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U.S. TAXATION OF SWISS RETIREMENT AND PENSION FUNDS Milan K. Patel, J.D., LL.M. (Taxation) Anaford AG 23 September 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "U.S. TAXATION OF SWISS RETIREMENT AND PENSION FUNDS Milan K. Patel, J.D., LL.M. (Taxation) Anaford AG 23 September 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 U.S. TAXATION OF SWISS RETIREMENT AND PENSION FUNDS Milan K. Patel, J.D., LL.M. (Taxation) Anaford AG 23 September 2013

2 Swiss Social Security System Pillar I – Compulsory for everyone – Old-age and survivors’ insurance (AVS) – Invalidity insurance (AI) Pillar II – Compulsory for salaried persons – Occupational benefit plan (PP) Pillar III – Voluntary basis – Individual provident measures

3 U.S. Foreign Tax Credit I.R.C. § 901(b)(1): “the amount of any income, war profits, and excess profits taxes paid or accrued during the taxable year to any foreign country ….”

4 U.S. – FTC Computation General

5 Deferred Compensation – 409A Qualified Employer Plans – 401(k) – Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Plan

6 U.S. – FTC Computation With Pillar II

7 Relief??? Bilateral Agreements – Income Tax Treaty – Totalization Agreement Certain Foreign Plans – Treas. Reg. § 1.409A-1(a)(3)(iv)

8 Bilateral Agreements U.S. – Swiss Income Tax Treaty (1 Jan 1998) – Article 18 (Pensions and Annuities) – Article 19 (Government Service and Social Security) U.S. – Swiss Totalization Agreement (1 Nov 1980) – Old-age, survivors, and invalidity covered – Unemployment, occupational benefit plans, and social welfare not covered

9 Certain Foreign Plans Treas. Reg. § 1.409A-1(a)(3)(iv): “In addition, the term nonqualified deferred compensation plan does not include a social security system of a foreign jurisdiction to the extent that benefits are provided under or contributions are made to a government-mandated plan as part of that foreign jurisdiction’s social security system.”

10 Anaford AG Tödistrasse 53 CH-8002 Zürich – Switzerland +41 44 567 8805 | Main Milan K. Patel +41 44 567 8808 | Direct

11 Disclaimer This Presentation is intended solely for information purposes. The opinions contained in this Presentation may be altered at any time. The information published in this presentation constitutes neither a request nor an offer or recommendation to buy or sell investment instruments or to perform other transactions or services. Although Anaford AG has taken all reasonable care to ensure that the information contained in this presentation is accurate at the time of publication, the details in this presentation do not represent decision-making aids for legal, fiscal or other advice-related questions. Before setting up or making use of any structure, you should therefore consider the suitability of the transaction to your particular circumstances and independently review (with your professional advisers as necessary) the specific financial risks as well as the tax, legal, regulatory, credit and accounting implications. Anaford AG would be pleased to provide you with any legal and tax advice on the matters contained herein upon your express kind request. © 2013, Anaford AG, Switzerland. All rights reserved.

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