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Published byVincent Maxwell Modified over 9 years ago
Prof. Anna Moreno Energy Efficiency Unit Training and Information
The certification schema based on the ISO and the CEN guide 14 for mutual recognition European policies for the qualification/certification of all the workers in the field of RES and EE Prof. Anna Moreno Energy Efficiency Unit Training and Information
Content The meaning of «certification»
ISO standard for certification bodies CEN 14 guide on certification of professionals Art. 14 of the European Directive 28 on the promotion of Renewable Energies Sources (RES) DIRECTIVE 2012/27/EU OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 25 October 2012 on energy efficiency The European Build Up Skills Initiative to promote qualification of all the workers involved in energy efficiency of buildings
Content The meaning of «certification»
ISO standard for certification bodies CEN 14 guide on certification of professionals Art. 14 of the European Directive 28 on the promotion of Renewable Energies Sources (RES) DIRECTIVE 2012/27/EU OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 25 October 2012 on energy efficiency The European Build Up Skills Initiative to promote qualification of all the workers involved in energy efficiency of buildings
The meaning of certification
First part declaration Self declaration of conformance to requirements Example: Plumber, electricians, etc. Second part declaration Declaration of conformance to requirements of an organization Example: the producer which qualify the installers Third part declaration Declaration of conformance to requirements defined by interested parties Example: a legal entity not selling/ training/ providing services in the specific field
The ISO/IEC standard ISO/IEC standard was released in 2003 to harmonize the personnel certification process worldwide. The issues that ISO tackles can be summarized as: Defining what it is you examine (the competencies) Knowledge, skills and personal attributes possessed by the person Independency of the examination Examination performed with a valid test of competence where competency is typically described as “the demonstrated ability to apply knowledge, skills and attributes”.
Content of the ISO 17024 standard for the accreditation of certification body for personnel
Requirements for certification bodies Certification body Organizational structure Organizational arrangements Structure Impartiality/independence Training Appeals and complaints Development and maintenance of a certification scheme Management system Records Confidentiality Security Requirements for persons Employee or persons contracted by a certification body Requirements for examiners Certification process Evaluation Decision on certification Surveillance Recertification Use of certificates and logos/marks
Why to use an accredited system
Accreditation reduces risk for business and its customers by assuring them that accredited bodies are competent to carry out the work they undertake Accreditation bodies which are members of the International Accreditation Forum (IAF), are required to operate at the highest standard and must comply with appropriate international standards. Accreditations granted by accreditation body members of the IAF Multilateral Recognition Arrangement based on regular surveillance to assure the equivalence of their accreditation programs, allows companies and persons with an accredited conformity assessment certificate in one part of the world to have that certificate recognized everywhere else in the world. Therefore certificates in the fields of management systems, products, services, persons and other similar programs of conformity assessment issued by bodies accredited by members of the IAF MLA are relied upon in international trade.
Who can become an accredited body
ISO/IEC certification bodies can be part of government, or government departments, and they will be deemed to be legal entities on the basis of their governmental status. Such bodies’ status and structure shall be formally documented and the bodies shall comply with all the requirements of ISO/IEC Private entity can be certification body.
The requirements for being a certification body
The certification body shall be in a position to manage, control and be responsible for the performance of all its resources and maintain comprehensive records controlling the suitability of all the staff it uses in particular areas, whether they are employees, employed on contract or provided by external bodies. The certification body should be responsible for ensuring that neither related bodies, nor sub-contractors, nor external examiners operate in breach of the undertakings that they have given. It should also be responsible for implementing appropriate corrective action in the event that such a breach is identified.
The trasparency of the certification process
Information regarding education and training may be provided in literature by the certification body if they are used as pre-requisites for being eligible for certification or part of an examination preparation booklet. All known education and training prerequisites related to the certification scheme should be listed and publicly available. However, nothing should be said or indicated by a certification body that would suggest that certification would be simpler, easier or less expensive if any specified education/training services were used. Where the certification body provides certification and education/training services, it shall ensure that no impression is given that the use of both services would bring any advantage to the applicant, so that the certification process remains, and is seen to remain, impartial.
The impartiality of certification bodies
Certification bodies shall demonstrate how they manage their certification business and any other activities so as to eliminate actual conflict of interest and minimize any identified risk to impartiality. The demonstration shall cover all potential sources of conflict of interest, whether they arise from within the certification body or from the activities of related bodies. Accreditation bodies will expect certification bodies to open these processes for audit. This may include, to the extent practicable and justified, pursuit of audit trails, to review records of both the certification body and its related body for the activity under consideration. In considering the extent of such audit trails, account should be taken of the certification body’s history of impartial certification. If evidence of failure to maintain impartiality is found, there may be a need to extend the audit trail back into related bodies to provide assurance that control over potential conflicts of interest has been re-established.
The international certification system for training
International Auditor and Training Certification Association Certification Bodies Training centers National representatives
Certified once and accepted everywhere www. iaf. nu and www
Certified once and accepted everywhere and 59 countries all over the world have a certification body are members of IAF Accreditation is the independent evaluation of conformity assessment bodies against recognised standards to ensure their impartiality and competence. Through the application of national and international standards, government, procurers and consumers can have confidence in the calibration and test results, inspection reports and certifications provided
Content The meaning of «certification»
ISO standard for certification bodies CEN 14 guide on certification of professionals DIRECTIVE 2012/27/EU OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 25 October 2012 on energy efficiency Art. 14 of the European Directive 28 on the promotion of Renewable Energies Sources (RES) The European Build Up Skills Initiative to promote qualification of all the workers involved in energy efficiency of buildings
The CEN guide The Guide is intended to help standard writers to express requirements on qualification of professions / personnel, in a clear and uniformed way and to be able to assess and facilitate potential new initiatives on Qualification of Professions and Personnel in an efficient and coherent way in the European market. The standardization process is composed by two phases: pre-normative phase (presumably covered by the first pillar) and standard drafting phase (which could be covered with pillar two)
Three standards for a modular approach
It should be borne in mind that two environments exist, the compulsory one (National legislation) and the voluntary one (standardisation). the standards that mainly specify professionalism focusing on competence; the standards that mainly define the tasks to be performed; the standards that mainly provide specifications on assessment of competence.
The main steps Defining the standard scope, title and contents
Providing terms and definitions Identifying the elements to be dealt with in the standard - Instructions for use of the modular template A clause named "Principle" should provide explanation about the methodological approach the qualification of professions / personnel standard is based on.
Content The meaning of «certification»
ISO standard for certification bodies CEN 14 guide on certification of professionals Art. 14 of the European Directive 28 on the promotion of Renewable Energies Sources (RES) DIRECTIVE 2012/27/EU OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 25 October 2012 on energy efficiency The European Build Up Skills Initiative to promote qualification of all the workers involved in energy efficiency of buildings
DIRECTIVE 2009/28/EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL 23 April 2009 on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources Article 1 Subject matter and scope This Directive establishes a common framework for the promotion of energy from renewable sources. It sets mandatory national targets for the overall share of energy from renewable sources in gross final consumption of energy and for the share of energy from renewable sources in transport. It lays down rules relating to statistical transfers between Member States, joint projects between Member States and with third countries, guarantees of origin, administrative procedures, information and training, and access to the electricity grid for energy from renewable sources. It establishes sustainability criteria for biofuels and bioliquids.
Article 14 Information and training
Member States shall ensure that information on support measures is made available to all relevant actors, such as consumers, builders, installers, architects, and suppliers of heating, cooling and electricity equipment and systems and of vehicles compatible with the use of energy from renewable sources. Member States shall ensure that information on the net benefits, cost and energy efficiency of equipment and systems for the use of heating, cooling and electricity from renewable energy sources is made available either by the supplier of the equipment or system or by the national competent authorities.
Article 14 Information and training
Member States shall ensure that certification schemes or equivalent qualification schemes become or are available by31 December 2012 for installers of small-scale biomass boilers and stoves, solar photovoltaic and solar thermal systems, shallow geothermal systems and heat pumps. Those schemes may take into account existing schemes and structures as appropriate, and shall be based on the criteria laid down in Annex IV. Each Member State shall recognise certification awarded by other Member States in accordance with those criteria. Member States shall make available to the public information on certification schemes or equivalent qualification schemes as referred to in paragraph 3. Member States may also make available the list of installers who are qualified or certified in accordance with the provisions referred to in paragraph 3.
Article 14 Information and training
Member States shall ensure that guidance is made available to all relevant actors, notably for planners and architects so that they are able properly to consider the optimal combination of renewable energy sources, of high-efficiency technologies and of district heating and cooling when planning, designing, building and renovating industrial or residential areas. Member States, with the participation of local and regional authorities, shall develop suitable information, awareness-raising, guidance or training programmes in order to inform citizens of the benefits and practicalities of developing and using energy from renewable sources.
Content The meaning of «certification»
ISO standard for certification bodies CEN 14 guide on certification of professionals Art. 14 of the European Directive 28 on the promotion of Renewable Energies Sources (RES) DIRECTIVE 2012/27/EU OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 25 October 2012 on energy efficiency The European Build Up Skills Initiative to promote qualification of all the workers involved in energy efficiency of buildings
DIRECTIVE 2012/27/EU OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 25 October 2012 on energy efficiency Art.16 Where a Member State considers that the national level of technical competence, objectivity and reliability is insufficient, it shall ensure that, by 31 December 2014, certification and/or accreditation schemes and/or equivalent qualification schemes, including, where necessary, suitable training programmes, become or are available for providers of energy services, energy audits, energy managers and installers of energy-related building elements as defined in Article 2(9) of Directive 2010/31/EU.
Art.16: Availability of qualification, accreditation and certification schemes
2. Member States shall ensure that the schemes referred to in paragraph 1 provide transparency to consumers, are reliable and contribute to national energy efficiency objectives. 3. Member States shall make publicly available the certification and/or accreditation schemes or equivalent qualification schemes referred to in paragraph 1 and shall cooperate among themselves and with the Commission on comparisons between, and recognition of, the schemes. Member States shall take appropriate measures to make consumers aware of the availability of qualification and/or certification schemes in accordance with Article 18(1).
Art. 17: Information and training
1. Member States shall ensure that information on available energy efficiency mechanisms and financial and legal frameworks is transparent and widely disseminated to all relevant market actors, such as consumers, builders, architects, engineers, environmental and energy auditors, and installers of building elements as defined in Directive 2010/31/EU. Member States shall encourage the provision of information to banks and other financial institutions on possibilities of participating, including through the creation of public/private partnerships, in the financing of energy efficiency improvement measures.
Article 17: Information and training
2. Member States shall establish appropriate conditions for market operators to provide adequate and targeted information and advice to energy consumers on energy efficiency. 3. The Commission shall review the impact of its measures to support the development of platforms, involving, inter alia, the European social dialogue bodies in fostering training programmes for energy efficiency, and shall bring forward further measures if appropriate. The Commission shall encourage European social partners in their discussions on energy efficiency. 4. Member States shall, with the participation of stakeholders, including local and regional authorities, promote suitable information, awareness-raising and training initiatives to inform citizens of the benefits and practicalities of taking energy efficiency improvement measures. 5. The Commission shall encourage the exchange and wide dissemination of information on best energy efficiency practices in Member States.
Content The meaning of «certification»
ISO standard for certification bodies CEN 14 guide on certification of professionals Art. 14 of the European Directive 28 on the promotion of Renewable Energies Sources (RES) DIRECTIVE 2012/27/EU OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 25 October 2012 on energy efficiency The European Build Up Skills Initiative to promote qualification of all the workers involved in energy efficiency of buildings
EU BuildUpSkills initiative unites national forces to increase the number of qualified “blue collar”
BUILD UP Skills is an EU Initiative to improve the qualification and skills of 30 European countries building workers which are essential to build, equip and renovate buildings of high energy performance. BUILD UP Skills has brought together all relevant stakeholders in national platforms to exchange on training and qualification of the building workforce on energy-efficiency and renewable energy. A key achievement of BUILD UP Skills is the endorsement of national roadmaps pinpointing to the most important changes needed in the continuous education system of the building sector. Barriers to the training of building workers have been identified. The need for improved skills to ensure significant energy savings in buildings has been quantified and priority measures for the up-skill of on-site construction workers have been identified. Based on agreed national roadmaps the BUILD UP Skills Initiative will support the introduction or upgrade of concrete qualification schemes on regional, national and multi-national level.
The EU web site:
The expectation by the EU
Different stakeholders have contributed to the national roadmap
Research centers Producers Installers and installers associations Designers Ministries Training center Trainers Certification bodies Regions
The Italian roadmap to fulfill the EU directives requirements
Upgrading the National Qualification Framework Awareness campaign and acceptance activity Training careres development Didactical resources National reference normative development Financial measures Implementation of the courses Internazionalization
Updating the National Qualification Framework
Updating of National Qualification Framework based on the Memorandum of Understanding ECVET prepared by the Tuscany Region and related to the qualification of the work force needed for energy efficiency and renewable energies plants in the Italian building construction. Set up a working group to define the credits to be assigned to competences gained in non-formal and informal training. by the workers, as foreseen in the legal degree of Welfare Ministry n.13 of The working group will have to consider the Build up skills project outcome. Alignment of Regional Qualification System to the National and European Qualification Framework by identifying each competence and by assigning VET credits using the ECVET model both for RES installers as well as EPBD operators. Social initiative to align the National VET system to the needs of the refurbishment of buildings for energy efficiency. establish the minimum requirements of specific competences necessary for the mutual recognition. To open public-private partnership to recognize the competences gained in non-formal and informal training To implement a National Certification System (NCS) to recognize the competences gained in non-formal and informal context. Continuous update of the NCS
Awareness campaign and acceptance activity
“Official communication” to reiterate the contents of COMMUNICATION FROM THE COMMISSION TO THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND THE COUNCIL COM(2012) 433 Strategy for the sustainable competitiveness of the construction sector and its enterprises. In this communication there should be explicit reference to European Build up skills initiative by inviting the key actors to implement the Italian roadmap. Information campaign on RES and EPBD Directive and the importance of the use of skilled labour to ensure returns on investment on energy efficiency and use of renewable sources of energy
Training careers development
Evaluation of the Build up skills Italy project with the aim of extending the initiative to other categories of construction professionals and other qualifications required because of the introduction of new technologies in the energy field to be developed at national and / or European level Pilot training courses for trainers Development of a strategy for training programs aimed at updating and developing new work forces needed by the market. The next ESF programming period should be used for this purpose. Start of partnerships for education and training at national and regional level to respond to current and emerging needs of the construction industry, particularly in the area of ICT Identification of new professionals starting from the results of the actual training evaluation Anticipate the needs of the markets participating in the development of European policies and promoting the identification of training of professional figures for the next decade. Evaluation of the training carried out by public funds on national and regional level and suggestion for any corrective actions
Didactical resources Creation / updating of basic and specific e-learning courses for the different RES technologies and BPED to be made freely available for all workers and / or vocational training centres on the website Joint initiatives for the development of educational materials and / or simulators to support the public regional / national education system Development / upgrading of laboratories of vocational training centres Updating of teaching materials developed at regional / national level
National reference normative development
Activation of the UNI standardization process to the professional figures not yet standardized. the process will start with the qualification schemes referred to in the preceding paragraph and based on the law No. 4 of 2013. Proposal for a practice of reference for the training of trainers to use, on a voluntary basis by persons who provide training in both the public and private sectors. Development of a unique voluntary model for the accreditation of educational institutions that wish to carry out courses for RES and EPBD workers by identifying the minimum requirements and the rules of maintenance, including the availability of laboratories and teaching equipment Development of the UNI for all the professional figures not normed and requested by the RES Directive and EPBD Publication and periodic review of UNI related to RES and EPBD workers not yet standardized and proposal for EN standards
Financial measures Analysis of various financial and legislative instruments at regional, national and EU level to promote energy efficiency and renewable energy in buildings Introduction of a reward system in the case of the assignment of public works in favour of companies that work with skilled workers Estimate more ESF actions including training of trainers, the development of innovative teaching tools, certification of credits acquired in non-formal and informal pilot training in construction site. Provide a system of incentives for energy efficiency measures for companies that employ skilled workers
Implementation of the courses
Courses developed in the three-year and four-year programs Refresher courses carried out by accredited structures of the regions with public funds or with fondimpresa / fondartigianto Training of trainers and their annual update Validation of credits acquired in non-formal and informal context
Removal of obstacles to the free movement of workers in Italy and Europe Develop cooperation with Mediterranean countries within the "Mediterranean Solar Plan" promoting the model of national capacity building in order to help enterprises to penetrate the market of these countries with their own technologies.
Contacts Anna Moreno Tel. + 39 06 3048 6474
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