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HOW TO USE THE INTERNET TO PROMOTE YOUR CLUB Presented by Jamie Hobbs Sharlston Rovers.

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Presentation on theme: "HOW TO USE THE INTERNET TO PROMOTE YOUR CLUB Presented by Jamie Hobbs Sharlston Rovers."— Presentation transcript:

1 HOW TO USE THE INTERNET TO PROMOTE YOUR CLUB Presented by Jamie Hobbs Sharlston Rovers

2 Welcome Volunteer Sharlston 2004- Present University Leeds Met 04-08 Web Developer 2008 - Present

3 Why Online? Target Larger Audiences. 70% of UK households (18.31 million) have access (2009) Complete control of publications. You’re the editor, promote aspects you see important Allow Interaction with Audience. 40% of users state they interact with sites Monetise Other Income Streams E-Commerce & Sponsorships

4 Getting an online presence Custom Built Website Static Information Contacts, History, Directions. Dynamic Content Fixtures, Results, Stats, News, Match Reports, Events. Digital Media Photos Galleries, Match Videos. Enhancements Club Shop, SMS/Email Alerts. What are your options?

5 Getting an online presence Advantages Create a brand (online profile). First port of call. Editorial Flexibility. Revenue Ownership. Disadvantages Needs technical know- how. May cost money. Needs editorial input. Must be kept up-to-date. Custom Built Website

6 Getting an online presence Online Sports Admin Systems Free and easy to use. No Technical experience needed. Share editorial control. Rich with features.

7 Interact with your community Social Networking Third party websites allow networking and promotion to a large target audience quickly, easily and cheaply. Facebook - 11,171,540 UK Users (July 2009) Post Updates, Promote Events, Share Photos & Videos, Interact. Twitter - Short regular notifications syndicated across many devices. YouTube - Branded repository of online videos, allows comments and interactivity.

8 Networks can interact too Social Networks talking to each other An example work flow ADD VIDEO NOTIFY FANS ADD STATUS ADD TO WEBSITE UPDATE STATUS

9 Future Enhancement Live Video Streaming Free video streaming services, with chat intergration. Live Audio Commentary Audio updates & live commentary, telephone to internet broadcasting. SMS Alerts Free sms alerts to notify members of events and news.

10 Thank You Any Questions?

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