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Jozef Toth 23 August 2012 The Strategy Behind Designing for a CMS.

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Presentation on theme: "Jozef Toth 23 August 2012 The Strategy Behind Designing for a CMS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jozef Toth 23 August 2012 The Strategy Behind Designing for a CMS

2 Drupalcon Munich Jozef Toth, @jojot oth mogdesign. eu

3 @jojototh


5 Designers Themers Developers PM/Business guys Who are you? @jojot oth mogdesign. eu

6 Geek Designer Themer CEO UX designer Who am I ? @jojot oth mogdesign. eu

7 Geek Designer Themer CEO UX designer Who am I ? @jojot oth mogdesign. eu

8 Geek Designer Themer CEO UX designer Who am I ? @jojot oth mogdesign. eu

9 Who am I ? @jojot oth mogdesign. eu Geek Designer Themer CEO UX designer

10 Who am I ? @jojot oth mogdesign. eu Geek Designer Themer CEO UX designer

11 Geek Designer Themer CEO UX designer Who am I ? @jojot oth mogdesign. eu

12 Print design vs web design Successful design Design for users Beauty vs usability Designer @jojot oth mogdesign. eu

13 Differences Canvas vs Screens 72 dpi vs 300 dpi Font size – 10 vs 14 Colors - CMYK vs RGB Image compression, size, format Print design vs web design @jojot oth mogdesign. eu

14 Problematic elements: Shadows Gradients Rounded corners Typography Grids Mark Boulton - Interactivity Print design vs web design @jojot oth mogdesign. eu

15 Set goals and expectations think before you design focus on needs, not on the picture Research core of the business what is the purpose what is the message target group conversion/selling point Successful design @jojot oth mogdesign. eu

16 don't like to think, act intuitively are impatient get distracted hate visual noise like conventional patterns Design for users @jojot oth mogdesign. eu

17 more effects ≠ awesomer design The holy grail of web design Content is the King KISS - keep it simple stupid Beauty vs Usability @jojot oth mogdesign. eu

18 Print design vs web design Successful design Design for users Beauty vs usability Designer @jojot oth mogdesign. eu

19 To theme or not to theme? Consistency Clean up your PSD Themer @jojot oth mogdesign. eu

20 15-25% vs 75% of project Learn about Drupal Learn about the hot new stuff Talk to developers Get feedback To theme or not to theme? @jojot oth mogdesign. eu

21 use same layout/style design in a generic way content navigation grid system image sizes Consistency @jojot oth mogdesign. eu

22 layers groups versions Clean up your PSD @jojot oth mogdesign. eu

23 @jojot oth mogdesign. eu

24 Cost effectivenes Delivering on time CEO @jojot oth mogdesign. eu

25 To theme or not to theme? Consistency Clean up your PSD Themer @jojot oth mogdesign. eu

26 all of the above style guide / design manual update the design manual post it notes design what is necessary use real life content required vs optional content Cost effectivenes @jojot oth mogdesign. eu

27 define terminology upfront QA with client & PM set rules for feedback finish the project Delivery on time @jojot oth mogdesign. eu

28 Drupal elements & style guide - Zivtech - Chapter 3 - - Modules Videos LA Drupal - Resources @jojot oth mogdesign. eu

29 @ jojototh program/sessions/strategy- behind-designing-cms Thank you! @jojot oth mogdesign. eu

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