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Welcome Team Captains!!!! “The American Caner society is the nationwide community- based voluntary health organization dedicated to eliminating cancer.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Team Captains!!!! “The American Caner society is the nationwide community- based voluntary health organization dedicated to eliminating cancer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Team Captains!!!! “The American Caner society is the nationwide community- based voluntary health organization dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem by preventing cancer, saving lives, and diminishing suffering from cancer, through research, education, advocacy, and service.”

2 The Stats (as of midnight!) 131 TEAMS 543 PARTICIPANTS $9,953.10 DOLLARS RAISED Congratulations! Keep up the good work everyone!

3 Top Fundraisers! 3. Virginia Hodge - Dogwood 2 2. Evan Burford - Yay! 1. James Antisdel - Lifesavers And yes- prizes

4 Teams with more than 10 members:: Burnin Up Burnin Up!! Delta Gamma Hedrick Summit 5 I’d Hammer That Kappa Delta Kappa Kappa Gamma 1 Lifesavers Phi Gamma Nu PIKE and TriDelt Nicely done, and Congratulations! If you’re closing in on 20 members, you may want to consider starting a second team! It increases the fundraising competition factor! Sigma Chi Something Awesome! Tau Theta Pi Team Australia The Porpoise of Life

5 Relay for Life Basics Continued… Fundraising Use your personal Relay page Be sure to personalize the form letter Send out emails with links to your page, and letters to EVERYONE Use template emails and personalize them. Include pictures, why you Relay and personal messages. And really—send it to EVERYONE. Ask people to sponsor you per hour you pledge to walk Host a bake sale or other small fundraisers on Bruin Walk Mention what your fundraising goal is and ask your contacts to help you meet it Always tell people what Relay means to you and why you participate. Be CREATIVE and HAVE FUN!

6 On-Site Activity Options:: The icing on the cake You can host a fundraiser to both raise a little extra money and to contribute to a fun atmosphere- bonus points if it’s related to advocacy hours Some Ideas: food (shaved ice, barbeque, baked goods, beverages [make it pink and it’s breast cancer themed!]), crafts (sell a bead for each lap [fitness], have a picture frame painting stand, remembrance ribbons [survivor], decorate shoe laces [fitness]), raffles, massages, sunscreen [skin cancer]-- you can choose nearly anything! Or you can opt to run an activity themed to the advocacy hours! Some Ideas: Pop the polyp balloon stomp or water balloon fight [Colon cancer], Sports tournaments [Fitness], Jazzercise-Jane Fonda style! [Fitness], Sunscreen rubbing contest [Skin Cancer], Fruit eating contest [Nutrition], Saltine whistling contest [Lung Cancer], Sign people up for ACS CAN [Advocacy], Three legged race [Fitness], Race around the track breathing only through a straw [Tobacco/Lung Cancer], Stomp out cigarettes DDR tournament [Tobacco/Lung Cancer], Tour de France tricycle race [Prostate cancer], Letter writing campaign to support the oncology patients at the UCLA Medical Center [Survivor], Bobbing for apples [Breast Cancer], Hula Hoop Contest [Fitness], Midnight starbathing [Skin Cancer], Sunscreen art [Skin Cancer]

7 Survivorship

8 Mission Delivery Mission Moment Mission Activities

9 Luminaria Bags are lit at night to guide the way during the remembrance laps, and you can personalize, decorate, and keep them as a Relay memento Bags will be for sale at the event for $5, but can also be pre- purchased via flyers Different bags are available to remember pets who have battled cancer as well For the ceremony slide show please begin to work on a slide with your (and your teammates!) answer to the question: “Why do you Relay?” This can be a picture, special memory, a reason why you relay, or any combination of the three!

10 Entertainment

11 As a reminder We need to start getting our shirt order together! Get your team members signed up so they can have an event shirt Fundraise, fundraise, fundraise! Last year we raised over $125,000– this year our goal is $185,000. Last year, we were the top day-of fundraising Relay! We currently have just under $10,000 raised, and 53 more days to reach our goal! To put it all in perspective: There are (currently) 131 teams. If each team has 15 members, that’s 1,965 participants… and if each of them raises the suggested $100, we’ll surpass our goal, with $1,965,000– that’s entirely doable!

12 Contact Information and Important Dates:: Allie: Clubs Evan: Dorm Teams Cristina: Community, Religious Affiliations, and Athletics Teams Stasi: Greek Teams Remaining Team Captain Meetings March 10th March 31st Bank Night (MANDATORY!!!) April 14th Relay for Life is April 18th/19th

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