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The UK’s European university SDS Replacement Project Stakeholder Group Meeting #4– Nicci Place.

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Presentation on theme: "The UK’s European university SDS Replacement Project Stakeholder Group Meeting #4– Nicci Place."— Presentation transcript:

1 The UK’s European university SDS Replacement Project Stakeholder Group Meeting #4– Nicci Place

2 Agenda Key business messages Where we are on the project plan – by strand Module Assessment & Reassessment Communications with Students demo Module Handbook Training Plan on a page (reviewed) Which strands have yet to start? Questions and discussion

3 Key Business Messages Project objectives Stable and reliable IT system Improved student information experience More effective administration in the longer term Steering Group has directed that The university needs to implement systems that are broadly standardized, easy to maintain and sustainable for the future Bespoke product customization of the new system will be avoided The solution should be designed primarily with the student experience in mind

4 Where are we on the project plan? Academic model Modules and module availability - built Detailed requirements & design complete Build in progress Enrolment and registration Detailed requirements & design complete Enrolment/re-registration forms almost complete Student testing and feedback groups

5 Enrolment and Registration screens

6 Personal Details

7 Where are we on the project plan? Tuition Fee/SLC invoicing Requirements complete & design complete Fee structure build in progress Scholarships and Bursaries Requirements gathering in progress Some early design in progress

8 Scholarships - Student View (Financial Support tab)

9 Search for fund to process transactions

10 Search screen in use

11 Applicants to Dora Harvey fund and status

12 Final Acceptance Stage Those that are at Stage “Final Acceptance” (they have been approved for a fund and are at the stage of accepting their terms and conditions), Substage “Accepted (i.e. the student has accepted their term and conditions) and Process status “Process Responses” can have their awards processed and their payment transactions created.

13 More refined search criteria How to use the new Kent PowerPoint template

14 Search results for refined search How to use the new Kent PowerPoint template

15 Where are we on the project plan? Timetabling and Events Outline requirements signed off Detailed requirements in progress Reporting Requirements gathering in progress User Permissions Requirements and design in progress Mainly broken down at strand level

16 Where are we on the project plan? Student and Staff Management: 3 Phases Phase 1: Portal Features & UKVI Management Outline Requirements ready for strand stakeholder input and then sign off. Detailed Requirements near completion. Feedback and sign off of Outline Requirements required before completion of Detailed Requirements PGR Management: Outline Requirements completed - ready for strand stakeholder input and then sign off. Detailed Requirements started

17 Where are we on the project plan? Data Integration Detailed requirements and design in progress for areas with little / no dependency on other systems or project strands. –(Includes Sports Centre, Kent Union, Alumni Office, Estates Car Parking). Working on IS AdminServer/FIM (Forefront Identity Manager) integration so that staff accounts & permissions can be administered. Module Diets Outline requirements in progress.

18 Module Assessment & Reassessment Moving forward… Assessment Patterns Marks for coursework elements & overall exam mark Marks verification No verification within the SITS platform Assessment Pattern weightings Will be set up as thousandths (the most flexible option – easily converted to percentages for reporting/display purposes)

19 Workshop/demo by Carl and Helen Staff from all schools invited to attend How to use the new Kent PowerPoint template Module Assessment & Reassessment

20 Marks Entry- Generate assessment

21 Make module available for marking

22 Mark Entry – Marker view

23 Mark entry for specific module

24 Entering marks

25 Processing Module Result

26 Process Complete Confirmation

27 Communications with Students Ad-hoc communications Design in progress Routine communications Requirements gathering in progress Some strand specific build started

28 Emailing students - selection screen How to use the new Kent PowerPoint template

29 Emailing students – confirm selection

30 Emailing students – preview & attach files How to use the new Kent PowerPoint template

31 Module Handbook In development Live from July 2015 Similar functionality (slightly more flexibility) Handbook users contacted nearer date How to use the new Kent PowerPoint template

32 Search for handbook – results screen

33 Modules in selected handbook

34 Module details

35 Training Shadowing progressing well – 65 users shadowed Training needs analysis survey ready for distribution by June/July 2015 This will inform resourcing – time/manpower/room requirements Plans to pilot training documentation on Enrolment/Registration strand and Module Handbook Editor How to use the new Kent PowerPoint template

36 Project plan on a page – reviewed Jan 2015

37 Which strands are yet to start? Progression and Awards Pastoral Care Absence Management External Reporting Congregations and Awards

38 Questions and discussion


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