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KRISTINA OLUBAITE AO4. 30. UK MEDIA PUBLISHING. PROPOSAL Title and Theme What will your magazine be called and what kind of magazine will it be? It will.

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Presentation on theme: "KRISTINA OLUBAITE AO4. 30. UK MEDIA PUBLISHING. PROPOSAL Title and Theme What will your magazine be called and what kind of magazine will it be? It will."— Presentation transcript:


2 PROPOSAL Title and Theme What will your magazine be called and what kind of magazine will it be? It will be a music magazine, called ‘Hypnotic’. It will include most popular songs chart of the week, reviews on singers and music bands, stories of musicians. Core Audience Who are the main audience for your magazine? Think about age, gender, interests, spending power... The core audience I am aiming at is young women aged 15 – 25. Women of this age have more spare time and often during their free time, studying or even working they are listening to music, watching through the music videos, following popular songs or singer (music band) they like. It appeals more to women, because I will include personal singers’ stories, which women like to read. Secondary Audiences As above... The secondary audience could be young men aged 15 – 25, because I will include reviews on music bands, different music genres and adverts of the movies, which will appeal more to men because of their genre (horror, action etc.) Cover Appeal How will your front cover (content and style) appeal to your audiences? For a front cover I will use a photograph of a woman, who will look powerful, respectful, meaning it will appeal more to women as the female will not represent female’s sexual attraction to men. Also the colours will be yellow, green and pink, which are soft and womanly colours. It will have personal singer’s stories, which attracts women attention. Feature Article Appeal How will your main article (content and style) appeal to your audiences? My main article and content will appeal to audiences by the choice of colours, pictures, words and language, which will be more informal as the aim audiences are young women. It will also have few, but bigger photographs rather than many small throughout the magazine, because this style appeals to women more, as many females prefers big photographs so they can see a clear picture of their favorite actress, singer, music band etc. Advertising How will the advertising you carry appeal to your audiences? (Or, if you like, how will you deliver audiences to advertisers?) Adverts will appeal to both; males and females as it will have adverts on different movies. For instance it will appeal to men, as it will have adverts on horror/action movies. However there will be adverts of the romantic/dramatic films, which will appeal to women. And finally I may use adverts of such movie as ‘Step up’, so it will appeal to all young people.

3 House style Fonts For the front cover main title I will use Stencil Font, the main reason why I am choosing to use this font for the magazine‘s title – this font is outstanding and “eye-catching„. Also it is quite people within young generation as it is widely used for the youth and young adults magazines. Other fonts of a smaller size – 16/18 that I will be using to write on a front cover are Krungthep, Perpetua Titling MT, I am choosing different font for every story outlining in order to reflect and highlight each story, while not changing the font size. Also as my magazine is a music magazine, different fonts will reflect on different music styles, musicians and will look more playfully, in order to show to attract young audiences. For the article titles I will use Chiller Font, which looks youthful and playful, this will appeal to my young audiences as also it will reflect on musicians stories through its creative and outstanding pattern. For the main articles I will use High Tower Text font, because of its light and attractive design. This may help to attract audiences to read even long articles as this font makes the text look easily readable. Colours In my magazine I will use the colour scheme of pink/green/ yellow. I made my decision to use this colour scheme as the questionnaire results showed that most of the audiences would prefer this colour scheme. It also perfectly matches the idea of presenting youth and energy, as yellow colour itself means energy, pink appeals to my female audiences and green presents freshness and life, again backing up the idea of youth. The pink will also match with artist’s dress and make up, appealing to my core – female audience. This colour scheme also reflects on music being playful and different, just as musician lives are. As well as meeting initial idea, these colours will also get audiences attentions they are bright and outstanding. Mix of the positive, bright and extraordinary colours will provoke audiences to buy the magazine.

4 Layout The layout of the magazine will be colourful, ‘busy’ and vivid. Colourful pattern will reflect on youthfulness and energy, as my primary target audience is young females. Vivid pictures, placed in between text will make the magazine vibrant and energetic, which will help to attract audiences’ attention. Also as it is for the young audiences, more ‘busy’ layout of the magazine, with colourful background, pictures, articles, interviews and adverts, will seem to be as interesting as audiences’ lives. The busy layout of the magazine will also reflect on the musicians’ lives that are eventful and exciting. Music itself is vibrant, inspiring and lively, therefore magazine’s layout will include various colours, photographs, pictures, interviews, celebrity personal life stories, experiences in the music world and articles.


6 BUDGET Salaries and Overheads Rent - £1000 3 full time staff – designers - £30.000 each, this amount will be spend on designers staff, because I need more experienced, professional staff. 2 part time administrative staff - £14.500 each Freelance Payments Writers/ Photographers - £22.000 each, such amount will be spent on more experienced, professional staff, in order to produce expected standard product. Marketing - £48.000, I have decided to spend this amount of money on marketing, because this is my first issue and advertising is very important in order to attract audience’s attention and interest. Printing - £27.6000 Administration Accountancy - £8.000 IT costs - £20.000 Legal Fees - £2.000

7 PRODUCTION PLAN AND LAUNCH DATE Identify the product I will take photographs for my music magazine called ‘Hypnotic’. It will content various kinds of music and music band reviews, personal musician stories and most popular songs list. However it will appeal more to women, therefore I will need a photograph of a female for my front cover, photograph of a male artist, and possibly photographs of a musical instruments. Identify the theme Since I am going to make a music magazine, its mood will be ‘artistic’, full of fame, but also as the core audience is females, it will has a sense of feminism. To achieve this task, for the front cover I will take photograph of a female, who will must look rather strong, feminine woman. As the model will pretend to be a famous singer, she will also have to wear appropriate make-up, dress and photograph will have to be taken in a black background, so that audiences could identify strength and softness together in one (sense of feminism). In terms of lighting, I will use 3 point lighting (back, key and fill lighting) in order to prevent shadows and have a model in a strong lighting (shining), so it will highlight fame, strength and attractive. Equipment list Studio Shoot Camera Canon 600d 300mm lens Model (female to be photographed) Make up Dress, high heals Accessories (earrings, necklaces) Location shoot Camera Canon 500 Light reflectors 50mm and 300mm lenses Model (male to be photographed) Costume and Props Pink dress Cream colour high heals Nose earring Pink earrings Black trousers Black shoes Black jacket Black socks Piano

8 7. Legal and Ethical issues Even though UK does not have privacy laws, many other countries do, and even more, even in UK for photographers there are particular rules that they have to follow in order not to insult other privacy and confidentiality. Photographing models under 18 Photographing young models, their privacy rights are owned by their parents and parents are in charge of them. Before arranging photo-shoot for under 18, you have to make sure they signed agreement to take photographs of their child, and copyright forms in order to use their photos in magazines, posters and in other media products. If you use children photographs without parents’ agreement, you might be taken to the court and charged for insulting children privacy rights. Photographing in an open place (town/hospitals/train or bus stations) When you’re taking photographs in an open place, you have to make sure, that you do not take photographs of other people passing around. If you do, and use their photographs they have right to take you to the court for using their photographs without their copyright and insulting their privacy. Sometimes you also might need permission by the hospital/train stations or shops to take photographs in the area. Photographing clothes and equipment with logos When you’re taking photographs of your model, you have to make sure they are not wearing clothes with any logos. Photographing clothes with logos means advertising or selling, and the copyrights of the logos are owned by the company. Therefore if you wish to photograph any logos, you must get company’s agreement and copyright. If photographed without company permission, you might be taken to the court and charged for using other company’s logos without a copyright permission by the corporation. It also appeals to using logos of other products like machinery, computers, phones or any other equipment and materials. Ethical issues While photographing, it is ethically wrong to take and publish photographs that shows torture, pain, open wounds and death scenes. Usually such photographs cannot be published, because children can get an easy access to view them. However sometimes they can be published by certain news source, but in case to prevent children and sensitive people seeing cruel scenes, usually in those pictures particular areas are blurred. Other area that needs to be ethically considered is stereotypes. Photographer have to make sure, he or she won’t insult anyone’s orientation or religious views. Therefore when taking photographs of different orientation people photographer has to do it sensitively and make sure, that photograph won’t express critical or abusive expression. With religion – usually photographers are not allowed to take photographs inside churches, synagogues and mosques. In photography racial issue also has to be considered. Photographer must ensure not to take abusive photographs of any races or people of different ethnicity.

9 Launch Date 07/08/2013 The reason for the magazine being released on this date is due to summer children and adults holiday. This will give time to design, publicize and release the magazine. In this case magazine will be prepared and could be released straight after everyone is back from holiday. It will also attract more audiences to read it as the most of them will come back from their holiday and find out knew magazine being released.

10 TARGET AUDIENCE Young adults Age 15 – 25 Primary females Secondary males

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