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An Introduction to the PDRs Workshop (Reviewees)

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1 An Introduction to the PDRs Workshop (Reviewees)

2 The purpose of the Workshop
An overview of the PDRs in UL The process involved – from a Reviewee perspective Reviewer Sessions – available separately

3 The Purpose of the PDRs Aligning University/College/Division/
Department/Team/Individual Objectives. Promoting a culture of continuous Improvement. Understanding roles and expectations. Supporting personal development. Developing critical competencies – Competency Framework now in place for Administrative Staff.

4 The PDRs Review Cycle

5 Four strategic goals have been identified to drive the implementation of our Strategic Plan 2011–15.
The goals focus on (i) the student experience; (ii) our research profile; (iii) our international focus; and (iv) our contribution to the development of the nation and the region.

6 Goal 1 To provide an outstanding and distinctive experience for every one of our students to enable them to become knowledgeable, skilled and confident graduates. Objective – Increase retention rates to 95% - 1st year students Increase taught post graduates students by 30% Student Population – Mature students 15% - Students with disabilities 5% 7% Students form Socio-Economic disadvantaged backgrounds

7 4 Enablers People Resources Quality Communication

8 Purpose of the PDRs Clarity on what the University can do/ needs to do to support staff in achieving its goals. Aid to performance. Consistency in management practice across the University both for Faculty and Staff. People take accountability for their own performance.

9 The Purpose of the PDRs Recognising staff achievements.
Promoting communications between Managers/Supervisors and their staff. Formalising what you do already within a Performance Management Framework. Good Management Practice.

Pre-Review Stage – Planning & Documentation The Planning/Review Meeting Post-Review Stage – The follow-through and implementation 10

11 Two aspects of the review
Two key aspects to the review process Looking back Review performance against targets in the previous year Review display of competencies required for the role Looking forward Setting targets for the following year Discuss competencies required for the role Identifying any development needs and plans for development interventions Agreeing the action plans for both First Meeting – Planning Meeting

12 Objectives of the Review stage
Formally review performance of previous 12 months on targets and competencies. Discussion based on achievement of Targets and display of competencies Agree targets for following 12 months. Agree changes to competencies (if necessary). Agree training and development plan for next cycle. 12

13 Benefits of effective review ? Exercise
What are the benefits of an effective review of performance to: The Organisation The Manager/Head of Department The Job Holder

14 Benefits of an effective review of performance
The Organisation Improved performance of it’s people and as a consequence, of the organisation itself. Links individual’s targets to the organisation’s strategy and key corporate goals. Fair and consistent processes in the management of people. Greater internal flexibility. Mechanism for obtaining feedback and new ideas.

15 Benefits of an effective review of performance
Managers Improved communication with staff through feedback. Have a consistent approach for giving feedback and encouragement. Deal with problems more effectively, proactively. Allocated undisturbed time to each employee. Opportunity to invite feedback on your management style.

16 Benefits of an effective review of performance
Jobholders: Know how they are doing. Know what is expected of them. Receive recognition and praise. Heard and respected. Receive help and encouragement. Take ownership for their performance. They get accurate feedback based on performance against agreed objectives.

17 Exercise Advantages of a PDRs System
Challenges of a PDRs to the Reviewee

18 ADVANTAGES OF THE PDRs Communication Increased awareness
Provides an overview Aligns personal and departmental objectives Highlights problems Identifies training needs Increases efficiency Improves morale Improves quality of services Permission to change culture 18

19 STRESS- of interview TIME Challenges
in preparation for self assessment and Performance Management interview in holding interviews in following up on interview increases departmental work load 19

20 Challenges FEAR OF Exposure, criticism, conflict, unrealistic expectations, prejudice, personality clash, coercion, disciplinary proceedings, unrealistic targets. Insensitivity, lack of confidentiality. (From reviewees) Subjectivity, insufficient skills, conflict. (From reviewers)

21 Challenges Concern that :
Performance Management may encourage staff to over value themselves Performance Management may create unrealistic expectations among staff leading to decreased morale Performance Management may create a situation in which "lobbying"for self interest might occur

22 Challenges of PDRs Unrealistic expectations Documentation
Poor unprofessional review

23 PDRs at UL Who should be reviewed?
- All categories and levels of Staff including staff on Probation - Exempt Staff Within one year of retirement

24 PDRs at UL Who will conduct the review? Deans or Head of Department
Division Director, Department Manager/Supervisor – i.e. the person you report directly to. Other appropriate nominated reviewers

25 How many meetings are required per year?
1 Formal Meeting per annum Year 1 - Planning Meeting – Looking Forward Year 2 – Review of Performance against agreed objectives and agreement on objectives for year ahead- Look back & forward. Development Plan reviewed and new plan agreed. and then an annual review meeting.

26 The Role of the Reviewer
Appeal to the Head of Department or the next most senior member of staff i.e. The reviewer is your Manager’s Manager and may be involved in your 1-1 meeting if required. Requested in place of the Manager where there is a specific problem. Reviewee and Reviewer cannot agree objectives- Reviewer can help the manager and jobholder reach agreement if necessary (i.e. act as a mediator). Remain objective in the process.

27 What is in the system for me, as an employee?
Work for a target driven organisation. Have my performance validated against clearly defined targets (evidence in writing – can be used for promotion purposes if desired). Receive recognition for my contribution to organisational goals. Have clarity on what is expected of me, and what people think of my performance in those areas. Fairer system. Identify my training and development needs on an ongoing basis. Give me an opportunity to give feedback to my managers and the organisation.

28 Exercise Identify what you feel are the responsibilities of the following people, to ensure the effective implementation and use of the PDRs process: Responsibilities of the Jobholder Responsibilities of the Manager

29 Individual Roles Jobholder Be positive about PDRs system
Be actively involved in the process Be assertive but not aggressive Define your own job clearly Be clear on what is expected of you in your role Identify your own development requirements Review your own progress on an ongoing basis Show initiative Be flexible and open to change Communicate openly with colleagues & managers

30 Manager Be positive about PDRs system
Encourage an open supportive climate – promote two way communication Be assertive Work with staff to develop the department/team work plan Clearly communicate the team objectives Complete and agree performance and development plans with individuals Prepare an overall training and development plan for the section Monitor progress, coach and support their staff Maintain up to date documentation/records supporting the process Involve team in agreeing Division/Department plans Negotiate time and budget for development of staff.

The form Reflect on the last 12 months Reflect on the next 12 months

32 The Form 3 Sections Personal Details: Individual Objectives –
Key areas of your job (what you must focus on) Objectives - SMART By When – deadlines – within a day of receipt of application etc. Progress/Achievement – at end of year – review stage

33 Individual Objectives
Key areas of your job – What are the key responsibilities of your job Key performance areas (Column 1) Objectives (Column 2) – What you need to accomplish to deliver on your key performance area. (Column 3) By When – Deadlines e.g. process student applications – by when – in 1 day of receipt of application. (Column 4) Progress – How the objectives has or has not been met. Comments. Utilise form during progress meetings during the year.

34 Individual Development Objectives
Development Action (s) By When Progress/Achievement

35 What needs to be in place before embarking on the Planning Phase:
A Faculty/Division Plan which has been translated into Section Plans A commitment to the PDRs process by the management team and staff An environment of participative consultative management A thorough understanding of the PDRs process by all staff and management

36 Why Set Goals To deliver organisation performance
To stretch and challenge individuals To link an individual's performance to the achievement of higher goals. To promote a means for measuring progress To focus behaviours To motivate and develop the individual

37 ACTION PLANS Must be owned by reviewee: Setting objectives
Specific Measurable Attainable Relevant Time Identify action strategies Assess action strategies Reviewee formulate plans with support Reviewee implement plans with support

38 Agreeing Objectives Elements involved:
Identify key performance areas of the job Decide on key objectives in the key performance areas for the year Establish factors that will influence achievement of agreed objectives (enablers) Identify and agree competencies required Identify gaps in required competencies Agree a personal development plan

39 The PDRs Planning

40 Key Elements Not about measuring the level of activity that you are undertaking in your role/section/ college/division. It about outcome of activities - what those outcomes mean in terms of accomplishments, and how they move the organisation nearer achieving its stated strategic outcomes.

41 Goals Statement of general direction or intent.
Broad, timeless and unconcerned with particular achievement within a specific time. Are aspirations.

42 Objectives Stated using: Action verbs such as : To reduce To increase
To demonstrate

43 Performance Measures A performance measure is a gauge which tells you – The degree to which a goal/objective has been achieved or When a standard has been met, exceeded or missed. Decide on an indicator that tells you when a target is met. Remember if a goal/objective cannot be measured, attainment can never be known. What gets measured gets done!

44 Are these goals or objectives:
To improve the quality of customer service. By April 2007, 90% or more of the management staff will demonstrate understanding of the PDRs To promote more co-operative attitudes among the staff in the Department. To reduce waste paper in the print shop by 5% over the next 3 months.

45 Outcomes Outcomes are the final results of an organisation’s products and services (and other outside factors that may affect performance). Examples of outcomes could include: increased number of students signed up on particular courses Increased availability of research resources available for student use during term time. Reduction in the level of absenteeism in a particular area

46 Exercise Pg 39 & 40 Using the information gathered in the previous step, write 1 objective that you need to accomplish in your role setting out the: Strategic Goal it links to the Department Goal the measurable outcome and the target date to be completed.

47 Writing Individual Goals/Objectives & Measures
Linked to the Organisations/Departments Objectives Challenging but realistic Prioritised Measurable.

48 Exercise What an effective PDRs Meeting should look like?

49 An effective PDRs Meeting
Good body language 2 way communication Honest & Truthful Private meeting place – adequate time & space Both parties prepared Neutral venue Structured Clarity no vagueness Conflict – dealt with honestly, openly & constructively Be prepared to take and give feedback.

50 What an effective PDRs meeting should look like
Have an agenda Set ground rules Draft documents circulated in advance Shouldn’t be negative Shouldn’t be personalised Focused – keep to the point Sincere – both sides Willing to engage

51 Exercise Attitudes required by the
Manager Job Holder to ensure an effective review meeting.

52 Attitudes required for an effective review meeting
The Manager Honesty Listening Questioning Constructive Feedback Problem Solving Negotiating Suggesting Assertiveness Acknowledging

53 Attitudes required for an effective review meeting
The Job Holder Honesty Listening Staying open Constructive Feedback Looking for opportunities to learn Avoiding defensiveness Developing Assertiveness

54 An effective PDRs Meeting
For the PDRs meeting to be effective both people must come to the meeting prepared. Prepared means: Clarity on department’s goals are, and how they relate to your job. Team objectives clear and agreed in advance. This will help you focus on your role and how your role contributes to the team’s objectives.

55 An effective PDRs Meeting
Consider specific objectives that you would be seeking to achieve in your job to contribute to the department meeting those goals, and what you may need from your manager to enable you to meet these objectives.


57 Openings A bad opening can make it very difficult to have a useful discussion How you say things can be just as important as what you say.


59 Openings An Opening is more likely to lead to a useful discussion if it Displays respect. Empathy. Establishes rapport. Builds trust. Sets the tone. Outlines the purpose and structure.

60 ACTION PLANNING Action Planning is the process that the PDRS discussion builds to. The quality of the Action Plan will depend in large measure on the quality of the discussion 60

61 Section 2 – Individual Development Objectives
1. Development Objective – reflect on the level of competence of the job holder in relation to the key competencies of the role – identify any gaps – Competency Framework. 2. Development Actions (pg ) 3. By When 4. Progress Achievement

62 Checklist Job Holder Set time aside in advance of the review meeting.
Complete a self review and draft form setting out progress made on targets Where satisfactory progress has not been made, honestly review the reasons for lack of progress. Review whether you have displayed the competencies required for the job. Identify what you want to achieve professionally and personally for the next 12 months.

63 Academic Role Profiles

64 The Competency Framework
A common definition is that competencies are: Clusters of behaviours, skills and knowledge which are needed to undertake a job effectively. Competencies are a signal from the organisation to the individual of the expected important areas and levels of performance. They provide the individual with a map or indication of the behaviours that will be valued Provides a transparent process where differences between grades are transparent.

65 How the Framework works:
12 Behavioural Competencies have been identified Each Competency is divided into 5 levels. Each of these levels reflects a job family/constituency i.e. Level 5 reflects the level of competence required for people at SAO1 whereas Level 1 reflects the level of competence required for people at Administrator level.

66 Common Learning Strategies
On the job Training Examining precedents Lunchtime presentations Press cuttings Website Library One to one coaching Additional Assignments/ Project work Rotational Assignments Shadowing another performer Further study.

67 Three important things to remember
It is not a sign of weakness to ask for feedback – means you are eager to learn Ask for feedback from people with who you find it easy to communicate and whose views you value. Use your interpersonal skills to gain as much useful information as you from those giving feedback.

68 RECEIVING FEEDBACK Be open: to learning and change;
If unclear, ask for explanations & examples; Summarise briefly to check understanding; Check validity with personal assessment; Check with other sources if needed; Be assertive, not defensive or aggressive.

69 Checklist for preparing for the Planning Meeting (Job Holder/Reviewee)
Be clear on the Division/Faculty objectives Be clear on own objectives to be achieved this year Identify the competencies required for your job Identify your own areas of strength and areas for development in relation to competencies.

70 Checklist for preparing for the Planning Meeting (Job Holder/Reviewee)
Think about how these developments can be met e.g. special projects, assignments, delegation of work etc. Look at any obstacles that might exist Prepare a draft form and give it to your manager in advance.

71 After the Meeting If unhappy with the process be proactive in addressing it. Book development plans items into your diary and book agreed formal training programmes. Review your objectives and develop plans as to how you will go about attaining these objectives Follow through on any commitment given during the planning meeting.

72 What happens the information.
Review Forms held jointly by the job holder & Manager. Summary reports produced by Managers on key themes arising for each Department – forwarded to LD&EO Section Development needs will inform the Corporate Training & Development Agenda.

73 Impact of a successful PDRS system
Link between individual, Team, College/Division objectives and overall University goals Managing performance on a day-to-day basis Promotes a culture of continuous improvement Increased level of accountability Working to a common aim Improved motivation by Improving role clarity

74 Remember You are entitled to this time for a 1-1 meeting with your manager You are entitled to expect open and honest feedback Your meeting should be conducted in a professional and appropriate manner Issues – refer to Dean/HOD or HR. Information http: - Learning Development & Equal Opportunities

75 Any Questions Thank You

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