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Career Exploration Inventory Materials to support the administration of the CEI.

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1 Career Exploration Inventory Materials to support the administration of the CEI

2 Overview of the Workshop Workshop Warm-Up Introducing the CEI Theoretical Origins of the CEI Integration of Work, Leisure, and Learning Completing the CEI Evaluation of Workshop

3 Career Exploration Inventory Measures work, leisure, and learning interests Career is a combination of Work, Leisure, and learning activities Uses a developmental format and measures interest in the past, present, and those anticipated in the future

4 Definitions of Leisure Leisure any self-determined activity or experience that you aren’t paid for – made possible because you have time or income to spare. (Liptak, 2008) Leisure is characterized as a state of being, a condition of the soul, having no relation to linear clock time. (Murphy, 1975) Leisure is viewed implicitly as of secondary importance to work. (Kando, 1980)

5 Contributions of Leisure to Career Development Leisure can Help you network for job leads Help you explore jobs Help you expand your job skills Let you try out a job Prepare you for work Be a substitute for work Help you escape from stress Break the monotony of a job search

6 Scoring the CEI SubtotalTotal 1.P C F33. P C F65. P C F 97. P C F ________ ______ 2.P C F34. P C F66. P C F 98. P C F ________ 3. P C F35. P C F67. P C F 99. P C F ________ ______ 4. P C F36. P C F68. P C F100. P C F ________

7 Basic Interest Categories Agriculture and Natural Resources Architecture and Construction Arts and Communication Business and Administration Education and Training Finance and Insurance Government and Public Administration Health Science Hospitality, Tourism, and Recreation Human Services Information Technology Law and Public Safety Manufacturing Retail and Wholesale Sales and Services Scientific Research, Engineering, and Mathematics Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics

8 Work, Leisure, & Learning Activities Worksheet First Interest Occupations First Interest Leisure Activities First Interest Learning Options Second Interest Occupations Second Interest Leisure Activities Second Interest Learning Options Third Interest Occupations Third Interest Leisure Activities Third Interest Learning Options

9 Researching Career Options Occupational Outlook Handbook New Guide for Occupational Exploration O*NET Dictionary of Occupational Titles School & College Reference Guides Library Internet Volunteering Networking

10 Questions to Considering While Researching Options What interests me about this occupation? What type of education and training is required? How can I get the training I need? What are the average earnings? How many job openings are available? Is the occupation expected to grow? What are the working conditions? How does the occupation relate to my leisure interests? How can my leisure interests help me get a job in this occupation?

11 Developing Career Goals Work-Related Short-Range Goals Leisure-Related Short-Range Goals Learning-Related Short-Range Goals Work-Related Medium-Range Goals Leisure-Related Medium-Range Goals Learning-Related Medium-Range Goals Work-Related Long-Range Goals Leisure-Related Long-Range Goals Learning-Related Long-Range Goals

12 Evaluation of the Workshop Please complete the following evaluation of the workshop you just completed. Why did you take this workshop? What was the most valuable part of the workshop? What was the least valuable part of the workshop? How would you change the workshop? Overall rating of the workshop (with 5 being the highest rating)12345

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