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Nikolas Wolfe CEN 4914 Senior Project November 18, 2009 Presentation II An Open-Source Remote Monitoring System.

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Presentation on theme: "Nikolas Wolfe CEN 4914 Senior Project November 18, 2009 Presentation II An Open-Source Remote Monitoring System."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nikolas Wolfe CEN 4914 Senior Project November 18, 2009 Presentation II An Open-Source Remote Monitoring System

2 Summary Motivation To lower the cost and improve the quality of remote monitoring and the sustainability of renewable energy systems Problem Existing monitoring technologies are expensive, limited, and proprietary Solution To develop an open-source monitoring system for remote power systems that minimizes after-installation costs

3 Work Completed Since last time… Circuit Reconstruction (Hardware) Tri-state buffers replaced with optoisolators Incoming call interrupt Incoming call accept Manual/programmatic control of power button Elimination of cell phone battery Use of 3x4 nodal grid to access all 12 keys on keypad Constructed new RS-232 serial enabled Freeduino microcontroller to replaces Arduino USB board Constructed surrogate solar power system using TS-45 Solar Controller / 12V lawnmower battery

4 Work Completed

5 Since last time… Software Implementation All pin-specific software changed in accordance with hardware changes Switched to using decimal system with pound (#) field separators Software interrupt for incoming call Logic to transmit any array of doubles as DTMF tones Required parts of MODBUS RTU protocol to poll solar controller for data Java serial communication program to assist in development of MODBUS protocol

6 Work to Complete Serial handshaking between TS-45 solar controller and the Freeduino MaxSerial Web interface to log and display polled data from the solar controller Stretch: Implementation of rechargeable battery

7 Literature and Research 1 8-bit AVR Microcontroller with 4/8/16/32K Bytes In-System Programmable Flash, Atmel Corporation, Rev. 8161C–AVR–05/09, (2009) Anon. “Build a MaxSerial Freeduino”, ial%20Freeduino.html, Spiff's Electronics Notebook, (as-of 9 Apr 2008) Anon. “Guide to Getting Started with Arduino”,, Arduino (as-of 17 Nov 09) Anon. “Language Reference (extended)”,, Arduino, (as-of 17 Nov 09) Evans, Brian W. Arduino Programming Notebook, Second Edition, (2008)

8 Literature and Research 2 MODBUS Application Protocol Specification, Modbus-IDA, V1.1b, (2006) Modicon Modbus Protocol Reference Guide, MODICON Inc. Industrial Automation Systems, PI–MBUS–300 Rev. J, (1996) Optically Coupled Isolator: OPI110, OPI113, OPI1264 Series, OPTEK Technology Inc., Issue A.1, (2007) TriStar MODBUS Specification, Morningstar Corporation, Version 2, (2005) TriStar Solar System Controller Installation and Operation Manual, Morningstar Corporation (2009)

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