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Anusorn Cherdthong, PhD 137748 Applied Biochemistry in Nutritional Science E-learning:

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1 Anusorn Cherdthong, PhD 137748 Applied Biochemistry in Nutritional Science Email: E-learning: Protein and Amino Acids

2 Introduction  Organic compound with high MW  Similar CHO, fat but contained S  Growth and repaired  Essential for blood, tissue, enzymes, immune and hormone (Riis, 1983; McDonald et al., 2011)

3 Amino acid characteristics  Are biologically important organic compounds made from amine (-NH 2 ) and carboxylic acid (-COOH) functional groups.  Amino acid, carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen.  20 standard amino acids, 9 of the 20 standard amino acids are called “essential”

4 Amino acid characteristics OpenStax College (2013)

5 Structure of 20 amino acid McDonald et al. (2011)

6 Zwitter amino acid McDonald et al. (2011)

7 Type of amino acids  Neutral nonpolar amino acids  Neutral polar amino acids  Acidic amino acids  Basic amino acids

8 Peptide  >2 amino acids  Dipeptide  2 AA  Tripeptide  3 AA  Polypeptide  >3 AA

9 Peptide bond McDonald et al. (2011)

10 Role of peptide  Glutathione  Oxytocin  Enkephalins  Thyrotropin  Antibiotics

11 Protein characteristics  More than 100 molecule AA  Protein are large biological molecules consisting of one or more chains of amino acid.  Proteins perform a vast array of functions within living organisms  A polypeptide is a single linear polymer chain of amino acids bonded together by peptide bonds between the carboxyl and amino groups.

12 Protein structure  Primary structure  Secondary structure  Tertiary structure  Quaternary structure OpenStax College (2013)

13 Primary structure such as DNA, RNA or typical intracellular protein

14 Secondary structure such as proteins and nucleic acids (DNA/RNA)

15 Tertiary structure Protein or any other macromolecule is its three- dimensional structure

16 Quaternary structure Arrangement of multiple folded protein or coiling protein molecules in a multi-subunit complex

17 Protein classification  Configuration  Chemical composition  Nutrient composition  Role  Part of protein  Protein in animal science

18 Role of protein  Parts of the body  Transport protein  Cell synthesis  Enzymes  Hormones  Growth  Production  protective protein  Reproductive  Storage protein  Contractile protein

19 Conclusion 1 2 3 Role of AA and protein Types of AA and protein Structure of AA and protein

20 Thank you!

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