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Jake Fitzpatrick. Carton Board The term carton-board covers a range of packaging materials from single layer card, for products such as cereal packaging.

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Presentation on theme: "Jake Fitzpatrick. Carton Board The term carton-board covers a range of packaging materials from single layer card, for products such as cereal packaging."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jake Fitzpatrick

2 Carton Board The term carton-board covers a range of packaging materials from single layer card, for products such as cereal packaging or soft drink cartons, through to multi-layer corrugated cardboard in a variety of weights and thicknesses. It is produced from recycled carton board and paper as well as some new wood fibres. The material can be bleached or unbleached and has a surface that can be readily printed on. The thinner carton boards usually have one printable side, the reverse remaining self coloured.

3 Laminated card is commonly used to store liquids, such as milk and juices. This type of carton is composed of paper/card and layers of polythene, keeping the contents fresh and hygienic. Usually it is made up of paperboard(73%), plastic(22%) and aluminium foil(5%). To make this card, wood is harvested from sustainable forests, the bark is then removed at a paper mill. The clean pieces of wood are then cut up into small chippings. The fibres are then washed and cleaned. The original brown fibres and bleached white fibres, are forced tightly together, forming two compressed layers. Three layers of molten polythene are sprayed on the inside and a single layer on the outside. This will protect the future contents, such as orange juice and the design printed on the outside.

4 Corrugated Cardboard Corrugated cardboard is a piece of fluted corrugated card, placed between two flat boards. The corrugated card is triangular shaped to provided maximum strength for the board. The board is used primarily in shipment of goods. However, corrugated board is used in everything from display boards to bracing for picture frames. Corrugated board can be found in cheap furniture as well. This type of board is rather flexible and can be cut, folded, glued, stapled and taped to assume a number of different shapes and sizes, and it is also very lightweight. Corrugated board is biodegradable and often contains recycled paper. It can also be recycled, so it is good for the environment

5 Mount board is a very high quality thick board, which usually ahs a coloured surface. This type of card is usually used for making final models out of, or it is used to for mounting work on. It is a strong and lightweight card, and it is also easily cut, which makes it and effective board to put work onto. Metal Effect Card Metal effect card is card which has a high reflective surface making it aesthetically pleasing to use as gift boxes etc. The card can be cut very easily making it versatile and suitable for many different sized boxes. It is also lightweight which makes it good for use as a gift box.

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