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QUALITY IN PRACTICE By: Sarah Klaus (OSF), Linda Biersteker (ELRU) & Lynette Okengo (OSF) Presented at the Southern Africa Regional Conference On Early.

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Presentation on theme: "QUALITY IN PRACTICE By: Sarah Klaus (OSF), Linda Biersteker (ELRU) & Lynette Okengo (OSF) Presented at the Southern Africa Regional Conference On Early."— Presentation transcript:

1 QUALITY IN PRACTICE By: Sarah Klaus (OSF), Linda Biersteker (ELRU) & Lynette Okengo (OSF) Presented at the Southern Africa Regional Conference On Early Childhood Development And Education (ECDE) 03 – 05 December 2013 Pretoria, South Africa

2 Presentation Outline  Components of quality: What works  Key implementation lessons  Examples of quality improvement  Policy implications  ISSA quality framework

3 What works ? Empirical evidence points to the importance of: A.Program design B.Supportive learning environment C.Enhanced parental support D.Strengthened capacity of practitioner E.Strengthened administration and management

4 Program Design  Dosage  Intensity  Employment of local practitioners  Program support structures  Evidence based

5 Learning Environment  Developmentally appropriate, contextually relevant and comprehensive program content  Purposefully designed play based experiences around themes  Responsive interactive support to learning  Flexible groupings of children

6 Parent Support: What Works?  Active participation of parents with a focus on skills development  Intergenerational approach  Clear expected outcomes with supervision and mentoring  Dosage and intensity  Targeting the children most in need  Caregiver wellbeing and health, education levels, cultural factors and household resources

7 Teacher Qualities  University/post secondary education qualifications  Continuous professional development  Career paths that build on skills  Motivation and basic remuneration  Reasonable workloads  Availability of support (mentorship/supervision/psychosoc ial support)

8 School Management Committees  Technical ability to manage schools  Real empowerment where the voice of the members is heard  Autonomy especially in teacher appointment  Engagement of committees in:  Establishing a clear path for pedagogical improvement  Negotiating improved working conditions for the teachers  Advocacy and action to ensure the mainstreaming of effective strategies into national systems

9 References   rc-qualitativeassessment-ecd-final_report-22- 02-10.pdf rc-qualitativeassessment-ecd-final_report-22- 02-10.pdf  ng%20about%20Learning.pdf ng%20about%20Learning.pdf  x x

10 Lessons from the Field 1  A Maths and Science improvement project in Grade R (preschool) classes in two districts Statistically significant changes over 3 years on ECERS-R and ECERS E subscales

11 Training challenges The learning environment was not established …..


13 Intervention Strategies Skills Training:  Workshops ( ½ day - 5 days)  Experiential Learning  Implementation tasks Outings Site support visits (3 per year) Learning groups



16 Lessons  Needed a good basic programme in place before maths and science teaching could improve.  Suitable maths and science activities and equipment were basis for improving those areas of the curriculum.  Small group teaching enabled facilitation of language and reasoning  Subject knowledge (especially science) is essential  The role of personal growth in providing the confidence to teach was emphasised over and over again  It takes time to internalise change

17 Lessons from the Field 2  Local and indigenous knowledge to inform ECDE programming pers-and-conferences/

18 “ Working with the community, I didn’t know they have a lot of information but today we get it. I was surprised at the level of participation from people in the sessions, they were not shy but spoke, did everything.” “It was important to me because of family empowerment, working directly with caregivers, finding how to involve grannies.” “To understand the community I am working with is important because of our outreach programmes, understanding the values as well as the culture.” Current OSISA research with HSRC focusing on local knowledge to inform programming and advocacy

19 Possible Elements of a Quality Improvement System  Develop differentiated indicators for adequate, good and excellent for all types of ECDE service  On registration ECDE service assessed (including parent input) and enters quality improvement programme with improvement plan  District level mentoring & support (workshops, support groups)  Service provider: self assessment process and regular reflections on practice  Service & practitioner accreditation to stimulate ongoing improvement  Periodic programme evaluations linked to child outcomes All of this has to be supported by a process to improve wages & working conditions of practitioners

20 ISSA Principles of Quality Pedagogy  An international framework for early childhood systems, aiming to improve the quality of learning and children’s well-being, especially for those from vulnerable groups  A policy framework defining child-centred quality pedagogy in services for children 3 to 10 years of age  Are based on latest research on quality pedagogy, and aligned with international trends and policy documents  Accompanied by instruments for building learning communities, improving teacher practices and guiding professional development policies

21 The Framework: 7 Focus Areas, 20 Principles, 85 Indicators

22 Outcomes for Children Outcomes for Children Outcomes for Children Interactions Family and Community Inclusion, Diversity, and the Values of Democracy Professional Development Learning Environment Teaching Strategies Assessment and Planning Focus Areas of Teaching Practice

23 Thank you for your attention

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