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1 Information Context for Biodiversity Conservation Info2000 proposal #5052 July 1997.

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2 1 Information Context for Biodiversity Conservation Info2000 proposal #5052 July 1997

3 2 Consortium Partners Union of International Associations ( UIA) Brussels - Coordinator World Conservation Monitoring Centre (WCMC) Cambridge Nordic School of Management (NSM) Oslo AIDEnvironment, Amsterdam

4 3 Project Goals -- Understanding Links between threats to biodiversity Organized responses of society to these threats Impact of both on conservation of species and ecosystems Involvement of users as partners

5 4 Integrated Multimedia Resource Package Key environmental problems and their interactions Societal action dealing with these problems Species, ecosystems and sites affected by problems and solutions Organizations concerned Other information sources, external websites, etc

6 5 Links together... Information on threatened species and habitats Cultural, geographic, heritage contexts Policy, economic and social contexts

7 6 Hyperlinked context Taxonomic tree structures of species Current environmental threats Conservation strategies, treaties Species action plans International organizations Bibliographic references

8 7 Hyperlinked Datasets Problems Strategies Organizations Bibliography Animals Plants Marine habitats Forest habitats Protected areas

9 8 Project addresses needs of... Policy makers, government administrations, field officers Educational institutions, libraries, journalists / media, students NGOs, advocacy organizations, activists Researchers Concerned citizens

10 9 Focus: Europe Natura 2000 (***) Biological and Landscape Diversity (Council of Europe) Environmental Programme for Europe (UN/ECE) Environment in Developing Countries (EU) Community Action Programme on the Environment (***) Parks for Life: Action for Protected Areas (IUCN)

11 10 Focus: Europe in the World Bern Convention (19**) Bonn Convention (19**) Ramsar Convention (19**) Caracas Action Plan (19**) Global Biodiversity Strategy (19**) Agenda 21 (1992)

12 11 Focus: European elements European agreements European directives European aspect of international agreements European data sources European websites European production European languages

13 12 Related EU-funded Partner Initiatives Management of CITES trade data –preparation of EU Annual Report –development of Wildlife Trade Reference Support to EEA in development of EIONET –advice on Clearing House Mechanism Support to EEA Topic Centre on Nature Conservation Involvement in information campaign on –Pan-European Biological and Landscape Diversity Strategy

14 13 Information sources WCMC datasets: –threatened species –protected areas and sites –habitat maps (marine/forests) UIA datasets: –perceived world problems –advocated strategies/actions –international and regional organizations

15 14 European sources Secretariats in Europe –international organizations –European regional organizations Meetings in Europe –international organizations –European regional organizations Memberships in Europe –International organizations –European regional organizations

16 15 Project results CD-ROM Website(s) Hybrid CD-ROM / Web Interactive involvement of user-partners

17 16 Strategy: Product-Process-Service Single tangible “product” - CD-ROM Ongoing “service” - website(s) Interactive process

18 17 Strategic cycle Information gathering (+ feedback) Information processing and refinement Marketing of product- service Updating and reviewing information Dissemination (notably to evoke feedback)

19 18 Strategic Impact for Info2000 Present multimedia content Stimulate policy relevance of multimedia Support two European content providers Support multimedia content innovation Increase user/information interactivity Reduce gap between suppliers and users Make available integrated datasets Support implementation of EU commitments

20 19 Work to be done: Information Augment existing datasets Create new datasets Improve links between datasets Improve links to partner datasets Improve links to third-party sites Implement feedback processes Increase access to datasets

21 20 Work to be done: Multimedia Develop map facilities Develop image facilities Develop sound facilities Develop 3-D displays Develop interface design

22 21 Work to be done: Software Clickable images and maps Integrating automatic translation Feedback, forum and access facilities Webserver issues (including billing) Exploitation of VRML for 3D Exploitation of search engines Interface design

23 22 Work to be done: Marketing Undertake user workshops Develop sponsorship relationships Clarify user needs and demands Undertake Web marketing Product-service launch

24 23 Work to be done: Workshops Euro2000 South Pacific etc etc *******

25 24 Product Languages (+ English) UIA –Interfaces: French, German –Subject queries: Fr, Ge, Ne, Sp, It... –Title translation: Fr, Ge, Sp, Ne, No… –Text translation: Fr, Ge, Sp WCMC –Interfaces: Fr, Sp –Text translation: Fr, Sp

26 25 Technology base of Partners (use of computers) UIA –Reference book publication (1972- ) –Local area network (1984- ) –CD-ROM Folio publication (1995- ) –Website - static (Jan 1996- ) WCMC –Reference book publication (1980-) –Local area network (1981- ) –GIS-ARC/INFO (1989- ) –Webserver - dynamic (1994- )

27 26 Technology for Project Software (Windows environment): –Databases: Revelation, FoxPro*** –CD-ROM: FolioViews (or alternative) –Webservers: To be determined –Standards: HTML, VRML, Folio Hardware: –CD-ROM –Webservers: To be determined

28 27 Innovative Features Integration of disparate datasets Extensive hyperlinking Interactive access by users to datasets User access to user feedback User own-use annotation (on CD) Integrated multimedia: maps, 3D, AV Integrated use of WWW & CD-ROM Issue-specific sponsorship opportunities Innovative partnerships & User-partners

29 28 Marketing Plan Involvement of users as partners User workshops at international events Information via partner networks Use of commercial distribution network Internet/Web marketing techniques

30 29 Business Plan = Cost recovery and Reinvestment Flexible response to business uncertainties Rapidly evolving product-service Flexible pricing & Marketing experiments Ensure low data costs through partnerships Build on existing infrastructure Develop sponsorship arrangements Reconfigure in response to feedback

31 30 Overall Costs

32 31 Prototype: Features CD-ROM access and navigation software Multi-lingual access + data Integration of partner datasets Map facilities (pre-clickable) Image and sound possibilities Use of 3-D displays of interlinkages Web integration (+ query links) Facilities for data modification by user

33 32 Prototype: Data Contents Threatened animals: 9,758 Threatened plants (Europe): 4,728 Protected areas (188 countries) Habitats / country: marine: 99; forest: 179 Perceived world problems 29,021 + loops Strategies & responses 22,710 International organizations 3,689 References: UIA 4,053; WCMC 9,966

34 33 Prototype: Hyperlink Contents = Dataset Integration

35 34 Prototype: Multimedia Contents Maps Images Sound 3-D displays

36 35 World problems: beginning of entry

37 36 World problems: end of entry

38 37 World problems: search template (English)

39 38 World problems: Polar bear (beginning)

40 39 World problems: loop interlocks in 3D

41 40 World problems: interlocks in 3D

42 41 World problems: loop interlocks

43 42 International organizations: network in 3D

44 43 International organizations: starburst 3D (UN system)

45 44 International organizations: sphere 3D (EU system)

46 45 International organizations: sphere 3D (EU system)

47 46 International organizations: World Bank system

48 47 Forest information: Madagascar (beginning)

49 48 Forest information: Madagascar (map)

50 49 Marine information: France (beginning)

51 50 Marine information: search template (English)

52 51 International organizations: sphere 3D (EU system)

53 52 International organizations: sphere 3D (EU system)

54 53 International organizations: search template (French)

55 54 International organizations: sphere 3D (EU system)

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