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Featured Carnivores Based on Terrarium System Ohio University CS456/556 Fall, 2002 Chris Walsh Derek Stacey Don Finley Jeff Renshaw Libo cao Advisor: Chang.

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Presentation on theme: "Featured Carnivores Based on Terrarium System Ohio University CS456/556 Fall, 2002 Chris Walsh Derek Stacey Don Finley Jeff Renshaw Libo cao Advisor: Chang."— Presentation transcript:

1 Featured Carnivores Based on Terrarium System Ohio University CS456/556 Fall, 2002 Chris Walsh Derek Stacey Don Finley Jeff Renshaw Libo cao Advisor: Chang Liu

2 Section 1 Team Member Introduction

3 Ohio University Team Member Introduction Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) Microsoft Certified Professional at Internet (MCPI) Microsoft Certified System Engineer (MCSE) Research Assistant for American Army Experienced in C++, Visual Studio Programming, Matlab, LabVIEW PhD in Chemistry MS in Math - Computer Science Libo Cao

4 Ohio University Team Member Introduction Diverse Knowledge of Programming Languages and Computing Platforms Interned at Nationwide in Columbus Adapt to the.Net Platform and Excel it in. BS in Computer Science Derek Stacey

5 Ohio University Team Member Introduction Technical Support and Account Management for Compuserve/Aol Web Designer for St. Paul Lutheran Church in Columbus Experienced in C/C++ Programming BA in Computer Science Jeff Renshaw

6 Ohio University Team Member Introduction Web Designer for Companies in Cleveland Program and Design Database for A Commercial HVAC Company BS in Computer Science Don Finley

7 Ohio University Team Member Introduction Co-CEO of a Small Web Page Design Company Named Parimus. Freelance His Skills to the Highest Bidder While He Attends College. BS in Computer Science Chris Walsh

8 Section 2 Requirement and Analysis Model

9 Ohio University Requirement Model Identify Actors Identify Use Cases Architec- tures Logical User Interface 1)Carnivore 2)Herbivore 3)Plant 1) Movement 2) Attack 3) Regeneration 4) Eating 5) Defense 6) Growth User Interface Elements Models & Prioritize

10 Ohio University Use Cases Movement Attack

11 Ohio University Use Cases Regeneration Eating

12 Ohio University Use Case Model

13 Ohio University Analysis Model Use Case Realization Package & Class Analysis Architectures Analysis 1) Movement 2) Attack 3) Defense 4) Eating 5) Regeneration 6) Growth 1)Dependency Analysis 2)Identify the analysis packages 3) Class Analysis

14 Ohio University Example Use Case Realization - Defense Scan Target Boundary Class Determine Threat Boundary Class Low Threat Action Control Class High Threat Action Control Class Reassess the Threat

15 Ohio University Package Analysis and Dependencies 1. Movement Management 2. Action Management 3. Battle Management

16 Ohio University Example Class Analysis : Regeneration Responsibilities: 1. Regenerate new creatures 2. Give genetic memory to Offspring Attributes: 1. Creature must be full size 2. Energy level should be above normal 3. Attribute ReadyToReproduce = True 4. Defined Constant: MatureRadius = MatureSize/2 GrowthWait= (LifeSpan/2)/(MatureRadius – InitialRadius)

17 Section 3 Design and Implementation

18 Ohio University Design Model Architecture Design Use Case Design Class Design Subsystem Design 1) Deployment Model 2) Major Subsystems & Interfaces 3) Important Design Classes 4) Generic Design Mechanisms 1) Movement 2) Attack 3) Defense 4) Eating 5) Regeneration 6) Growth 1) Application Specific Layer 2) Application General Layer 3) Middleware Layer 4) System- Software Layer

19 Ohio University Deployment Model Deployment Model for the Ecosystem Mode Deployment Model for the Terrarium Mode

20 Ohio University Subsystems

21 Ohio University Sequence Diagram – Movement Use Case

22 Ohio University Class Diagram – Movement Use Case

23 Ohio University Implementation Architecture Implementation Integrate System 1)Significant Component 2) Mapping Executable Components onto Nodes 1)Integrating Build plan 2) Subsystems & Interfaces 3) Classes Attack Carnivore Defense Carnivore Combo Carnivore

24 Ohio University Architectural of Three Carnivore Component Attack.cs Attack strategy Simple.cs Growth Regeneration Eating Moving

25 Ohio University Architectural of Defense Carnivore Component Defend.cs Defense strategy Simple.cs Growth Regeneration Eating Moving

26 Ohio University Architectural of Combo Carnivore Component Simple.cs Growth Regeneration Eating Moving Attack.cs Attack strategy Defend.cs Defend strategy

27 Ohio University Mapping Executable Components Combo Carnivore Executable Components Mapping onto Node Overview of all components in the system

28 Ohio University Integrating build plan Build 1 Functionality: Implement the simple carnivore template provided by Microsoft Effected Components: simple.cs Build 2 Functionality: Add the functionality of Eating, Movement, and Attack use cases. Effected Components: attack.cs, simple.cs Build 3 Functionality: Growth and Reproduction use cases will be implemented Effected Components: simple.cs

29 Ohio University Integrating build plan Build 4 Functionality: Defending strategy will be implemented during this build Effected Components: defend.cs Build 5 Functionality: Introduce Advanced Strategic Deployment Strategies. Effected Components: attack_carnivore.dll, defense_carnivore.dll, ultravore.dll

30 Ohio University Integrating Build Plan

31 Section 4 Test and Evaluation

32 Ohio University Test Test Strategy Unit Test & Integration Test System Test 1) Test Driver 2) Design Specification & Structure Test 1)Black Box & White Box Test 2) Integration Test Cases 1) Configuration Test 2) Black Box & White Box System Test

33 Ohio University Unit Test Example

34 Ohio University Configuration Test Operating System (OS) Windows NT Windows 2000 Windows XP Software.Net Framework SDK (Software Development Kit) Visual Studio.Net or.Net Framework Terrarium Client 1.1x Terrarium Server Hardware 64 MB RAM 2 GB Hard Disk 800 x 600 Monitor Resolution

35 Ohio University Successful Black Box Testing

36 Ohio University System Complete White Box Testing

37 Section 5 Conclusions

38 Ohio University Conclusions Complete Requirement and Analysis Model Excellent Design Model Corporative teamwork for Implementation Successful Test Result

39 Ohio University Important Featured Strategies Decent Path Finding 1) Be able to chase its prey through a maze of plants without collisions in straight line Good Hunting Strategy 1) Knows when to speed up for your prey, when to change to a different gear 2) Good understanding of their environment Good Defending Strategy 1) Calculate the "odds" of a successful fight 2) Assesses whether to chase, ignore or flee. 3) Good strategy for dodging other stronger carnivores

40 Ohio University Important Featured Strategies (cont’) Good Energy Management 1) Need energy to acquire a very limited food supply. 2) Expend about as much energy in a chase as they got from the kill. 3) Stands still before breed. Communication Between TeamWorks Know how to hunt in groups Reproduction and Evolve Strategy 1) Understand the rules on sickness 2) Mechanism that inhibits the carnivore's breeding 3) Algorithm that each Teamwork monitors the number of Creatures 4) Determines the ideal number of offspring 5) Random variation of constants between generations.

41 Section 6 Reference and Acknowledgement

42 Ohio University Reference Website

43 Ohio University Acknowledgement Dr. Chang Liu T. A. Chitra Nedunchelliyan Aaron T. Mitchell Terrarium Community Members

44 Ohio University We Love Our Team ! Team Work Deserves Five !

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