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J IM ’ S S TORY Have your answers to Jim’s Story out. We will be taking up the correct answers as a class.

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Presentation on theme: "J IM ’ S S TORY Have your answers to Jim’s Story out. We will be taking up the correct answers as a class."— Presentation transcript:


2 J IM ’ S S TORY Have your answers to Jim’s Story out. We will be taking up the correct answers as a class.

3 P ERSONAL M ANAGEMENT – P OSITIVE A TTITUDES - Positive Attitude - “50 lessons I wish I had learned earlier” - Habits - Time Management

4 A DOPT A G OOD A TTITUDE T OWARDS L IFE No matter the challenges you face in your day to day life, you always have a choice in the attitude that you have! Although it is sometimes easier to find things to complain about than to find things to be happy about and grateful for – you will feel happier and be more successful in your life if you make an honest effort to have a positive attitude.

5 50 L ESSONS I WISH I H AD L EARNED E ARLIER There is a lot of good advice out there in the world about how to best live your life in a positive way. Read the “50 Lessons I wish I had Learned Earlier” handout (located in your Student Common folder) Choose one statement that means something to you and write a half page response. You can write about how the statement makes you feel, experiences that you have had in your life that the statement reminds you of, how you succeed in living up to that statement, how you’d like to live your life like the statement says, or anything else that you’d like to comment on.

6 W HEN P OSITIVE S KILLS B ECOME H ABITS A habit is something that you do without thinking. The more you do something, the more automatic it becomes. If that’s a good something, you’ve developed a positive habit.

7 T HE 7 H ABITS OF H IGHLY E FFECTIVE T EENS There are both positive habits, and negative habits. Take a look at the “7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens” handout (in your Student Common folder) and answer the following: 1. Describe one of the 7 positive habits in your own words. Give an example of how you have that habit, or how you could work towards having that habit. 2. Do you have any of the “Habits of Highly Defective Teens?” What can you do to get out of that negative habit? If you don’t feel you have one of those negative, habits, what do you do in your life to avoid these pitfalls?

8 T IME M ANAGEMENT Time management means knowing the difference between IMPORTANT and URGENT Some activities are both. Some are neither. Some are one but not the other. Important Activities – importance implies some assessment of the benefits of completing a task against the loss if the task is not finished. Urgent Activities – urgency relates to the length of time before the task must be completed.

9 I MPORTANT AND U RGENT Important & Urgent ImportantUrgentNeither - Writing history essay for tomorrow - Writing resume for summer job search - Watching hockey playoff game - Playing computer game Ask Yourself: 1.Does it need to be completed right at this moment? 2.Does completing the activity improve my well- being or move me towards accomplishing my goals?

10 A SSESS Y OUR O WN T IME U SAGE Take out your completed “My Schedule” that you filled out last week with how you used your time. Using pencil crayons or highlighters, colour code each half hour block to organize if that time was spent on Important & Urgent, Important, Urgent or Neither items. I.e. highlight Urgent and Important items in yellow, Important in green, etc.

11 I MPORTANT & U RGENT Answer the following: 1. Which category of activity received most of your time? Second most? Third? 2. Were there any important activities that did not get enough time?

12 M AKING T IME Most people have difficulty finding time to do things that are important but not urgent. Examples: Long-term goals such as building a relationship, getting in better physical shape, working on an assignment that isn’t due until next month, saving money, reading for pleasure or getting enough sleep.

13 Answer the following: 1. If you could do the past few days over again, what would you change? 2. Think of an occasion (this past week or another time) when you didn’t manage your time well, or when you were affected because someone else didn’t manage their time well. 3. Write a paragraph or two about the situation and the impact that situation had on you and your life. 4. Make a list of important things in your life that aren’t getting enough of your time. M AKING T IME - Q UESTIONS

14 T IME M ANAGEMENT T IPS Spend time on important items before they become urgent. Waiting until they are urgent will only increase your stress level. Don’t be ruled by urgency. Never avoid important activities because of merely urgent tasks. Number your tasks in order of their importance. Complete them in that order.

15 P OSITIVE A TTITUDES L ESSON R ECAP You should have the following items ready to submit: “50 Lessons I wish I had learned earlier” half a page response “7 Habits for Highly Effective Teens” questions Making Time Questions

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