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6 th Annual Focus Users’ Conference 6 th Annual Focus Users’ Conference Letterhead Templates, Print Letters/Send Emails and Workflow Triggers Presented.

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Presentation on theme: "6 th Annual Focus Users’ Conference 6 th Annual Focus Users’ Conference Letterhead Templates, Print Letters/Send Emails and Workflow Triggers Presented."— Presentation transcript:

1 6 th Annual Focus Users’ Conference 6 th Annual Focus Users’ Conference Letterhead Templates, Print Letters/Send Emails and Workflow Triggers Presented by: Sarah Carlson Presented by: Sarah Carlson

2 Agenda

3 From the portal page navigate to the setup menu. From there scroll down to The Letterhead Templates. Once on the Letterhead Template click on any pre- Existing template to edit it or scroll to the bottom Where it will say, ‘+ Add a Letterhead Template.’ Once a title is created for the template it will then open Up to a new Letterhead.

4 Once a new template is open the Title can be modified. The School can be selected by a specific school or ‘ALL SCHOOLS’ to use district wide. The Language option will allow you to pick another language if it has been translated in the Focus system. if a template has been translated into another language, the option to pull in that template with the translated language can be pulled from the Language dropdown. However it will always default to English. Default For/Default for Teachers, Parents & Students defaults to a specific program within Focus. If this default is set the template will appear automatically as a selection for the template on a specific screen. Page Orientation allows portrait or landscape for the template. Landscape is great for use of certificates. Auto can be selected to allow the system to determine the orientation based on what is being printed. Paper Size is set to select letter, legal or A4. Defaulting will allow the system to determine. A Hard Page Break allows printing the item for each student on a separate page by including breaks between. Select Font Size allows Extra small, small, normal, large or extra large.

5 The Text Editor is located in the Header and Footer of the Letterhead Template this will allow you to change the font, add images, format and copy the HTML source. The HTML source can be copied from the template and pasted onto another template. School Districts can also “share” a template by copying the HTML. When a HTML is copied make sure that the formatting and syntax is correct. The same options are also available in the footer

6 When the user wants to copy the HTML source, you would click the Source button and it will change Over to the HTML.. Once the HTML is copied, the user will click paste to the appropriate Template, after it is pasted the user will then click Source again and it will transfer back to its original form.

7 When a table is created, the width can be changed from pixels to percentages. Percentages will fluctuate with the letterhead template according to the page size. Pixels will not. The number of rows and columns can be set in the Table Properties. If the table is only being used for Alignment purposes then the border size can be kept at a 0.

8 Letterhead Templates Fields in Focus are created to pull in all the data from the school district. Focus recommends that tables are used to keep information in and are very useful in Keeping the information aligned. A example of what a field looks like. The field with the data pulled in.

9 Letterhead Templates can be printed on any screen by using the Print button that is located at the bottom of any Focus page. The gray triangle next to the Print button will display the letterhead templates from the drop down menu. Additionally Focus has a shrink report which is ideal for Teachers Attendance or something that has to be printed in landscape.

10 Examples of Letterhead Templates would be: Report Cards Progress Reports Transcripts Official District or School Letterheads Student Scheduling Billing Letterhead

11 Selecting a Letterhead Template can be pulled from the Letterhead Template menu, once you open it, it will default to what has already been created. The minus sign (-) next to the title will delete the template. It will generate a message before it is deleted completely.

12 Opening the Report Card template that has already been created Header Footer

13 Letterhead Templates The Report Card Template with the Body pulled in.

14 Letterhead Templates Additionally Letterhead Templates for Standard based cards can have a side (Left Or Right).

15 A basic template can be created by pulling in just the School Logo, address, current date and time. After a template is created you must always hit Save. It will highlight in Red. Once this template is created and saved the user can advance to the Print Letters/ Send Email feature that Focus offers. In our next few slides we will talk about this Feature.

16 The Print Letters/Send Emails feature can be found in the Students menu and the Users menu. Print Letters/Send Emails is very similar to the Letterhead Template. They offer all The same text editor features that hold all the same information. The difference in this feature is that the Body is entered into the Print Letters/Send Emails.

17 Print Letters/Send Emails displays key features that administrator's will use to create, save and deliver letters and forms to the district or school’s users. Examples of Letters and Emails would be: Withdrawal Forms Certificates Student Requirements Once on the Print Letters and Send Email screen, the user can type their letter directly up on the screen and save it with the save icon. They can be Created, Opened, Edited and Saved To open or edit a Letter/Email the folder click the folder icon

18 To open a pre existing letter or email, select the folder icon from the Text Editor, a List will populate the screen. Select the letter that is to be edited.

19 This is an example of the template with the body typed in and pulled up in our Print Letters/ Send Email feature.

20 A Letter/Email can be attached to any of the menu options once you open the Save Folder. Select the arrow icons, the choices to attach the Letter/ Email will appear there. From here the user can go to any of the Menu options Where it is stored to quickly access it.

21 Focus offers a Spell Check feature that offers a Thesaurus tab for synonyms. By clicking a highlighted word a variety of options will appear.

22 Sorting letters enables letters to be sorted in order and printed on the following Screen. Search All Schools allows districts to broaden its search all schools, and Include Inactive Students will include inactive students.

23 Searching for students can be pulled up with more search options. This allows you to print letters and send emails to a select group of students.

24 Once the Letter/Email is created advancing to the the next screen will display a list of users that will match the search options. Emails are delivered immediately. Letters can be previewed before clicking print. Certain Letters/Emails are triggered to be sent out by a Workflow Trigger. An example of a Letter/Email that would be triggered to send out a Letter/Email would be an Attendance alert. When a student reaches a certain number of Absences this will automatically issue a Email or generate a Letter. Attendance Letters are generate every night.

25 Workflow triggers are found under the Students menu and can be setup to Email, portal alerts or generate letters in the Letter Queue. After accessing WorkFlow Triggers, the user can then Add a Trigger. The user will also have the option to edit or delete a Trigger.

26 Focus offers three different options Alert Icons Portal Alerts Letters/Emails Alert Icons- Add an alert on the student’s demographic page. Some of these alerts include, Medical, Prescription, ELL, Special Education, and Custody. Alert Icons can look however your school chooses. They are saved and created on a file by your school and can be uploaded from that file. Portal Alerts- A portal alert is for whenever a referral has been reviewed OR processed by an administrated. Letter/Email- A letter added to the Letter Queue will trigger when a student reaches ten absences. Attendance Letter Triggers are run as a scheduled job every evening due to the changes of attendance throughout the day. All other Triggers will happen instantly.

27 An example of a Letter and Email would be an attendance alert. Attendance Alerts can be triggered by number of absences that a students has. A Letter can be automatically added to the letter queue or an email sent out if a specific number of absences is reached. Attendance letter triggers are run as a scheduled job each evening due to the number of changes in attendance through out the day. To create a Portal Alert a referral can be used as an example. A referral will display for the reporter once a Administrator has processed it. Alert Icons are created and used in Focus to appear next to a students name to indicate a medical condition, ELL alerts and ESE alerts. They can be customized by school district.

28 Example of adding a Attendance Alert From the Workflow Triggers under the Event, select Attendance Day Updated. The fields that display on the screen depend on the event that is selected. select the period that you want to consider for attendance. The Count will trigger how many days for this alert to generate into a automatic Email/Letter. The Codes with a absent or present option. Finally the Action that should take place. Adding Trigger will add this to the list of existing triggers.

29 An example of creating a Portal Alert A Portal Alert such as a referral will appear on the Users home portal under Alerts

30 Select Workflow triggers. Add Trigger. Select Referral Updated. The fields that will display on the screen will depend on the event that has been selected. From there a filter value of Y or N is entered as the value. The filter selection is based on the fields that are selected. In the Action section check the create portal alert check box. Users can be selected from students, parents and specific users. The Reporter for a referral can be anybody who the Admin gives permission to.

31 Next select the user who should be alerted. It can be a parent, student and specific user. The alert title will display for the user who receives the alert. Select the All School Trigger check box if the trigger should be available for all schools. The Trigger Enabled box is selected by default. After the referral has been viewed and processed by the admin the Reporter will receive a alert on there portal page indicated that the referral has been reviewed and processed.

32 From the Workflow Triggers the user will check the radio button, Alert Icons. From there the field will generate the Alert Icons in which the user will select. Icons are used to indicate if a student has a allergy, medication alert, custody alert. Any of these icons will be showed if you hover over the students name. These icons can be created by the school’s preferences.

33 Once the field is pulled in the user can filter it, upload an icon and type in the alert. When the user is finished click Add Trigger. The new trigger will be added to the list of existing triggers.

34 Questions?

35 Thank You Please be sure to complete the comment card for this session and enjoy the rest of the Users’ Conference!

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