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A Tour of Visual Basic BACS 287. Early History of Basic Beginners All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code -- 1963 An “Interpreted” teaching language English-like.

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Presentation on theme: "A Tour of Visual Basic BACS 287. Early History of Basic Beginners All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code -- 1963 An “Interpreted” teaching language English-like."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Tour of Visual Basic BACS 287

2 Early History of Basic Beginners All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code -- 1963 An “Interpreted” teaching language English-like syntax Originally unstructured Relatively slow execution Easy to learn and use

3 BACS 287 Modern Basic Several generations (GW-Basic, QuickBasic, QBasic... Visual Basic) Structured, interpreted language Compiled executables Object-Oriented Based upon GUI forms Relatively easy to learn Somewhat slow execution (compared to some other languages)

4 BACS 287 Visual Basic Strengths Relatively easy to learn Rapid Application Development (RAD) Easy maintenance Can be combined with other tools (C#, Access, SQL Server,...) Is becoming an industry standard Can be used to create advanced integrated applications

5 BACS 287 Visual Basic Weaknesses Has some technical limitations that make it less suitable for professional applications than other languages Tends to create code that is not as efficient as can be created with other languages

6 BACS 287 Parts of the Screen Menu Bar Tool Bar Tool Box Solution explorer Class View window Form(s) Properties window Form designer window

7 BACS 287 Steps in Building a VB Program Plan what you want to do – Pseudocode – Flowchart Build the program – Create the Interface – Set the Properties – Write the Code Test & debug Distribute & Support

8 BACS 287 Details on “Building the Program” The interface defines the interaction between the user and the program The properties determine how the controls (objects) act to events Code is procedural logic that tells the computer to do things when events happen

9 BACS 287 Details on “Building the Program Code can be stored: – Associated with control events – “Behind the form” – In stand-alone code modules For now, think of the code as a way to modify the default functionality of controls

10 BACS 287 Form Design Basics Simple is better – Do not overuse graphics – Avoid overuse of 3D effects – Use logical icons where appropriate Be contestant – Buttons (size, color, text, function,…) – Layout – Color scheme – Prompts,...

11 BACS 287 Form Design Basics Layout data logically – Top-to-bottom – Left-to-right – Group logically related items – Use blank space effectively Layout controls logically – Put like controls together – Segregate “dangerous” controls – Use frame containers for visual connection

12 BACS 287 Form Design Basics Use the proper control for the task – Option buttons for mutually exclusive – Check buttons when several possible – Read-only list box when selection limited,... Use form space wisely – Drop-down combo boxes – Drop-down list boxes – Scrolling grid boxes – Tab control for multi-forms,...

13 BACS 287 Form Design Basics Use color wisely – Gray and pastel colors for backgrounds – Use bright colors sparingly – Do not use color where it is not needed Make form flow logical – Available options should be logical – Complex menu selections should be avoided

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