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What was going on in America during the 17 th and 18 th centuries? 1607 – London company establishes the Jamestown settlement in North America 1620- Puritan.

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Presentation on theme: "What was going on in America during the 17 th and 18 th centuries? 1607 – London company establishes the Jamestown settlement in North America 1620- Puritan."— Presentation transcript:

1 What was going on in America during the 17 th and 18 th centuries? 1607 – London company establishes the Jamestown settlement in North America 1620- Puritan pilgrims arrive in the Mayflower at Plymouth Rock 1676- first measurement of the speed of light 1692- Salem Witch Trials in Massachusetts 1718- city of New Orleans founded 1756-63- Seven Years War 1775-1783- American Revolution 1785-1795- Northwest Indian War 1789- First president of United States elected

2 Doom and Gloom of Puritans 1607- Historie of Four-Footed Beasts by Edward Topsell –First non-fiction book written for children During this time, the mortality rate of children was extremely high Concern for child’s salvation was the focus of children’s literature 1656- Spiritual Milk for Boston Babes in Either England, Drawn from the Breasts of Both Testaments for their Souls Nourishment by John Cotton –First book written for American children –Focus on sinful nature –Instruction on the fear of God 1671- A Token for Children, being in Exact Account of the Conversions, Holy and Exemplary Lives and Joyful Deaths of Several Young Children –Published by James Janeway –Reminds children that they are by nature “Children of Wrath”

3 Continued Doom and Gloom 1671- A Token for Children, being in Exact Account of the Conversions, Holy and Exemplary Lives and Joyful Deaths of Several Young Children –Published by James Janeway –Reminds children that they are by nature “Children of Wrath” 1677 The New England Primer –Through this, children learned alphabet rhymes, ten commandments, verses about death –Also included a woodcut of Martyr John Fox as he was burnt at the stake while his wife and 9 children looked on.

4 Now for some lighter reading Chapbooks –Small, inexpensive books sold by chapmen (peddlers) –Originally appeared in the 1500s but became popular in 17 th and 18 th centuries –Included heroes such as Robin Hood –Told accounts of crimes and executions, descriptions of the “art of making love”, and riddles –Puritans strongly disapproved of these chapbooks –Popularity of these kind of books led John Newberry to put more emphasis on publishing literature specifically for children Stay tuned for later developments on Newberry

5 Continued Lighter Reading Fairy Tales –1697 Charles Perrault wrote the first collection of fairy tales –Stories or Tales of Times Past with Morals –Included works such as Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, and Red Riding Hood These were tales that were written and told to adults in the French court of Louis XIV The Arabian Nights Collection –1706- became available –Were popular with children but once again intended for adults Heroic Literature –Adventure stories for adults became “classics” of children literature –1719- Robinson Crusoe –1726- Gulliver’s Travels

6 Going where no publisher had gone before Mother Goose Nursery Rhymes –1744- the oldest surviving nursery rhyme book Tommy Thumb’s Pretty Song Book –1765 John Newberry published Mother Goose Melody or Sonnets for the Cradle (humpty-dumpty story) Newberry –During the time of the Enlightenment –Was influenced John Locke’s ideas on education –Believed that children should be reading for pleasure as soon as they learned their ABC’s –Was the first publisher who published books solely for children

7 Newbery Continued 1744- Newberry published A Little Pretty Pocket- Book Published Little Goody Two Shoes –The first piece of English fiction written specifically for children Illustrations were highly improved in Newbery’s books –The pictures went along with the story –An improvement from other books that simply used whatever woodcuts were available –Emphasized love and play rather than the wrath and punishment of God

8 Angry Homemakers Unite Last half of 18 th century, women began writing children’s literature Goal was to develop morals in children 1749- The Governess by Mrs. Sarah Fielding Guardian of Education Magazine by Mrs. Sarah Trimmer –Articles about moral subjects and book reviews Did NOT approve of the Mother Goose Stories –Said that it gave children notions of supernatural events of imaginary Poetry became popular around this time also and still emphasized

9 Predominant Themes and Topics Puritans: sinfulness of human nature, wrath of God, morality, concern for salvation Newbery and Enlightenment Period: literature written specifically for children’s enjoyment Didactic Period- women wrote literature basically lecturing children in good morals

10 Drill and Kill Who was the first person to publish books specifically for children’s enjoyment –Newberry What was the name of the type of book that became popular during the 17 th and 18 th centuries that included stories such as Robin Hood –Chapbooks How did the Puritans view children? –As miniature adults, sinful beings in need of salvation

11 Drill and Kill (cont). During which time period did children’s literature become more focused on children reading for pleasure? –Industrial revolution –Renaissance –Enlightenment –Baroque –Ice Age During the Puritan times, what was the name of the books given to children to learn the alphabet, 10 commandments and stories about death? –Primers

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