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I Second that Emotion! Genesis Too Choir Service 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "I Second that Emotion! Genesis Too Choir Service 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 I Second that Emotion! Genesis Too Choir Service 2015

2 The prayer bowl calls us to worship. Please stand as you are able.

3 Call to Wor ship Leader : God is calling us. How will we respond? All: Some of us will be surprised when God calls.

4 Leader: God is calling us. How will we respond? All: Many will be excited when God calls.

5 Leader: God is calling us. How will we respond? All: We might be afraid when God calls. Leader: God is calling us. How will we respond? All:We may even be annoyed when God calls.

6 Leader: God is calling us. How will we respond? All: Some of us will be confident when God calls. Leader: God is calling us. How will we respond? All: We will respond with joy.

7 Leader: God is calling us. How will we respond? All: God is calling us now. How will we respond?

8 Magnify the Light Words and music by Carl Strommen

9 Leader: Please join me in the opening prayer. All: Creator God, we are here with our fears and joys, our excitement, our indifference, our questions and our doubts.

10 We are here on a day that calls us to sleep late, to have breakfast in bed, to go for a walk, to shop or to go out with our friends, but instead, we felt like going to church.

11 Was it you that called us here, God? Are we here because of you, or are you here because of us?

12 Let this hour together be full of joy. Let our time be full of learning and celebration and gratitude. Help us to hear your call with our minds, our hearts and our bodies as we worship in the name of Jesus, the one you sent to be just like us.

13 Creator God, in the same way you call on us, we are thankful that we can always call on you. God, hear our prayer. Amen.

14 Hymn A Song of Praise to the Maker MV#30 Hymn A Song of Praise to the Maker MV#30

15 It’s a song of praise to the Maker The thrush sings high in the tree. It’s a song of praise to the Maker The grey whale sings in the sea.

16 Chorus: And by the Spirit You and I Can join our voice to the holy cry And sing, sing, sing to the Maker too.

17 It’s a call of life to the Giver When waves and waterfalls roar. It’s a call of life to the Giver When high tides break on the shore.

18 Chorus: And by the Spirit You and I Can join our voice to the holy cry And sing, sing, sing to the Maker too.

19 It’s a hymn of love to the Lover The bumblebees hum along. It’s a hymn of love to the Lover The summer breeze joins the song.

20 Chorus: And by the Spirit You and I Can join our voice to the holy cry And sing, sing, sing to the Maker too.

21 It’s the chorus of all creation. It’s sung by all living things. It’s a chorus of all creation. The song the universe sings.

22 Chorus: And by the Spirit You and I Can join our voice to the holy cry And sing, sing, sing to the Maker too.

23 Scripture Readings The readings today are from both the Old and New Testaments.

24 The L ORD your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness; he will quiet you by his love; he will exult over you with loud singing.

25 God is a righteous judge, and a God who feels Indignation every day.

26 The Lord saw that the wickedness of humankind was great …. and the Lord was sorry that he had made humankind, and it grieved him to his heart.

27 God says: I will rejoice in doing good to the people, and I will plant them in this land in faithfulness, with all my heart and soul.

28 He who sits in heaven laughs; the Lord holds them in derision.

29 I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore I have continued my faithfulness to you.

30 Anyone who does not love, Does not know God. Because God is Love.

31 Leader: God bless to our understanding these readings from the Holy Word. All: Thanks be to God.

32 Battle of Jericho Traditional arr. Mark Hayes

33 Introduction I Second that Emotion!

34 Seasons of Love Words and music by Jonathan Larson Arr. Roger Emerson

35 Emotional Intelligence

36 What do you think each of these people is feeling?

37 You’ll be OK Words and music by Ian Axel and Chad Vaccarino Arr. Geordie Roberts

38 Words are not enough….

39 “I love you”




43 “We need to talk”




47 A text message from God

48 God’s Love Never Changes Words and Music by Dick and Melodie Tunney Arr. Bruce Greer

49 Negative Emotions

50 Better World Words and music by Don Besig and Marcy Henchen

51 Jesus’ Emotional Baggage

52 Rising Up out of My Soul Words and music Joyce Eilers Bacak

53 How is God feeling today ?

54 Standing in the Light of Love Words and music Russell Robinson

55 Invitation to the Offering

56 Hymn Grateful MV#182 Hymn Grateful MV#182

57 Grateful for the life you give us, Thankful for your Holy Son, Joyful in your Spirit flowing Over all, O God of Love

58 Grateful for the Bread of Heaven, Thankful for your Holy Word, Joyful in your mercy flowing We will praise you.

59 You are more than we imagine, Ancient, Holy, Living Lord. Even when we doubt your presence, You are faithful to your Word

60 Grateful for the life you give us, Thankful for your Holy Son, Joyful in your Spirit flowing Over all, O God of Love

61 Grateful for the Bread of Heaven, Thankful for your Holy Word, Joyful in your mercy flowing We will praise you.

62 May our lives proclaim your justice, May our voices sing your praise. May our hands work in your service To the glory of your name.

63 Grateful for the life you give us, Thankful for your Holy Son, Joyful in your Spirit flowing Over all, O God of Love

64 Grateful for the Bread of Heaven, Thankful for your Holy Word, Joyful in your mercy flowing We will praise you Lord.

65 Hymn Praise God VU# 541 verse 1 only Hymn Praise God VU# 541 verse 1 only

66 Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Praise God all creatures high and low. Give thanks to God in love made known, Creator, Word and Spirit One.

67 Offering Prayer Leader: Let us pray All: Creator God, we bring back to you a small part of all you have given to us. Thank you that no matter how our feelings for you may change, your love for us never goes away. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

68 Prayers of the People followed by The Lord’s Prayer (sung) VU 959

69 Our Father in heaven Hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come, your will be done In Earth as in heaven. Give us today our daily bread.

70 Forgive us our sins As we forgive those who sin against us. Save us from the time of trial And deliver us from evil. For the kingdom the power and glory are yours Now and forever.

71 Hymn You Shall Go Out with Joy VU# 884 Hymn You Shall Go Out with Joy VU# 884

72 You shall go out with Joy And be led forth with peace. The mountains and the hills Will break forth before you; There’ll be shouts of joy, And all the trees of the field Will clap will clap their hands!

73 And all the trees of the field will clap their hands The trees of the field will clap their hands The trees of the field will clap their hands While you go out with joy.

74 (Faster) You shall go out with Joy And be led forth with peace. The mountains and the hills Will break forth before you; There’ll be shouts of joy, And all the trees of the field Will clap will clap their hands!

75 And all the trees of the field will clap their hands The trees of the field will clap their hands The trees of the field will clap their hands While you go out with joy.

76 And all the trees of the field will clap their hands The trees of the field will clap their hands The trees of the field will clap their hands While you go out with joy.

77 Announcements and Celebrations of the KUC Community

78 Announcements and Celebrations of the KUC Community

79 Announcements and Celebrations of the KUC Community

80 Thank you God, for bringing us Genesis Too Thank you Highlands Choir for bringing us worship Thank you God, thank you Genesis too We are blessed that you have come!! (with apologies to Superman)

81 Thank you God, for bringing us Genesis Too Thank you Highlands Choir for bringing us worship Thank you God, thank you Genesis too We are blessed that you have come!!

82 Thank you God, for bringing us Genesis Too Thank you Highlands Choir for bringing us worship Thank you God, thank you Genesis too We are blessed that you have come!!

83 Commissioning and Benediction

84 Choral Blessing One Voice Words and music by Ruth Moody Arr. Geordie Roberts

85 Thank you Genesis Too! Thank you Genesis Too!

86 Genesis Too Choir From Highlands United Church will lead us in worship today. Welcome!


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