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Extension, Outreach, and Education in the Tsunami Program Eddie Bernard NOAA/PMEL (with help from Leon Cammen and Laura Kong) A presentation to NOAA Science.

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Presentation on theme: "Extension, Outreach, and Education in the Tsunami Program Eddie Bernard NOAA/PMEL (with help from Leon Cammen and Laura Kong) A presentation to NOAA Science."— Presentation transcript:

1 Extension, Outreach, and Education in the Tsunami Program Eddie Bernard NOAA/PMEL (with help from Leon Cammen and Laura Kong) A presentation to NOAA Science Advisory Board's Working Group On Extension, Outreach and Education

2 Outline Review of Existing Tsunami Program Extension, Outreach, and Education Tsunami Warning and Education Act Analysis of these data Recommendations

3 Outline Review of Existing Tsunami Program Extension, Outreach, and Education Tsunami Warning and Education Act Analysis of these data Recommendations

4 Extension-Change Behavior National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program (state responsibility) seeks to create “tsunami resilient communities” through economic incentives (i.e. establishing FEMA-approved mitigation plans)National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program NOAA TsunamiReady Program seeks to educate people on NOAA warning products and certifying that a community meets minimal requirements to effectively disseminate warning informationTsunamiReady Sea Grant maintains Haznet, a network of Sea Grant programs (HI,AK,WA,OR,CA,PR), to provide extension services for coastal hazards

5 Outreach- short term awareness NWS: TsunamiReady and WCM workshops, NTHMP (State)workshops and table top exercises OAR: Sea Grant- Haznet outreach, workshops, publications PMEL- Workshops, publications,web site with tsunami simulations

6 Tsunami Outreach Oregon Sea Grant Extension tsunami warning signs now posted in four states (WA, OR, CA and HI) and in Thailand. The illustration is warning coastal residents around the world. OSU Extension Sea Grant scientist The signs are unveiled in Thailand

7 Mitigation Guidebook Hawaii Sea Grant’s Hawaii Coastal Hazard Mitigation Guidebook has been utilized by FEMA, the government of Indonesia, and the states of LA and HI. Describes how to reduce the risk to coastal development by planning for natural hazards such as tsunamis and hurricanes. Gulf Coast version in the works and possibly an Indian Ocean version.

8 Tsunami Video Alaska Sea Grant produced a video titled, Ocean Fury: Tsunamis in Alaska. Ocean Fury: Tsunamis in Alaska Features interviews with Alaskans in Valdez, Kodiak, and Seward who witnessed the 1964 tsunamis. Video also highlights a Sea Grant–funded computer model used to predict how extensively tsunamis, under different variables, would inundate Alaska coastal areas. The model is a key tool in work being done by the NOAA National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program to help West Coast and Alaskan communities develop tsunami inundation maps and prepare their locales for tsunamis.

9 PMEL website

10 Education- Formal &Informal NWS- TWCs tours, TsunamiReady local activities, NTHMP (state) local activities & K-12 curriculums, ITICTWCITIC OAR Sea Grant- Extension Disaster Education Network (EDEN)EDEN PMEL/UW- UW Tsunami Science and Preparedness Certificate ProgramUW Tsunami Science and Preparedness Certificate Program

11 WHAT: CONSOLIDATED RESOURCE / TRAINING New, existing - Reliable, verified Training modules Offline / Web TARGET STAKEHOLDERS: Media, Education Systems Public (govt) / Private Sector CONTENT: School / Teacher materials Science, Historical Events Disaster / Risk reduction Warning Systems Preparedness, Alert, Hazard Environment/engineering TsunamiTeacher TsunamiTeacher

12 Outline Review of Existing Tsunami Program Extension, Outreach, and Education Tsunami Warning and Education Act Analysis of these data Recommendations

13 Damage $13.6B : Displaced 1,100,000 Center of Excellence in Disaster Management and Humanitarian Assistance Emergency Report : September, 2005

14 Ten Deadliest Natural Disasters on Record RankEventLocationDeath Toll 11931 Yellow River floodChina1-4 million 21887 Yellow River floodChina900,000 - 2 million 31970 Bhola cycloneBangladesh500,000 - 1 million 41938 Yellow River floodChina500,000-900,000 51556 Shaanxi earthquakeChina830,000 61839 India cylconeIndia300,000 71642 Kaifeng floodChina300,000 81976 Tangshan earthquakeChina242,000 92004 Indian ocean tsunamiIndian Ocean237,000 101138 Aleppo earthquakeSyria230,000 By Comparison 2005 Hurricane Katrina in the U.S. killed 1,033 people.

15 US Response = $950M Defense: Relief = $250M State (USAID): Reconstruction = $660M ($16M for IO tsunami warning system) Commerce (NOAA): Warnings= $26M Interior (USGS): Seismic upgrade = $13M NSF: Research surveys = $1M

16 US Response (Policy) Tsunami Warning and Education Act Signed into law on Dec 20,2006 Authorizes $129M from FY08-12

17 Tsunami Warning and Education Act P.L. 109-424 P.L. 109-424 1. Tsunami Forecast & Warning Program-NOAA 2. National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program 3. Tsunami Research Program-NOAA 4. Technical Assistance and Training for Global Tsunami Warning and Mitigation TotalWarningsNTHMPResearch FY08$25M16.256.752.00 FY09$26M16.907.022.08 FY10$27M17.557.292.16 FY11$28M18.207.562.24 FY12$29M18.857.832.32 Inslee

18 Outline Review of Existing Tsunami Program Extension, Outreach, and Education Tsunami Warning and Education Act Analysis of these data Recommendations

19 Analysis Abundance of information, some duplications, none completely interlinked and tsunami teacher most complete set of links NOAA/UW web has most complete set of documents, including IOTWS project Opportunity for better coordination, synthesis, archiving to serve Extension, Outreach, and Education activities

20 Outline Review of Existing Tsunami Program Extension, Outreach, and Education Tsunami Warning and Education Act Analysis of these data Recommendations

21 Fund a pilot project to create a tsunami web-based resource that can serve NOAA’s needs for Extension, Outreach, and Education Use this pilot as a model (lessons learned) for similar topics (i.e. hurricanes, coastal hazards, others)

22 Web Links National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program Tsunami Ready Tsunami Warning Centers Sea Grant International Tsunami Information Center NOAA/UW Certification Course

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