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SOCIAL MEDIA USAGE IN BRAND MARKETING GROUP 3: Gabi Browne, Rahel Gebremeskel, Sabrina Husain, Charlotte Steddum, Paige Warmus.

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Presentation on theme: "SOCIAL MEDIA USAGE IN BRAND MARKETING GROUP 3: Gabi Browne, Rahel Gebremeskel, Sabrina Husain, Charlotte Steddum, Paige Warmus."— Presentation transcript:

1 SOCIAL MEDIA USAGE IN BRAND MARKETING GROUP 3: Gabi Browne, Rahel Gebremeskel, Sabrina Husain, Charlotte Steddum, Paige Warmus

2 Principle Findings College students interact with brands on Facebook and Twitter

3 What types of brands do students follow? Music (30%) News (29%)

4 Top 3 brands UNC students follow: 1. 2. 3.

5 Recommendations: Keeping up with the Millennial generation Brands should update their websites (e.g., tweets) as often as new information becomes available Why? The number one reason students like/follow a brand is for news and information 40% of students use Twitter on a daily basis

6 Recommendations: The Importance of Music and News Brands Music and news companies should especially have an engaging presence in social media Why? Music and news companies are the types of brands students are most interested in following/liking

7 Limitations More research should be conducted to determine if results are representative of UNC students and college students as a whole 76% participants women, 24% men

8 Limitations  Convenience sample, with quota sampling  Cannot prove causality

9 Goal

10 Research Question 1:  Do students at UNC-Chapel Hill use Facebook and/or Twitter?

11 Research Question 2:  What brands are most followed or liked on Twitter and Facebook by students at UNC-Chapel Hill?

12 Research Question 3:  What are the incentives for students to follow or like brands on Twitter and Facebook?

13 Methodology - Who College Students at UNC-Chapel HIll

14 Methodology - What Online Survey using a Convenience Sample

15 Methodology - How We focused on answering three questions: - Are UNC students using social media? - Are they interacting with brands on social media? - What are their reasons or incentives for this interaction?

16 Methodology - How Specifically, 5 broad categories for brands: Music, Sports, Technology, News and Government 6 Reasons/Incentives for Interaction: News & Information, Coupons & Specials, Job & Internship Opportunities, Entertainment, Interaction, and Brand Loyalty

17 Results Our Sample  Convenience sample of UNC students 76% female, 24% male

18 Results Defining a Brand  We used the American Marketing Association definition of "brand" "A brand is a name, term, design, symbol or any other feature that identifies one seller’s good or service as distinct from those other sellers."

19 Results Brand Involvement  An overwhelming majority use social media daily 57% like brands on FB, 44% follow on Twitter

20 Results What do students "like" to follow? In addition to the top 3 write-in responses (ESPN, CNN, UNC), many students noted following retail stores.

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