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A Unit on Triangles Unit on Triangles What are the characteristics of a triangle? All triangles have three sides All triangles have three interior angles.

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2 A Unit on Triangles

3 Unit on Triangles What are the characteristics of a triangle? All triangles have three sides All triangles have three interior angles The sum of the interior angles of a triangle is ALWAYS equals 180 degrees

4 Where do you see triangles in The real World?

5 Who Uses Triangles?

6 What are the three types of triangles? 1.Scalene – All three sides are different lengths and all angle measures are different 2.Isosceles – two sides are the same length and those base angles are the same measure 3.Equilateral – All three sides are the same length and all angles are the same measure of 60 degrees

7 Additional Classification of Triangles  Acute- ALL interior angles in the triangle are less than 90 degrees  Obtuse- ONE of the three interior angles is greater than 90 degrees  Right – One of the interior angles is EXACTLY 90 degrees

8 Recap on Classification (Mahalodotcom, 2011 )

9 Isosceles, Scalene and Equilateral Review (Mahalodotcom, 2011)

10 Did you know??? When you extend the lines beyond the vertices of a triangle you create NINE exterior angles.

11 Practice All triangles have this many sides. Click on each question for the answer If you add up the interior angles of a triangle it is equal to how many degrees

12 More Practice… Starting with the top word use your finger to connect the word with the picture then click on the screen to see if you are correct. Continue with all three types of triangles

13 Quiz time! What is the classification of the triangle below?  Isosceles / right  Equilateral / obtuse  Equilateral / acute  Scalene / acute

14 SORRY! That is the incorrect answer

15 Congratulations!!! You’re Correct!!!

16 Quiz time! What is the classification of the triangle below?  Isosceles / acute  Equilateral / obtuse  Equilateral / acute  Scalene / acute

17 SORRY! That is the incorrect answer

18 Congratulations!!! You’re Correct!!!

19 Quiz time! What is the classification of the triangle below?  Isosceles / acute  Equilateral / obtuse  Equilateral / acute  Scalene / obtuse

20 SORRY! That is the incorrect answer

21 Congratulations!!! You’re Correct!!!

22 Quiz time! When you add up the interior angles of any triangle the total degrees are…  150 150  160 160  170 170  180 180

23 SORRY! That is the incorrect answer

24 Congratulations!!! You’re Correct!!!

25 Quiz time! How many sides do all triangle have???  one  two  three  four

26 SORRY! That is the incorrect answer

27 Congratulations!!! You’re Correct!!!

28 You are now ready for the unit test! If you want to REVIEW some more click here To REVIEW the video in the presentation click here

29 Credit page Mahalodotcom (Jan 21, 2011). How to Classify Triangles - Acute, Obtuse, Right. Retrieved November 11 th, 2011, from Mahalodotcom (Jan 21, 2011). Classifying Triangles: Isosceles (ex.1). Retrieved November 11 th, 2011, from Mahalodotcom (Jan 21, 2011). Classifying Triangles: Scalene (ex.2) Retrieved November 11 th, 2011, from Mahalodotcom (Jan 21, 2011). Classifying Triangles: Equilateral (ex.3) Retrieved November 11 th, 2011, from

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