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Security Systems BU Communication Systems ST/SEU-CO 1 DCN SA SD Technology 16.11.2001 The DCN Technology  Full Digital Audio and Data transport and processing.

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Presentation on theme: "Security Systems BU Communication Systems ST/SEU-CO 1 DCN SA SD Technology 16.11.2001 The DCN Technology  Full Digital Audio and Data transport and processing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Security Systems BU Communication Systems ST/SEU-CO 1 DCN SA SD Technology 16.11.2001 The DCN Technology  Full Digital Audio and Data transport and processing. To prepare Audio-signals and control Data-signals on one cable we design special Custom Built Integrated circuits.  PRAEDIC (PRofessional Audio Encoder / Decoder Integrated Circuit) Is a single chip bitstream AD converter / multibit DA converter with digital filters and supporting amplifiers. I&O Manual

2 Security Systems BU Communication Systems ST/SEU-CO 2 DCN SA SD Technology 16.11.2001 Audio Communication Network  ACN-1 (Audio Communication Network-1) Is a Slave Protocol Transceiver located in all active DCN- units Receiving single-channel downlink Audio-data and Control-data Transmits single-channel uplink Audio-data and Control-data.  ACN-2 Is a Master Protocol Transceiver located only in the CCU Transmits multi-channel downlink Audio-data and Control-data Receives multi-channel uplink Audio-data and Control-data from all the slaves.

3 Security Systems BU Communication Systems ST/SEU-CO 3 DCN SA SD Technology 16.11.2001 Audio Communication Network  ACN-3 Is a Slave Protocol receiver, located only in the passive DCN-units like the program selector receives multi-channel downlink Audio-data and Control-data only.

4 Security Systems BU Communication Systems ST/SEU-CO 4 DCN SA SD Technology 16.11.2001 µProc. FLASH EPROM FLASH EPROM RAM DSP ACN-2 Central Control Unit (CCU) TCB (4) ACN-1 - up/down link ACN-2 - up/down link ACN-3 - downlink only NetworkcablingNetworkcabling Channel selector unit ACN-3 DAC Delegate / Chairman unit (Discussion) ACN-1 PRAEDIC LBB 3510/00 Network card ACN-1 ISA bus PRAEDIC LBB 3513/00 Analog Audio Input / Output Module ACN-1 PRAEDIC Channel I/O Remote Interpretation Remote Interpretation RC LBB 3512/00 Data Distribution Board e.g. Hall Display ACN-1 µProc. RS-232 ACN-1 PRAEDIC Control Panel Control Panel RS-232 Only available in LBB3500/15 /35 RS-232 Alternative for PC with LBB 3510/00 Network card Personal Computer Personal Computer Line I/O Rec. I/O Line I/O Rec. I/O ACN-3 DAC Delegate / Chairman unit (Concentus). Interpreter Desk ACN-1 PRAEDIC Audio Communication Network

5 Security Systems BU Communication Systems ST/SEU-CO 5 DCN SA SD Technology 16.11.2001 The DCN Network Cable Network Cabling Uplink Downlink ACN 2 ACN 1 ACN 3

6 Security Systems BU Communication Systems ST/SEU-CO 6 DCN SA SD Technology 16.11.2001 ACN - Protocol  Addresses Active unit addresses 240  Delegate,Chairman,Interpreter Units Passive units addresses  Electronic Channel Selector 1(232)  Data Distribution Board 8(248..255) PC addresses 5  Network Card Control panel CCU address 1(0) Ambient microphone via 1(238)  Dual Audio Interface

7 Security Systems BU Communication Systems ST/SEU-CO 7 DCN SA SD Technology 16.11.2001 ACN - Protocol  Data Data-rate uplink and downlink 5Mbit/s Downlink status32bits/32ms Uplink status 16bits/32ms Number of data downlink channels 7 Number of data uplink channels 2

8 Security Systems BU Communication Systems ST/SEU-CO 8 DCN SA SD Technology 16.11.2001 ACN - Protocol  Capacity Capacity data downlink channel64 kbit/s Capacity data uplink channel 3(PC Interface)64 kbit/s Capacity data uplink channel 0(card reader) 128 kbit/s Initialization cycle 256 ms/unit Audio uplink channels(14 kHz bandwidth)15 Audio downlink channels(14 kHz bandwidth)15 Intercom uplink channels (3.5 kHz bandwidth) 4 (1..4) Intercom downlink channels(3.5 kHz bandwidth) 4 (1..4)

9 Security Systems BU Communication Systems ST/SEU-CO 9 DCN SA SD Technology 16.11.2001 ACN - Protocol  Maximum Capacity of Translation Channels Audio uplink channels 11(14 kHz bandwidth) Audio downlink channels 11(14 kHz bandwidth)

10 Security Systems BU Communication Systems ST/SEU-CO 10 DCN SA SD Technology 16.11.2001 Audio Coding and Quality  Coding The coding method used is the so-called 8-APCM, for 8-bit Adaptive Pulse Code Modulation. Using this method, the transmitter compresses 15 bit of audio-data to an 8-bit floating point notation with a scale factor. The receiver expands the data again to 15 bit. Compression and expansion are a part of the functionality of the ACN 1,2 & 3 chips.

11 Security Systems BU Communication Systems ST/SEU-CO 11 DCN SA SD Technology 16.11.2001 Audio Coding and Quality  Quality Frequency characteristics125 Hz - 14 kHz (*) Harmonic distortion< 0.5 % Harmonic distortion at overload< 1.0 % Signal to noise with mic on > 60 dB Crosstalk attenuation at 4 kHz> 80 dB Dynamic range> 90 dB (*) Intercom links125 Hz - 3.5 kHz

12 Security Systems BU Communication Systems ST/SEU-CO 12 DCN SA SD Technology 16.11.2001 Channel Handling Discussion / Conference systems  System with 1 Interpreter channel  System with 11 Interpreter channels  System in Mix - Minus or Insertion Mode

13 Security Systems BU Communication Systems ST/SEU-CO 13 DCN SA SD Technology 16.11.2001 System with 1 Interpreter Channel SlotDownlinkUplink 0InterpreterFloorDelegate Contribution 1 1InterpreterChannel1InterpreterChannel1 2SpareSpare 3SpareSpare 4SpareSpare 5SpareSpare 6SpareSpare 7SpareSpare 8SpareSpare 9SpareSpare 10Spare Spare 11Spare Spare 12Equalized Public Address Delegate Contribution 4 13Delegate's LoudspeakerDelegate Contribution 3 14Public AddressDelegate Contribution 2 15Intercom Channels 1..4Intercom Channels 1..4

14 Security Systems BU Communication Systems ST/SEU-CO 14 DCN SA SD Technology 16.11.2001 System with 11 Interpreter Channels SlotDownlinkUplink 0InterpreterFloorDelegate Contribution 1 1InterpreterChannel 1InterpreterChannel 1 2InterpreterChannel 2 InterpreterChannel 2 3InterpreterChannel 3 InterpreterChannel 3 4InterpreterChannel 4 InterpreterChannel 4 5InterpreterChannel 5 InterpreterChannel 5 6InterpreterChannel 6 InterpreterChannel 6 7InterpreterChannel 7 InterpreterChannel 7 8InterpreterChannel 8 InterpreterChannel 8 9InterpreterChannel 9 InterpreterChannel 9 10InterpreterChannel10 InterpreterChannel10 11InterpreterChannel11 InterpreterChannel11 12Equalized Public Address Delegate Contribution 4 13Delegate's LoudspeakerDelegate Contribution 3 14Public AddressDelegate Contribution 2 15Intercom Channels 1..4Intercom Channels 1..4

15 Security Systems BU Communication Systems ST/SEU-CO 15 DCN SA SD Technology 16.11.2001 System with 11 Interpreter Channels  Contribution Delegate Units  Contribution Interpreter Desks  Distribution Units  Line input  Recording input  Equalized Public Address Output  Delegate's Loudspeaker Output  Public Address Line- & Recording- Output  Intercom Channels 1..4 1-11 Translation Channels can be used in combination with:

16 Security Systems BU Communication Systems ST/SEU-CO 16 DCN SA SD Technology 16.11.2001 Channel overview in standard Mode CCU Mode: Standard (default) 11 Contribution Delegate Units Y Contribution Interpreter Desks Y Distribution Y Line Input Y Recording Input Y Equalized Public Address Output Y Delegate’s Loudspeaker Y Public Address Line-Output & Recording-Output Y Intercom Channels 1..4 Y

17 Security Systems BU Communication Systems ST/SEU-CO 17 DCN SA SD Technology 16.11.2001 System in Mix - Minus or Insertion Mode SlotDownlinkUplink 0InterpreterFloorDelegate Contribution 1 1InterpreterChannel 1InterpreterChannel 1 2InterpreterChannel 2 InterpreterChannel 2 3InterpreterChannel 3 InterpreterChannel 3 4InterpreterChannel 4 InterpreterChannel 4 5InterpreterChannel 5 InterpreterChannel 5 6InterpreterChannel 6 InterpreterChannel 6 7InterpreterChannel 7 InterpreterChannel 7 8InterpreterChannel 8 InterpreterChannel 8 9InterpreterChannel 9 InterpreterChannel 9 10InterpreterChannel10 InterpreterChannel10 11N.A. Mix-Minus or Insertion Ch 12Equalized Public Address Delegate Contribution 4 13Delegate's LoudspeakerDelegate Contribution 3 14Mix-Minus or Insertion Ch.Delegate Contribution 2 15Intercom Channels 1..4Intercom Channels 1..4

18 Security Systems BU Communication Systems ST/SEU-CO 18 DCN SA SD Technology 16.11.2001 System in Mix - Minus or Insertion Mode SlotDownlinkUplink 0InterpreterFloorDelegate Contribution 1 1InterpreterChannel 1InterpreterChannel 1 2InterpreterChannel 2 InterpreterChannel 2 3InterpreterChannel 3 InterpreterChannel 3 4InterpreterChannel 4 InterpreterChannel 4 5InterpreterChannel 5 InterpreterChannel 5 6InterpreterChannel 6 InterpreterChannel 6 7InterpreterChannel 7 InterpreterChannel 7 8InterpreterChannel 8 InterpreterChannel 8 9InterpreterChannel 9 InterpreterChannel 9 10InterpreterChannel10 InterpreterChannel10 11InterpreterChannel11 InterpreterChannel11 12N.A. Mix-Minus or Insertion Ch 13Delegate's LoudspeakerDelegate Contribution 3 14Mix-Minus or Insertion Ch.Delegate Contribution 2 15Intercom Channels 1..4Intercom Channels 1..4

19 Security Systems BU Communication Systems ST/SEU-CO 19 DCN SA SD Technology 16.11.2001 Channel overview CCU Mode: Mix- Minus or Insertion 1011 Contribution Delegate Units Y Y ¹ Contribution Interpreter Desks Y Y Distribution Y Y Line Input Y Y Recording Input Y Y Equalized Public Address Output Y Y Delegate’s Loudspeaker Y Y Public Address Line-Output & Recording-OutputY/ N ² Y/ N ² Intercom Channels 1..4 Y Y ² For more information select Audio Routing DCNtech SA SD Mix-Minus Mode DCNtech SA SD Mix-Minus Mode or DCNtech SA SD Insertion Mode DCNtech SA SD Insertion Mode ¹ Only possible by using the Microphone mode with max. 2 Microphones ON I&O Manual

20 Security Systems BU Communication Systems ST/SEU-CO 20 DCN SA SD Technology 16.11.2001 DCN Technology End of section  Robert Bosch GmbH All rights are reserved. Reproduction or passing on to third parties in whole or in parts is prohibited without the written consent of the copyright owner.

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