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 Also known as relational aggression, emotional bullying is the act of an aggressor attacking a victim on an emotional level. Emotional bullying is most.

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Presentation on theme: " Also known as relational aggression, emotional bullying is the act of an aggressor attacking a victim on an emotional level. Emotional bullying is most."— Presentation transcript:


2  Also known as relational aggression, emotional bullying is the act of an aggressor attacking a victim on an emotional level. Emotional bullying is most common in relationships whereby, one partner might make statements or act in such a manner as to bring about distress to the other partner. Emotional bullying may also involve the spreading of rumors, excluding an individual from certain activities, refusing to talk to someone and even making statement with an intention of hurting a person’s feelings.

3  Emotional bullying can be an effect of other bullying situation  Emotional bullying Is the hurting of feelings

4 You and the popular girl don’t have the same interests so she picks on you. You like more school based things like reading and writing things and she is more of a party girl. Everyday she calls you names and know you are known as a nerd and not the good kind. You don’t let it show but it starts to hurt. This is and example of emotional bullying because she is not pushing or shoving but hurting you by messing with your emotions.

5  (Groups ideas ….write down or discuss)

6  Recognize abuse 1. Notice common forms of emotional abuse. Not all abuse happens to the same degree, or in the same way. However, there are a few clusters of behavior that usually constitute emotional abuse, including: humiliation invalidation and criticism: You feel like you're constantly being put-down, judged,  2. Bring up the problem in a calm environment. Throwing down an accusation of emotional abuse in the midst of a heated argument — even if your claim is perfectly legitimate — is a recipe for disaster.  3. Ask for support. Having a trusted friend or family member weigh in on the situation can help you feel like you're evaluating it objectively, as well as validating your feelings. Additionally, if the emotionally abusive relationship breaks down completely, it'll be nice to have someone to lean on as you transition out of it.

7  Break the cycle. As you move forward, avoid repeating the behaviors that were so prevalent in the emotionally abusive relationship.


9  Look at fundraiser ideas  Review emotional bullying  Look at what to do if someone takes your action the wrong way  Look at the type of bullying in school  look at bullying in celebrities actions  Location:TBD

10  Look at this video with team working together even if they may know know each other…..  QxYWExG50 QxYWExG50  Have a group discussion on snacks and website  Lets play some team building games!!!!!

11  Colors—  Red-hobby  Blue-sport  Orange-color  Brown- animal  Green- celebrity  Yellow-type of music

12 You write your name down in the middle of a sheet of paper and set it on the desk Each paper is passed to each student and you write one comment on that you like about that person Lydia will collect them to pass back from there you get to keep them knowing even of you aren't friends with people there is always a trait people like about you

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