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Private and Confidential © 2011 Hydrogen for Energy – Pure and Sustainable An update from the fuel cell world Amanda Lyne, ACAL Energy, VP Strategic Business.

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Presentation on theme: "Private and Confidential © 2011 Hydrogen for Energy – Pure and Sustainable An update from the fuel cell world Amanda Lyne, ACAL Energy, VP Strategic Business."— Presentation transcript:

1 Private and Confidential © 2011 Hydrogen for Energy – Pure and Sustainable An update from the fuel cell world Amanda Lyne, ACAL Energy, VP Strategic Business Development October 2011 for SuperGen Event 1

2 Private and Confidential © 2011 Fuel cell technology is starting to penetrate niche markets $500M Today Growing to $1B in 2014, Potentially Even Faster Growth After 2015  Stationary market growing rapidly 1-5kW size for telecom back-up in emerging markets But, larger size applications beginning to accelerate  Materials handling also growing Driven largely by Plug Power, recently placed 3,000 unit order from Ballard Size range increasing, now up to 20kW  CHP continues to grow in Japan Recently nuclear problems have accelerated interest German commitment via Callux project 2 Total 1,700 Total 849 Total 462 Total 1,177 Total 3,014 Example: Ballard Yearly Unit Sales Growing Rapidly in B/U and Materials Handling

3 Private and Confidential © 2011 Global auto rollout is happening for 2015 3 Automotive demands will drive supply chain development, currently assuming initial roll out based on reformer technology

4 Private and Confidential © 2011 Move to Renewables is Creating New Opportunities for FC & Hydrogen 4

5 Private and Confidential © 2011 Global examples of small scale stationary deployment 5 Hydrogenics Date centre & UPS Dantherm Power Telecom’s back up IdaTech Telecoms back up (Liquid fuel) Altergy Telecoms Back Up

6 Private and Confidential © 2011 Fuel Cell products for CHP 6 Baxi Innotech PEM micro CHP Ene Farm PEM CHP UTC SOFC CHP systems HEXIS SOFC CFCL BlueGen SOFC

7 Private and Confidential © 2011 Fuel Cell Products – Materials Handling 7 Plug Power Gendrive Hydrogenics Nuvera

8 Private and Confidential © 2011 Challenges remain to achieve mass market take up  Cost down Mass market supply chain More cost effective durability  Re-fuelling Infrastructure For automotive & transport For niche application (packed gas logistics) For integration in renewable systems  System Integration and increased awareness Investment in innovation Reduction in development risk versus investment payback 8

9 Private and Confidential © 2011 A fundamentally lower cost, more reliable PEM Fuel Cell System FlowCath ® replaces up to 90% of the expensive platinum catalyst found in a PEM Fuel Cell with a safe, low cost, water-based catalyst solution. Which eliminates the need for membrane dehydration, has no peroxide attack, and no catalyst deactivation that leads to improved reliability and robustness At the same time it eliminates the need for humidification, air and fuel pressurization, and a separate cooling system. Provides cost savings of 40% and greater over conventional PEM Fuel Cell systems. Technology can be applied to PEM Fuel Cells from 1 to 200kW+ in size. Fuel Cell Stack Hydrogen or Reformate Fuel Proprietary Catalyst Solution Air Regenerator Air, Water Vapor, Heat Pump Blower ACAL Process Flow Diagram * PEM Fuel cells are proton exchange membrane fuel cells which are most the commonly used type for automotive and stationary power applications

10 Private and Confidential © 2011

11 First system will be installed by end of the Summer 2011 Pipeline supplied hydrogen Net 1kW (Gross 2.5kW) power for environmental remediation plant pump Uninterrupted power supply (UPS) and continuous running duty cycles Subsequent units in the planning stage

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