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Develop Framework Library Self Study Strategic Directions & Prep of Self-study Report External Review & Report Final Report to Provost & Associate Provost,

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Presentation on theme: "Develop Framework Library Self Study Strategic Directions & Prep of Self-study Report External Review & Report Final Report to Provost & Associate Provost,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Develop Framework Library Self Study Strategic Directions & Prep of Self-study Report External Review & Report Final Report to Provost & Associate Provost, Resources Library Review Feb. 8 Update July – Sept. 2011 Oct. 2011 – April 2012 May – June 2012 Summer 2012 Fall 2012

2 Agenda for today Stages in the Library Review Self-study The Retreat Working Groups Call for further participation Discussion

3 The Library Review Due diligence Engaging with each other Engaging with our users Building on strengths Strategic & forward looking

4 Annual planning & priorities process Aligning our resources with our strategic directions Integrating with campus directions & plans Note: activities happening in tandem The Library Review sets the stage for

5 Strategic Directions & Prep of Self-study Report (May – June 2012) Reports from Working Groups as backdrops Development of 4-6 strategic directions Preparation of overall self- study report Preparation for external review

6 Department and Committee Self Studies October – December 2011 Inventory of activity and services SWOT analysis based on inventory Alignment of activities and SWOT with self- study themes Reports prepared Synthesizing of Reports December 2011 – February 2012 Retreat to synthesize data from Dept. and Committee self studies Develop and define work groups based on key themes Synthesis report with next steps prepared for early January Working groups February – May 2012 Establish working groups Engage with stakeholders & users Preparation of reports Library Self Study

7 The Retreat



10 Retreat activities Mission Statement exercise

11 Retreat activities Mission Statement exercise Library’s journey and trends

12 Retreat activities Mission Statement exercise Library’s journey and trends Visioning activity –“What do we want the Library to be and be doing in 5 years?”

13 Retreat activities Mission Statement exercise Library’s journey and trends Visioning activity Obstacles

14 Retreat activities Mission Statement exercise Library’s journey and trends Visioning activity Obstacles Areas to explore

15 11 “Areas to Explore” Defining & promoting the Library through engagement with our community Exploring partnerships: opportunities and issues Ongoing assessment Partnering to advance student success Space

16 “Areas to Explore” (cont’d) Encouraging & resourcing staff creativity Exploring internal communication & decision-making Resource allocation & processes Skills training and communication Technologies for success Create our story and tell it!

17 Synthesis Original self-study themes were “validated” –Advancing research & scholarship –Enabling student success –Engaging with our users –New skills for new times –New spaces for new times

18 Synthesis (cont’d.) Library services to satellite campuses and users Engaging with our users Capacity & infrastructure issues “Create our story and tell it!”

19 Working Groups Advancing Research and Scholarship –Jane Forgay & Jennifer Haas Enabling Student Success –Eva Dodsworth & Kathy MacDonald New Skills for New Times –Alison Hitchens & Jamie Reilly New Spaces for New Times –Sharon Lamont & Scott Nicoll

20 Working Groups plus! Data Support Group –Annie Bélanger Communications coordination: “Create our story & tell it!” –Nancy Collins Administrative support coordination –Annette Dandyk

21 Working Groups – Terms of Ref. The Library’s current strengths Environmental external scan Engage with stakeholders/users Future opportunities Identify challenges & gaps Consistency with campus directions Relationship to other campus activities

22 Groups – participation Call for expressions of interest By or before noon Wed. Feb. 15 th Indicate why you are interested & what you bring to the process Be prepared to contribute & devote focused time in and outside of meetings within a tight timeframe

23 Develop Framework Library Self Study Strategic Directions & Prep of Self-study Report External Review & Report Final Report to Provost & Associate Provost, Resources Discussion July – Sept. 2011 Oct. 2011 – April 2012 May – June 2012 Summer 2012 Fall 2012

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