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Autumn Rhythm, 1950, (oil on canvas, 105 in x 207 in.), Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.

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Presentation on theme: "Autumn Rhythm, 1950, (oil on canvas, 105 in x 207 in.), Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York."— Presentation transcript:

1 Autumn Rhythm, 1950, (oil on canvas, 105 in x 207 in.), Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

2 Pollock, Autumn Rhythm (Number 30), 1950, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, detail

3 Left: Pollock, The Moon Woman, 1942 (oil on canvas, 175.2 x 109.3 cm), Guggenheim Museum, New York Right: Picasso, detail of Guernica, 1937 (oil on canvas, 349.3 x 776.6 cm), Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, Madrid

4 Full Fathom Five, 1947, (oil on canvas with nails, tacks, buttons, key, coins, cigarettes, matches, etc., 1.29 x.76 m), The Museum of Modern Art, New York

5 Number 1A, 1948, (oil and enamel on canvas, 1.73 x 2.64 m), The Museum of Modern Art, New York

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