it would likely help my productivity

20 Enterprise Social Networks are “SOCIAL” Make Connections Find Similar Interests Collaborate on Projects/Work as Teams no matter the location Virtual Water Cooler

21 Post a question—get an answer


23 What is happening with this project? Tracy Transparency As a Project Manager I want everyone to know what’s happening on my projects. Using an Enterprise Social network allows me to share with everyone our successes and where we may need help and have all the documentation and collaboration together in one place.

24 Company profit is gained thru delighted customers

25 Make decisions as a groupCentralize, Collaborate and Share Project Files and DeliverablesInnovate new ideas to solving problemsCreate Project Notes quicklyCreate external network for customers and vendors How did Yammer help with that?

26 Delivery Dave I’m just a delivery guy so I don’t get to interact with the executives much, but I have daily contact with customers who ask where the company is headed strategically or what the CEO proposed for this year. I feel I should know the answers to these questions as it would make my conversations easier with customers and I’m interested in knowing without wasting their time.

27 Posted Question Tagged the CEO Shared Response CEO “Great Question” #Strategy

28 Communication Executive Forum #Hashtag Other Employees had same ?? Response there for everyone Response can happen anytime by several people

29 Common Business Problems Communication Project Transparency Culture Rewards and Recognition Employee Needs Onboarding Remote Employees


31 About Me  Liz Sundet– User Experience Manager/Information Architect  MBA, PMP, CBAP, CSM  Adjunct Instructor – RCTC/Mayo Clinic Rochester, MN  Musician: Fur-baby:  Biker—”Throttles Not Pedals”  Email: or  Follow on Twitter: @percusn  Connect with me on LinkedIn   Blog:

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