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Who Killed Lord Robert Lancaster?

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1 Who Killed Lord Robert Lancaster?
Lord Robert Lancaster’s body – with a long dagger protruding from the chest- lay sprawled in his library. A draft of Lord Robert’s new will, which would have disinherited his family and left his vast fortune to charity, was still on his desk. The will was not signed so his nieces and nephews would inherit his money and property. Who Killed Lord Lancaster?

2 Who killed Lord Robert Lancaster? Can you solve this mystery?
The Case of the Hooded Murderer Key: Brunette hair (AA or Aa) Red hair (aa) Free Ear lobes (EE or Ee) Attached ear lobes (ee) Who killed Lord Robert Lancaster? Can you solve this mystery? Lady Violet & Lord Peter Lancaster Lord Robert Julian Lancaster William Lancaster Mark Manchester Charles Lancaster By George, I think they’ve solved it. The Dickens you say!

3 The Case of the Hooded Murderer
Narrator: The Lancaster’s were a large, wealthy British family. Lord Robert’s brothers and sisters had all died before him, and he never married. But he was scarcely alone. His twelve nieces and nephews had moved into the houses on the family estate. Lord Robert Lancaster’s body was discovered by his nephew- Julian, who was taken from the scene in handcuffs. Court Records Last Will and Testament ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4 Letter from Julian Lancaster
Inspector Watson, I am writing this letter in a most bereaved state of mind. I find myself in the most precarious position of having to defend my honor against the insidious accusation that I have taken the life of my most beloved uncle, Lord Robert Lancaster. ‘Tis true, he had no children of his own to leave his vast fortune to; however, the thought of murder never entered my mind. Uncle had shown me a copy of his will and I must say, I faired very well. I assure you, Good Sir, I am innocent. I beg thee; please assist our local police in apprehending the true culprit. My Penelope awaits me, for we are to be married once I receive my inheritance. Sincerely, Julian Lancaster P.S. I am not the only Lancaster with red hair!

5 The Case of the Hooded Murderer
Narrator: Inspector Watson received Julian’s letter and decided to do a background investigation. Inspector Watson had once planned to be a biologist; however, his passion for mystery won out. His special interest was genetics and heredity. He was particularly interested in the Lancaster murder because of certain patterns of inherited traits in the family. This is his response: Court Records Last Will and Testament ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6 Watson’s Reply Dear Julian,
I find your situation most intriguing; therefore, Mr. Holmes and I shall arrive at the Lancaster mansion by early morning to begin our official investigation. Sincerely, Inspector Watson

7 Engage Your Brain What are your initial thoughts about this scenario?
List the facts that you have been given. List the information you need to continue with hypotheses generation. Post your response in the discussion forum. Our Story Continues…….

8 Reference This activity was adapted from:

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