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Co-operation between the Sokoine National Agricultural Library in Tanzania and Belgian Universities Paul Nieuwenhuysen Vrije Universiteit Brussel, and.

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Presentation on theme: "Co-operation between the Sokoine National Agricultural Library in Tanzania and Belgian Universities Paul Nieuwenhuysen Vrije Universiteit Brussel, and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Co-operation between the Sokoine National Agricultural Library in Tanzania and Belgian Universities Paul Nieuwenhuysen Vrije Universiteit Brussel, and Universitaire Instelling Antwerpen, BelgiumPaul Nieuwenhuysen Vrije Universiteit Brussel, and Universitaire Instelling Antwerpen, Belgium Egbert De SmetInformation and Library Science, Universitaire Instelling Antwerpen, BelgiumEgbert De SmetInformation and Library Science, Universitaire Instelling Antwerpen, Belgium Doris MatoveloSokoine National Agricultural Library, Sokoine University of Agriculture, TanzaniaDoris MatoveloSokoine National Agricultural Library, Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania Presented at SCECSAL 2000 in Windhoek, Namibia, April 2000 Paul Nieuwenhuysen Vrije Universiteit Brussel, and Universitaire Instelling Antwerpen, BelgiumPaul Nieuwenhuysen Vrije Universiteit Brussel, and Universitaire Instelling Antwerpen, Belgium Egbert De SmetInformation and Library Science, Universitaire Instelling Antwerpen, BelgiumEgbert De SmetInformation and Library Science, Universitaire Instelling Antwerpen, Belgium Doris MatoveloSokoine National Agricultural Library, Sokoine University of Agriculture, TanzaniaDoris MatoveloSokoine National Agricultural Library, Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania Presented at SCECSAL 2000 in Windhoek, Namibia, April 2000

2 Institutional University Co-operation Organised by VLIR Belgium = small country in EuropeBelgium = small country in Europe Belgium = Flemish Community + Walloon Community +…Belgium = Flemish Community + Walloon Community +… VLIR = Flemish Inter-university Council, in BelgiumVLIR = Flemish Inter-university Council, in Belgium VLIR organises developmental co-operation between Belgian universities and universities in development.VLIR organises developmental co-operation between Belgian universities and universities in development. Recipients contribute to the management of the project as much as possible.Recipients contribute to the management of the project as much as possible. Belgium = small country in EuropeBelgium = small country in Europe Belgium = Flemish Community + Walloon Community +…Belgium = Flemish Community + Walloon Community +… VLIR = Flemish Inter-university Council, in BelgiumVLIR = Flemish Inter-university Council, in Belgium VLIR organises developmental co-operation between Belgian universities and universities in development.VLIR organises developmental co-operation between Belgian universities and universities in development. Recipients contribute to the management of the project as much as possible.Recipients contribute to the management of the project as much as possible.

3 Tanzania-Belgium Co-operation: the Programme and the Project Co-operation programme started in 1997, between Belgian universities and Sokoine University for Agriculture = SUA, in Morogoro, Tanzania = 7 projects: 1 project is co-operation with Sokoine National Agricultural Library = the University Library of the Sokoine University for Agriculture1 project is co-operation with Sokoine National Agricultural Library = the University Library of the Sokoine University for Agriculture 1 project is co-operation with Sokoine National Agricultural Library = the University Library of the Sokoine University for Agriculture

4 Tanzania-Belgium Co-operation: Location of the University Morogoro is 200 km inland from Dar es Salaam at the coast.

5 Tanzania-Belgium Co-operation: Aim of the Project The aim is capacity building of the library, knowing that this will also strengthen the basis for »learning, »teaching, and »research at this university and in the large region served by this library. The aim is capacity building of the library, knowing that this will also strengthen the basis for »learning, »teaching, and »research at this university and in the large region served by this library.

6 Tanzania-Belgium Co-operation: SNAL in Tanzania SNAL = Sokoine National Agricultural LibrarySNAL = Sokoine National Agricultural Library Established in 1991Established in 1991 Should co-ordinate with other libraries:Should co-ordinate with other libraries: »resource sharing »co-operation Number of volumes in the collection is about 40 000Number of volumes in the collection is about 40 000 Subscriptions to about 80 journalsSubscriptions to about 80 journals Strives to improve its efficiency by applying ICTStrives to improve its efficiency by applying ICT SNAL = Sokoine National Agricultural LibrarySNAL = Sokoine National Agricultural Library Established in 1991Established in 1991 Should co-ordinate with other libraries:Should co-ordinate with other libraries: »resource sharing »co-operation Number of volumes in the collection is about 40 000Number of volumes in the collection is about 40 000 Subscriptions to about 80 journalsSubscriptions to about 80 journals Strives to improve its efficiency by applying ICTStrives to improve its efficiency by applying ICT

7 Tanzania-Belgium Co-operation: Training of Library Staff 1 staff member of SNAL is working towards a PhD degree in South Africa, since 1998.1 staff member of SNAL is working towards a PhD degree in South Africa, since 1998. Short time practical training sessions in Flemish universities in Belgium were offered to 5 staff members of SNAL.Short time practical training sessions in Flemish universities in Belgium were offered to 5 staff members of SNAL. Training in applications of computers and Internet was offered by 4 experts from Belgium, visiting Tanzania.Training in applications of computers and Internet was offered by 4 experts from Belgium, visiting Tanzania. More emphasis in the project on personnel than on hardware.More emphasis in the project on personnel than on hardware. 1 staff member of SNAL is working towards a PhD degree in South Africa, since 1998.1 staff member of SNAL is working towards a PhD degree in South Africa, since 1998. Short time practical training sessions in Flemish universities in Belgium were offered to 5 staff members of SNAL.Short time practical training sessions in Flemish universities in Belgium were offered to 5 staff members of SNAL. Training in applications of computers and Internet was offered by 4 experts from Belgium, visiting Tanzania.Training in applications of computers and Internet was offered by 4 experts from Belgium, visiting Tanzania. More emphasis in the project on personnel than on hardware.More emphasis in the project on personnel than on hardware.

8 Tanzania-Belgium Co-operation: Network and Internet Applications The connection of SNAL to Internet is the aim of another one of the 7 projects running at the universityThe connection of SNAL to Internet is the aim of another one of the 7 projects running at the university Based on a local ethernet + satellite transmissionBased on a local ethernet + satellite transmission Applications that are running already now:Applications that are running already now: »Local Area Network »Electronic mail: —allows fast and cheap communication —is now important for the management of the co-operation »Access to WWW: still too slow Users are very enthusiasticUsers are very enthusiastic The connection of SNAL to Internet is the aim of another one of the 7 projects running at the universityThe connection of SNAL to Internet is the aim of another one of the 7 projects running at the university Based on a local ethernet + satellite transmissionBased on a local ethernet + satellite transmission Applications that are running already now:Applications that are running already now: »Local Area Network »Electronic mail: —allows fast and cheap communication —is now important for the management of the co-operation »Access to WWW: still too slow Users are very enthusiasticUsers are very enthusiastic

9 Tanzania-Belgium Co-operation: Outline of Project Activities Building Local Databases with CDS/ISIS Software; Progress in Building the Electronic CatalogueBuilding Local Databases with CDS/ISIS Software; Progress in Building the Electronic Catalogue Establishment of CD-ROM Services; Success of these ServicesEstablishment of CD-ROM Services; Success of these Services Improving Interlibrary Lending and Document DeliveryImproving Interlibrary Lending and Document Delivery Research in Library and Information ScienceResearch in Library and Information Science Building Local Databases with CDS/ISIS Software; Progress in Building the Electronic CatalogueBuilding Local Databases with CDS/ISIS Software; Progress in Building the Electronic Catalogue Establishment of CD-ROM Services; Success of these ServicesEstablishment of CD-ROM Services; Success of these Services Improving Interlibrary Lending and Document DeliveryImproving Interlibrary Lending and Document Delivery Research in Library and Information ScienceResearch in Library and Information Science

10 Tanzania-Belgium Co-operation: Building Catalogues with ISIS (1) CDS/ISIS software from UNESCO is used.CDS/ISIS software from UNESCO is used. Reasons for this choice:Reasons for this choice: »Available free of charge »Powerful database management features »Availability of experts and experience —locally + regionally —from Belgium CDS/ISIS software from UNESCO is used.CDS/ISIS software from UNESCO is used. Reasons for this choice:Reasons for this choice: »Available free of charge »Powerful database management features »Availability of experts and experience —locally + regionally —from Belgium

11 Tanzania-Belgium Co-operation: Building Catalogues with ISIS (2) »Advanced user interfaces —for data input (“ODIN”) —for OPAC searches (“IRIS”) —for access through the WWW (“WWWIRIS”) »Provision for add-in solutions for more library-related features »Old cheap PCs can still be used —to build the system —to search the OPAC »Advanced user interfaces —for data input (“ODIN”) —for OPAC searches (“IRIS”) —for access through the WWW (“WWWIRIS”) »Provision for add-in solutions for more library-related features »Old cheap PCs can still be used —to build the system —to search the OPAC

12 Tanzania-Belgium Co-operation: Building Catalogues with ISIS (3) »Strong data formatting features allow conversion of data for input in other systems (perhaps a better but more expensive integrated library system in the future)

13 Tanzania-Belgium Co-operation: Progress in Building the Catalogue Designed database structures for books and periodicals, based on UNESCO’s CCF.Designed database structures for books and periodicals, based on UNESCO’s CCF. Networked the data entry PCs to the master database through Windows 95 TCP/IP.Networked the data entry PCs to the master database through Windows 95 TCP/IP. Began data entry in January 1999.Began data entry in January 1999. Limited the number of subject descriptors.Limited the number of subject descriptors. Offered a small database to readers through OPAC PCs.Offered a small database to readers through OPAC PCs. Installed WWWIRIS to test the web interface.Installed WWWIRIS to test the web interface. Designed database structures for books and periodicals, based on UNESCO’s CCF.Designed database structures for books and periodicals, based on UNESCO’s CCF. Networked the data entry PCs to the master database through Windows 95 TCP/IP.Networked the data entry PCs to the master database through Windows 95 TCP/IP. Began data entry in January 1999.Began data entry in January 1999. Limited the number of subject descriptors.Limited the number of subject descriptors. Offered a small database to readers through OPAC PCs.Offered a small database to readers through OPAC PCs. Installed WWWIRIS to test the web interface.Installed WWWIRIS to test the web interface.

14 Tanzania-Belgium Co-operation: Establishment of CD-ROM Services The first database on CD-ROM was obtained in 1997.The first database on CD-ROM was obtained in 1997. Staff awareness raised rapidly by a training conducted in 1998.Staff awareness raised rapidly by a training conducted in 1998. More CD-ROM databases were acquired, most of them free of charge; currently 30; subscriptions to 2.More CD-ROM databases were acquired, most of them free of charge; currently 30; subscriptions to 2. Search assistance is provided to users (staff, students, researchers at SUA and from other institutions)Search assistance is provided to users (staff, students, researchers at SUA and from other institutions) The first database on CD-ROM was obtained in 1997.The first database on CD-ROM was obtained in 1997. Staff awareness raised rapidly by a training conducted in 1998.Staff awareness raised rapidly by a training conducted in 1998. More CD-ROM databases were acquired, most of them free of charge; currently 30; subscriptions to 2.More CD-ROM databases were acquired, most of them free of charge; currently 30; subscriptions to 2. Search assistance is provided to users (staff, students, researchers at SUA and from other institutions)Search assistance is provided to users (staff, students, researchers at SUA and from other institutions)

15 Tanzania-Belgium Co-operation: Success of CD-ROM Services The CD-ROM services have greatly enhanced user access to information (mainly current bibliographical information).The CD-ROM services have greatly enhanced user access to information (mainly current bibliographical information). These services have gained a lot of popularity at SUA; they were rapidly accepted by users.These services have gained a lot of popularity at SUA; they were rapidly accepted by users. The CD-ROM services have greatly enhanced user access to information (mainly current bibliographical information).The CD-ROM services have greatly enhanced user access to information (mainly current bibliographical information). These services have gained a lot of popularity at SUA; they were rapidly accepted by users.These services have gained a lot of popularity at SUA; they were rapidly accepted by users.

16 Tanzania-Belgium Co-operation: Improving Interlibrary Lending Co-ordination of collection building and interlibrary lending (ILL) is expected of SNAL.Co-ordination of collection building and interlibrary lending (ILL) is expected of SNAL. An investigation is planned of the possible use of ICT for ILL; Internet and in particular e-mail will probably be useful for ILL, also in Tanzania.An investigation is planned of the possible use of ICT for ILL; Internet and in particular e-mail will probably be useful for ILL, also in Tanzania. Experience gained from other countries such as Belgium may be useful when adapted to local conditions in Tanzania.Experience gained from other countries such as Belgium may be useful when adapted to local conditions in Tanzania. Co-ordination of collection building and interlibrary lending (ILL) is expected of SNAL.Co-ordination of collection building and interlibrary lending (ILL) is expected of SNAL. An investigation is planned of the possible use of ICT for ILL; Internet and in particular e-mail will probably be useful for ILL, also in Tanzania.An investigation is planned of the possible use of ICT for ILL; Internet and in particular e-mail will probably be useful for ILL, also in Tanzania. Experience gained from other countries such as Belgium may be useful when adapted to local conditions in Tanzania.Experience gained from other countries such as Belgium may be useful when adapted to local conditions in Tanzania.

17 Tanzania-Belgium Co-operation: Research in Library Science Essential for long term success of the project (because it is a co-operation among universities).Essential for long term success of the project (because it is a co-operation among universities). Research should increase the status and the importance of the library.Research should increase the status and the importance of the library. Research in co-operation with Belgium is planned.Research in co-operation with Belgium is planned. Main focus is on developing methods to improve resource sharing in the country and beyond.Main focus is on developing methods to improve resource sharing in the country and beyond. Barriers that hinder rapid progress includeBarriers that hinder rapid progress include »shortage of staff »wish for research that is both fundamental and applicable Essential for long term success of the project (because it is a co-operation among universities).Essential for long term success of the project (because it is a co-operation among universities). Research should increase the status and the importance of the library.Research should increase the status and the importance of the library. Research in co-operation with Belgium is planned.Research in co-operation with Belgium is planned. Main focus is on developing methods to improve resource sharing in the country and beyond.Main focus is on developing methods to improve resource sharing in the country and beyond. Barriers that hinder rapid progress includeBarriers that hinder rapid progress include »shortage of staff »wish for research that is both fundamental and applicable

18 Tanzania-Belgium Co-operation: Challenges and Planning (Part 1) Progress is of course limited by budgetary constraints.Progress is of course limited by budgetary constraints. Planning should aim at sustainable development.Planning should aim at sustainable development. Further staff training and specialization will be important.Further staff training and specialization will be important. Role of ICT in the project will even increase.Role of ICT in the project will even increase. Application of Internet including the WWW for information retrieval should be further implemented, throughout the university.Application of Internet including the WWW for information retrieval should be further implemented, throughout the university. Progress is of course limited by budgetary constraints.Progress is of course limited by budgetary constraints. Planning should aim at sustainable development.Planning should aim at sustainable development. Further staff training and specialization will be important.Further staff training and specialization will be important. Role of ICT in the project will even increase.Role of ICT in the project will even increase. Application of Internet including the WWW for information retrieval should be further implemented, throughout the university.Application of Internet including the WWW for information retrieval should be further implemented, throughout the university.

19 Tanzania-Belgium Co-operation: Challenges and Planning (Part 2) A web site for the library should be developed, tested and implemented.A web site for the library should be developed, tested and implemented. Level of information literacy of users and potential users should be increased.Level of information literacy of users and potential users should be increased. The growing know-how and services should be extended to related institutes, in view of the national role of SNAL.The growing know-how and services should be extended to related institutes, in view of the national role of SNAL. A web site for the library should be developed, tested and implemented.A web site for the library should be developed, tested and implemented. Level of information literacy of users and potential users should be increased.Level of information literacy of users and potential users should be increased. The growing know-how and services should be extended to related institutes, in view of the national role of SNAL.The growing know-how and services should be extended to related institutes, in view of the national role of SNAL.

20 Tanzania-Belgium Co-operation: Conclusions We see the project as very effective.We see the project as very effective. Tangible results were obtained after only 1 year.Tangible results were obtained after only 1 year. Progress is made.Progress is made. The future of the project looks promising.The future of the project looks promising. We see the project as very effective.We see the project as very effective. Tangible results were obtained after only 1 year.Tangible results were obtained after only 1 year. Progress is made.Progress is made. The future of the project looks promising.The future of the project looks promising.

21 Tanzania-Belgium Co-operation Thank you We will be happy to answer your questions Thank you We will be happy to answer your questions

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