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Helping Parents and Children to prevent bullying. By Jamie Thompson.

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Presentation on theme: "Helping Parents and Children to prevent bullying. By Jamie Thompson."— Presentation transcript:

1 Helping Parents and Children to prevent bullying. By Jamie Thompson

2  A term over the years has grown so large that it now has many movements against it.  Unwanted aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real perceived power imbalance

3 Kids who are bullied  Experience: - Depression - Increase feelings in sadness and loneliness - Loss of interest in activities - More likely to avoid school Kids who bully others  Experience: - Destroy property - Get into fights - Drop out of school - Have criminal records - Have sexual activity early



6 Kids who witness bullying are likely to: - Skip school - Have mental health problems

7  Bullying can happen during or after school hours.  Most reported school bullying happens in the school building  A good percentage of bullying happens: - On the playground - The bus - Traveling to or from school - In the neighborhood - The internet

8  Physical  Emotional  Verbal  Cyber

9  Involves hurting someone’s reputation or relationships

10  Social Isolation  Spreading Rumors  Hiding Belongings  Extortion  Intimidation  Peer Pressure  Graffiti or drawings

11  Involves hurting a person’s body or possessions

12  Hitting  Punching  Biting  Chocking  Slapping  Scratching  Destruction of property

13  Saying or writing mean things

14  Name Calling  Insults  Teasing  Aggressive use of Language  Derogatory remarks

15 BBullying that takes place using electronic technology.

16  Cell phones  Computers  Tablets/Ipads Communication Tools Include - Social media cites - Text messages - Chat - Websites

17  Kids that get cyber bullied often get bullied in person.  Kids that are cyber bullied have a harder time getting away.

18  Cyber bullying can happen at any time of the day or night.  Cyber bullying messages and images can be posted at any time or anywhere and can be distributed fast to a very wide audience.

19  Kids that are targeted from cyber bullying are most likely to: - Get poor grades - Have lower self-esteem - Skip school - Make use of alcohol and drugs

20  Teachers and parents/ guardians have a role in preventing bullying. - Talk about bullying and how to stand against it - Listen to kids, and ask “How was your day?” - Show kids how to teach others the way they would like to be treated. - Take note in the children's interest to boost confidence.

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