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Faith in the Grace and Care of Our Lord Psalm 23:1-6.

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Presentation on theme: "Faith in the Grace and Care of Our Lord Psalm 23:1-6."— Presentation transcript:

1 Faith in the Grace and Care of Our Lord Psalm 23:1-6

2 For several years most of us have recited Psalm 23 without deliberating on the deep truths that are embedded in it. It is not just a psalm to be recited absent mindedly; it is rich with truths that will give us confidence in hard times

3 The LORD Hebrews - Jehovah, El Shaddai – Almighty - Exodus 6:3 The Most High –Psalm 83:18 The Rock eternal Greek – Kurios (Supreme Authority) He is Jesus, the good Shepherd - John 10:14

4 . It is a personal psalm- the LORD is my Shepherd

5 Provider I SHALL NOT WANT Psalm 23:1-2a, 5-6 Psalm 34:10 Philippians 4:19

6 What the Shepherd Does He provides vs. 1-2a, 4-5 He guides vs. 2b,3b He protects vs. 4

7 Provider It is not only that I do not want, but I shall not want. Come what may…I shall not want Famine may devastate the land…I shall not want. I live under The Blessing! Calamity may destroy the city…I shall not want. I live under His shelter! Pestilence or diseases may take over the whole earth…. I shall not be in want of good health

8 Provider There may be uproar in the north, south, east and west of me, but I shall not be in want of peace, because the word of the Lord tells me that MY Shepherd is the Prince of Peace. Halleluyah!

9 Provider He makes (enables) me to lie down in green pastures- not to walk through it, or visit it once in a while

10 Guide HE LEADS US Psalm 23: 2b, 3, John 10:3,1Thess.4:7 The Christian life is not only that of laying down by the pastures, eating like babies, but we are on a journey towards perfection and MY Shepherd leads me on that journey along the path of righteousness

11 Guide Why does the Lord guide us? His Name is on the line for us Psalm 23: 3b He is faithful and Good to His children, those who love Him John 14:15

12 Guide How does the Lord lead or guide us? 1. By His Word: written and spoken - vs. 2b (Quiet Waters) 2 Tim 3:16, Psalm 119:89, 99-100, 105, 130 2. By His Spirit- Romans 8:14, John 16:12 3. By His Peace- Isaiah 55:12

13 Protection Points to Consider Psalm 23: 4-5 When there is a shadow, there is light around that exposes the shadow- Jesus is the light. John 12:46 Only babies are afraid of the shadow The shadow of a dog cannot bite, nor the shadow of a serpent sting. The shadow of a sword cannot kill.

14 Protection Points to Consider walk through the valley; do not abide there Abide by the green pastures, not in the valley. The valley will only lead you to the mountain top only if you keep moving.

15 How does He protect? Psalm 23: 4-5 His Rod and His Staff His Word and His authority Speak His word to your situation 1.Stay under His authority - Psalm 91:1

16 He PREPARES a table for me, Psalm 103:1-5 1 Cor.2:9-12..access to spiritual things is only by the spirit it is my responsibility to feed Goodness and Mercy Abide in His presence-Psalm 91

17 John 10:14 This psalm is only for the sheep of the shepherd Is this good Shepherd your shepherd? Does He know you as His sheep? John 10:14 A sheep must have a relationship with the shepherd. The sheep must always follow the Shepherd

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