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CELLULAR COMMUNICATIONS DSP Intro. Signals: quantization and sampling.

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2 Signals: quantization and sampling

3 Signals are everywhere  Encode speech signal (audio compression)  Transfer encode signals using RF signal (modulation)  Detect antenna signal  Pack several calls into a single RF signal from the antenna (multiple access)  Improve faded signal (equalization)  Adjust transmitted signal power to save battery

4 What is signal?  Continuous signal  Real valued-function of time x=x(t), t=0 is now, t<0 is the past  Can’t work with it in the computer  But easy to analyze  Discrete signal  A sequence s=s(n), n=0 is now  Values are quantized (e.g. 256 possible values)  Need a time scale: n=1 is 1ms, n=2 is 2 ms etc.  Can process by computer (finite portion a time)

5 Discrete signal from continuous  Sampling  Sample value of a continuous signal every fixed time interval  Quantization  Represent the sampled value using fixed number of levels (N=255)

6 Example:sampling 

7 Example

8 Frequency Domain

9 *almost* any wave from sine waves

10 Frequency domain  Can decompose *almost* every signal into sum of sinusoids multiplied by a *weight*  Frequently domain=*weights* of sinusoids  Example:  Upper case letter for frequency domain  X(0)=0,X(1)=1,X(2)=0.4,X(3)=0  X is the spectrum of x

11 Example: Sawtooth Frequency Domain X(k)=1/k

12 Spectrum of sawtooth

13 Example: Box X(n)=1/n (n is odd), X(n)=0 (n is even)

14 Spectrum of a linear combination  Spectrum of x1+x2 is  Spectrum of x1+  Spectrum of x2

15 Frequency Domain  *Almost* every good periodic function can be represented by  Two series (numbers) describe the function  Recall Taylor expansion (polynomial base)  Discreet Fourier Transform takes function and gives it’s Fourier representation  Inverse DFT….

16 Representing Fourier Series  Coefficient of cosines and sinus  Cosine amplitude and phase  Still two series, not convenient

17 Complex Representation  Goal: single series. Trick: complex numbers  Euler identity  Negative frequency  Complex conjugate:  Two complex coefficients  Complex coefficients represent real signal

18 DFT summary  Can go back and forth from time-domain to frequency domain representation  Can be computed efficiently (FFT)  Signal Power in frequency and time domain (Parseval theorem)

19 Sampling theorem

20 Periodic Sampling  Discrete signals are obtained from continuous signals (acoustic/speech, RF) by sampling magnitude every fixed time period  How much should sampling period be for obtaining a good idea about the signal  Too much samples: need more CPU, power, clock etc.

21 Ambiguity problem

22 Ambiguity  Sample Frequency:   Digital sequence representing also represent infinitely many other sinusoids

23 Aliasing  Suppose our signal is composed of sinusoids from 1kHz to 4KHz (with varying weights)  At sampling rate of 5 kHz we can discard 1kHz+5kHz and 4+5kHz as we know that signal has only up to 5kHz  At sampling rate of 2kHz we can distinguish between 1kHz and 3kHz which both are possible

24 Ambiguity in frequency domain

25 Nyquist sampling frequency  Signal band  Avoid aliasing  Nyquist sampling frequency  Maximum frequency without aliasing

26 Sampling low pass signals  A signal is within the known band of interest  But contains some noise with higher frequencies (above Nyquist frequency)  Spectrum of digital signal will be corrupted

27 Low Pass Filter

28 Time vs. Frequency Domain

29 Spectrum of the pulse

30 Time vs. Frequency  Short pulse in time domain->wide spectrum

31 Power Spectral Density(PSD)

32 PSD and Separation of signals

33 Discrete systems

34 Discrete System  Example:

35 Operation with signals  Can add and subtract two signal  Graphical representation

36 Summation

37 Linear Systems  Simple but powerful  Easy to implement

38 Example  Example 1Hz+3Hz sine waves

39 Frequency domain vs. Time Domain  Analyze a discrete system in time domain  What it does to the sequence x(n)  Analyze a discrete system in frequency domain  What it does to the spectrum Change in coefficient of various sinusoids of a signal

40 Example:1Hz+3Hz

41 Nonlinear Example: 1Hz+3Hz f(x1+x2)!=f(x1)+f(x2)

42 Non-linear systems  Might introduce additional sinusoids not present in input  Results from interaction between input sinusoids  Difficult to analyze  Sometimes are used in practice  We stick to linear systems for a while

43 Time-Invariant Systems  Has no absolute clock  Example:

44 Example

45 Unit Time Delay

46 Time-Delay  Feasible system can’t look into a future  at n=0 can’t produce x’(0)=y(4)  only at n=4, can output x’(0)=y(4)

47 LTI: Linear Time Invariant  LTI is easy to analyze and build. Will focus on them

48 Analyzing LTI systems

49 LTI systems  Linear  Time-Invariant  Recall linear algebra  A vector space has basis vectors  Linear operator completely defined by its behavior on basis vectors  LTI need to specify only on a single basis vector

50 Vector Space of Signals  Shifted Unit Impulse(SUI) signal  Basis for representation of the digital signals

51 SUI are a basis

52 Representation

53 Impulse response  For time invariants systems  For linear systems

54 Finite Impulse Response  Filter  Impulse response

55 Infinite Impulse Response

56 Convolution with Finite Impulse  Change Index

57 LTI system  The output of the LTI system is the result of the convolution between the input and the impulse response

58 Convolution

59 Convolution in Frequency Domain  x(t), y(t) are signals  X(f), Y(f) are their spectrum  What is the spectrum C(f) of  Convolution theorem C=X*Y (multiplication)  Convolution in the time domain===Multiplication in the frequency domain

60 What LTI does to a signal  Y=X*H  Dump some sinusoids (|H(f)|<1)  Boost other sinusoids (|H(f)|>1)  Change phase of some sinusoids  Never adds sinusoids that does not existed in the input signal

61 Example: Moving average

62 Example: 3 points weighted

63 Example: simple avg,more points

64 Magic 16 points filter

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