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1 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Insertion Device Status Toshi Tanabe, ID Group Leader 9 th Accelerator Systems Advisory Committee Meeting February 1-2,

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Presentation on theme: "1 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Insertion Device Status Toshi Tanabe, ID Group Leader 9 th Accelerator Systems Advisory Committee Meeting February 1-2,"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Insertion Device Status Toshi Tanabe, ID Group Leader 9 th Accelerator Systems Advisory Committee Meeting February 1-2, 2012

2 2 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Outline ID Table / Current Schedule Progress since last ASAC review Status on Each Device R & D (IVMMS, VST, PrFeB) Progress Summary Acknowledgement: ID group members: C. Kitegi, J. Rank, D.A. Harder, T. Corwin, P. Cappadoro, H. Fernandes, C. Rhein, B. Licciardi, P. He, G. Rakowsky, M. Lehecka Part-time members: O. Chubar, C. Spataro, Accelerator Physics: J. Bengtsson, S. Krinsky, A. Blednykh, P. Ilinsky, Y. Li Vacuum Group: Dick Hseuh, Charles Hetzel Mechanical Group: V. Ravindranath

3 3 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES NSLS-II Insertion Devices (Baseline Project Scope)



6 6 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Progress since Last ASAC (May2011) Status of Each Baseline Device PM Damping Wiggler (Six DWs)  FDR completed on June 7 th, 2011. Control system prototype complete. Mechanical systems will be factory-tested by mid Feb. 2012. In-Vacuum Undulators (U21 for SRX with options for two more & two U20)  Both contracts were signed on Dec. 20 th, 2011. CDR is scheduled on Jan.30 th, 2012. In-Vacuum Undulator (U22L for IXS)  The dead line for the proposals was January 25 th, 2012. Elliptically Polarized Undulator (CSX-EPU)  PDR completed in Oct. 2011. FDR is scheduled in Feb. 2012. Three Pole Wiggler (3PW)  FDR completed in June 2011. Design change of magnets resulted in delay. Magnet Development Laboratory (Insertion Device Magnet Measurement Facility)  The facility is ready for operation

7 7 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Damping Wiggler Status (Danfysik) Prototype of Mechanical Drive System has been tested successfully. Construction continues on Structural Frames and Magnet Girders [60%]. Machining of Magnet Assembly parts and other special tooling has begun [15%]. Permanent Magnets order (Vacuumschmelze) part 1/3 is due next month. Control scheme & rack layouts are developed; assembly continues. Subcontractor needs to set up the proper BNL rack layouts (heat loads, internal fans, flow direction, ampacity). [80%] PDR completed on Jan. 10 th for the contract for the Vacuum Chamber (FMB-Berlin) and supports. [25%]

8 8 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES DWs: Structural Frames & Magnet Girders Machining and Fabrication by Nortemecánica

9 9 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES DW Chamber Preliminary Design by FMB

10 10 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Damping Wigglers (6 x DW) Top Level Schedule

11 11 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES EPU Status FDR scheduled in February 2012 Since PDR (October 2011) slight mechanical changes to align the gap drive system along the vertical forces, which has resulted in two months delay. A separate RFP for its vacuum chamber has been issued. Permanent magnets by Neomax have been shipped. Courtesy of Kyma Undulator Top Level Schedule


13 13 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES SRP Requirement for ID Vacuum Chambers Mis-steered E-beam “Steady State” Cases within Interlock limit “Transient Cases” with possible maximum beam angle

14 14 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Ex. for a “Transient Case” Linear Horizontal Mode Sr. NO ID ModeSourceElementElement Length (m) Element misalignm ent (upstream ) Element misalignme nt (downstrea m) Case Beam (translate Beam (angle) (mrad) Peak Temperat ure (Degree C) Peak Power Density (W/mm2) Power (Watts) 3LH2XEPU4 9 EPU Vac. Ch. 5-1.5 Transient 01.61367.2465044 10msec 1msec

15 15 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES 3PW-Major Change (Nov/2011) New dimensions of magnets and poles: Main pole: 110mm x 23mm x 67mm (120mm x 23mm x 65mm/old dimensions) End pole: 90mm x 45mm x 82mm (101mm x 45mm x 86mm/old dimensions) Main magnet: 150mm x 28.9mm x 100mm (120mm x 41mm x 90mm/old dimensions) New 3PW model The contract was originaly issued with 3,5 and 10 device options. The manufacturer underestimated the price of magnets ($20,000 for ten magnets in their estimate v.s. $150,000 in reality). Instead of paying $130,000 extra, we have decided to use excess magnets from DW contract and redesign the structure. Slight cost addition for the design change (< $10k).

16 16 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES IVU Status U21-1.5m for SRX (Hitachi Metal, USA) : The original contract was signed by BNL on 11/21/2011 The final contract was signed by Hitachi Metal, USA on 12/20/2011 Options for two more identical (slight period change inclusive) devices, one set of prices within 60 days from the start of the base contract, another set within 180 days. CDR was scheduled on January 31 st, 2012. U20-3m (Hitach Metal, USA) : The original contract was signed by BNL on 11/21/2011 The final contract was signed by Hitachi Metal, USA on 12/20/2011 CDR was scheduled on January 31 st, 2012. U22L-3m for IXS (No source determined yet) The proposal deadline was January 25 th, 2012. No options are included.

17 17 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES ID-Magnetic Measurement Facility (MMF) Hall probe bench ready Flip Coil system ready RT-Calibration Dipole ready (Cold version being prepared) Helmholz Coil System ready Calibration Dipole System Hall Probe bench and Flip Coil system Helmholz Coil System

18 18 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES In-Vacuum Magnetic Measurement System (IVMMS) IVMMS contract with Toyama, Inc., Japan) Linear motor based design has been adopted. Various vacuum lubricants have been tested without much success. Next one to try is CVD coating of MoS 2 on balls for ball bearings. FDR is scheduled on Feb. 7 th, 2012 Test to measure the field of the SRX-IVU in vacuum will take place at the Neomax Engineering factory around October 2012.

19 19 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Vacuum Seal Test 4m long rectangular opening Two baking tests have been conducted with leak rate less than 1E-9 torr/l (Success) Leak starts after the third thermal cycle.

20 20 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Low temperature M-H measurement of High Coercivity PrFeB magnets at the Louis Néel laboratory An efficient 8 T extraction vector magnetometer with sample rotation for routine operation, D. Dufeu, E. Eyraud, and P. Lethuillier REV. SCI INS. VOL 71, NB 2

21 21 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES PrFeB Arrays Baking Test Baking test of PrFeB arrays ( u =17mm) with 47CR Repeatability test with a few detachment / attachment of arrays to the frame  Negligible variations Baking test (up to 100C)  Less than 0.2% p-p field decrease Cold field measurement using VTF is planned next, then increase the baking temperature for further test.

22 22 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Summary IVU U21 for SRX : Contract signed on 12/20/11, 60/180 day options for two additional devices. Two U20-3m: Contract signed on 12/20/11, No option included. U22L-3m for IXS: Proposals were due on 01/25/12. EPU Two months behind the schedule due to mechanical design changes. A separate RFP for the vacuum chamber has been issued.. Damping Wigglers On (revised) schedule. Revision was necessary due to the delay in magnet procurement by the vendor. 3PW A revised design using excess DW magnets has been adopted. ID-MMF Ready for operation

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