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Starting with Apprenticeship Starting with Apprenticeship. Sustainable strategies for recruiting young people interested in in-company training November.

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Presentation on theme: "Starting with Apprenticeship Starting with Apprenticeship. Sustainable strategies for recruiting young people interested in in-company training November."— Presentation transcript:

1 Starting with Apprenticeship Starting with Apprenticeship. Sustainable strategies for recruiting young people interested in in-company training November 18 - 19 2014, Berlin Starting with Apprenticeship Starting with Apprenticeship. Sustainable strategies for recruiting young people interested in in-company training November 18 - 19 2014, Berlin presenting VET system in Poland


3 Description: VET in Poland (IVET and CVET) Graduates from lower secondary schools (which is compulsory education) can choose one of the three types of schools:  a 3- year general secondary school, preparing for the matura exam;  a 4 - year technical secondary school, preparing for the matura exam and an exam in vocational qualifications required for a specific profession;  a 3 - year basic vocational school, preparing for exams in vocational qualifications required for a specific profession

4 VET in Poland (IVET and CVET) Polish VET system for which the Minister of National Education is responsible is provided at upper secondary and post-secondary non- tertiary levels. VET at higher education level is in the scope of responsibility of the Minister of Science and Higher Education.

5 At upper secondary level, students can gain vocational qualifications in a 3-year basic vocational school (ZSZ) or in a 4-year upper secondary technical school (technikum). VET students may take external exam(s) confirming vocational qualification(s), which is/are conducted separately for each qualification specified in a given occupation. The exams are organised during the learning process, not only at its end as it used to be. At upper secondary level, students can gain vocational qualifications in a 3-year basic vocational school (ZSZ) or in a 4-year upper secondary technical school (technikum). VET students may take external exam(s) confirming vocational qualification(s), which is/are conducted separately for each qualification specified in a given occupation. The exams are organised during the learning process, not only at its end as it used to be. VET in Poland (IVET and CVET)

6 Upper secondary technical school enables also taking so called maturity exam which gives entrance to education at tertiary level. Graduates of basic vocational schools can upgrade their knowledge in 3 year upper secondary general schools for adults (LO dla doroslych) starting with the second grade. They may also upgrade their skills or gain new qualifications (requalify) at vocational qualification courses leading (after passing an exam) to qualifications. Upper secondary technical school enables also taking so called maturity exam which gives entrance to education at tertiary level. Graduates of basic vocational schools can upgrade their knowledge in 3 year upper secondary general schools for adults (LO dla doroslych) starting with the second grade. They may also upgrade their skills or gain new qualifications (requalify) at vocational qualification courses leading (after passing an exam) to qualifications. VET in Poland (IVET and CVET)

7 At post-secondary non-tertiary level graduates of general and technical upper secondary schools can gain vocational qualifications in a post- secondary school (szkola policealna) where learning process does not last longer than 2,5 year. Polish VET at technical schools and post secondary schools is mainly school-based with the share of practical training in total VET programme of 50%, whereas in basic vocational schools the proportion of practice to theory is 60% to 40%. At post-secondary non-tertiary level graduates of general and technical upper secondary schools can gain vocational qualifications in a post- secondary school (szkola policealna) where learning process does not last longer than 2,5 year. Polish VET at technical schools and post secondary schools is mainly school-based with the share of practical training in total VET programme of 50%, whereas in basic vocational schools the proportion of practice to theory is 60% to 40%. VET in Poland (IVET and CVET)

8 After passing each external exam confirming vocational qualification, students obtain a certificate confirming one particular qualification. Only after they pass exams for all qualifications required in an occupation (1, 2 or 3) and achieve a required education level, they receive a diploma confirming vocational qualifications. Apprenticeship training is chosen by approximately 60% of students in basic vocational schools. It is organised in small and medium enterprises, mainly in handicrafts. After passing the external exams in crafts, apprentices obtain apprentice certificate (swiadectwo czeladnicze) or, if their employer does not belong to the Polish Craft Association, they pass exams at Regional Examination Boards and obtain diploma confirming vocational qualifications. After passing each external exam confirming vocational qualification, students obtain a certificate confirming one particular qualification. Only after they pass exams for all qualifications required in an occupation (1, 2 or 3) and achieve a required education level, they receive a diploma confirming vocational qualifications. Apprenticeship training is chosen by approximately 60% of students in basic vocational schools. It is organised in small and medium enterprises, mainly in handicrafts. After passing the external exams in crafts, apprentices obtain apprentice certificate (swiadectwo czeladnicze) or, if their employer does not belong to the Polish Craft Association, they pass exams at Regional Examination Boards and obtain diploma confirming vocational qualifications. VET in Poland (IVET and CVET)

9 Adult learning and CVET VET for adults is organised mainly in out-of-school forms, such as: a) vocational qualification courses. b) occupational skills courses c) other courses related to occupations included in the classification of occupations and specialisations meeting labour market needs, including courses conduced in cooperation with labour offices. Apprenticeship for Adults is in the scope of responsibility of the Minister of Labour and Social Policy. The aim of this particular active labour market programme, provided by the Local Labour Offices, is to improve employability of unemployed and job seekers, by helping them to confirm their skills and qualifications formally. VET for adults is organised mainly in out-of-school forms, such as: a) vocational qualification courses. b) occupational skills courses c) other courses related to occupations included in the classification of occupations and specialisations meeting labour market needs, including courses conduced in cooperation with labour offices. Apprenticeship for Adults is in the scope of responsibility of the Minister of Labour and Social Policy. The aim of this particular active labour market programme, provided by the Local Labour Offices, is to improve employability of unemployed and job seekers, by helping them to confirm their skills and qualifications formally. CLICK IT

10 The main challenges for the Polish VET: VET in Poland (IVET and CVET) involving employers in identifying and forecasting skills and qualification needs in the labour market, to draw up guidelines for vocational schools in designing their educational offers increasing employers’ engagement in organising practical training in VET and developing cooperation of VET schools fostering VET teachers’ and trainers’ access to professional development by encouraging traineeships for teachers and trainers in enterprises.


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