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…………………………………………………….... A Sc (Social Work) UWI Open Campus.

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Presentation on theme: "…………………………………………………….... A Sc (Social Work) UWI Open Campus."— Presentation transcript:

1 …………………………………………………….... A Sc (Social Work) UWI Open Campus

2 Presentation Introductions UWI Open Campus The programme Scope The courses Who is it for? What you need to apply? How to apply Questions

3 …………………………………………………….... UWI OPEN CAMPUS

4 UWI Open Campus Located next to Truman Bodden Sports complex Cayman is contributing territory Widely recognised and accepted Accessible programmes Many Caribbean leaders are UWI Graduates

5 …………………………………………………….... PROGRAMME

6 The programme This programme is designed to provide training for social work assistants to prepare them for work in agencies and communities and to provide appropriate support to social workers. The courses address the theory and practice of social work and human needs and behaviours.

7 The programme Graduates will be able to serve in para-professional positions and advance organizational goals. Graduates who meet minimum GPA requirements will be eligible for entry to Level 2 of the relevant BSc programme at UWI.

8 Scope The Associate of Science degree in Social Work (ASc SOWK) comprises 60 credits, equivalent to 20 semester courses. The ASc SOWK delivers 30 Level 1 credits appropriate for exemption towards the BSc and graduates of the ASc in Social Work with a minimum overall GPA of 3.0 are eligible for direct entry to Level 2 of the corresponding BSc programme. The Associate of Science degree is designed both as a terminal qualification and for further academic study

9 The programme Academic Preparation (2 courses) – Orientation to on-line learning – Improve Your Math Skills General Education (5 courses) – Introduction to Computers – Caribbean Civilization – English for Academic purposes – Introduction to Statistics – Introduction to Spanish Core (15 courses) Electives (1 course)

10 Core Courses Principles and Practice of Social Work I Principle and Practice of Social Work II Human Growth and Development Human behaviour and the Social Environment Introduction to Sociology Introduction to Social Research Administrative Principles and Practices Introduction to Social Work Theory and Practice of Social Work Ethics for the Human Services Caribbean Political Economy Introduction to Caribbean Social Policy Introduction to Psychology Social Work Practicum

11 Advantages Academic preparation 2 courses 20 courses US $300/course Part-time Evening schedule Courses 13 x 3 = 39 hours Mixed mode: On-line and face-to- face Job relevant Laddering into level 2 courses (UWI)

12 Who is it for? The A Sc Social Work programme is specifically designed for persons wishing to develop social work skills in order to contribute to resolving problems in their local communities and persons interested in building their qualifications towards a professional qualification in social work.

13 …………………………………………………….... MATRICULATION

14 Applicants Applicants should meet lower level matriculation requirements which include: 1.Holders of five (5) CXC or GCE ‘O’ Level passes or equivalent, not necessarily obtained at the same sitting, as follows: (i) English (A), and (ii) Mathematics or a foreign language, or an approved science (not Health Science), or additional Mathematics or Geography (iii) Three (3) other approved subjects not already counted above.

15 Applicants 2. Persons over the age of 21 on the basis of their overall academic and professional attainments. 3. Holders of the approved certificates from the School of Continuing Studies, UWI with an acceptable pass in English Language In addition applicants should have a minimum of three years experience in the social service sector as staff or volunteer.

16 …………………………………………………….... SCHEDULE

17 Year 1 Year I (21 credits) Semester 1 (9 credits) ENGL0900 MATH0900 FOUN1001English for Academic Purposes MGMT1000 FOUN1101 SOWK0900Principles & Practice of Social Work I SOWK0902Human Growth & Development Semester 2 (12 credits) SOWK0901Principles & Practice of Social Work II SOWK0903 Understanding Human Behaviour & the Social Environment SOCI1002Introduction to Sociology SPAN0900 FREN0900 SOCI1001Introduction to Social Research SOWK0904

18 Year 2 Year II (21 credits) Semester 1 (9 credits) MATH0900 MGMT1000Introduction to Computers GOVT1900 SOWK1001Introduction to Social Work PHIL1902 SOCI1005Introductory Statistics for the Behavioural Sciences GOVT1902 SOWK0904 Semester 2 (12 credits) FOUN1101Caribbean Civilization SOWK1003Theory and Practice of Social Work SOWK0905Introduction to Caribbean Social Policy and Social Services SPAN0900 FREN0900 Introductory Spanish OR Introductory French PSYC1003 SOWK1900 SOWK1007 SOWK1002

19 Year 3 Year III (18 credits) Semester 1 (9 credits) GOVT1900 Introduction to Administrative Principles & Practices GOVT1902Caribbean Political Economy PHIL1902Ethics for the Human Services Semester 2 (9 credits) PSYC1003Introduction to Psychology SOWK1900Social Work Practicum Elective – Choose 1 of SOWK1007Law for Social Workers SOWK1002Individuals & Families ASc SOWK END OF PART-TIME OPTION A

20 …………………………………………………….... MATERIALS

21 Materials and Support Books On-line materials CDs Course Coordinator E-tutors

22 …………………………………………………….... APPLICATION

23 University Website

24 Pre-U Programmes


26 …………………………………………………….... CONTACT INFORMATION

27 Office: Orlando Desdunes 946-8322 Head: Robert Geofroy 949-2275 e-mail: Website:

28 …………………………………………………….... QUESTIONS

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