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1 Science

2 Weightage To Objectives
Sl No Objective % Marks 01 Remembering 20 16 02 Understanding 40 32 03 Applying (includes Analysis and Synthesis) 04 Skill Total 100 80

3 Types Of Questions Sl No Type Of Items No Of Items Marks For Each
Total 01 MCQ 10 1 02 Matching 4 03 Very Short Answer 7 04 Short Answer 16 2 32 05 Long Answer Type - 1 5 3 15 06 Long Answer Type – 2 12 42 80

4 Difficulty Level Sl No Difficulty Level % Marks 01 Easy 30 24 02
Average 50 40 03 Difficult 20 16 Total 100 80

5 Formative Assessments
There are four formative assessments. FA – 1 FA – 2 FA – 3 FA – 4

6 Details of formative assessment
FA Month Chapters Suggested Activities Evaluation 1 June July U1- Alternate Sources of energy U2- Environmental Issues Group Discussion on need for alternate sources of energy Models of biogas plant Collecting pictures of solar devises Identifying highly air polluted area by paraffin wax slide method Visit to a near by slum – presenting a report on its status Waste pit management in schools Students are to take an achievement test for 20 marks. Three activities/projects are to be done by the students. One activity/project from Physics, one from chemistry and one from biology

7 FA Month Chapters Suggested Activities Evaluation 1 June July U3- Periodic classification of elements U5- Green plants and chordates Dramatizing the need for systematic arrangement Ppt on periodic table Preparation of herbariums Observing germination patterns of monocot and dicot seedlings Videos on under water life Visit to national parks Maintaining an aquarium Marks for written test is 20 Marks for each project /activity is 10 Totally evaluation is done for

8 FA Month Chapters Suggested Activities Evaluation 1 June July U8- Types Of Motion U9- Heat Engines Calculating the period of pendulum Deciding the factors experimentally of time period Paper presentation on heat engines Interviewing a local mechanic Collecting information on various types of fuels Paper pencil test papers are to be maintained through out the year. Evaluation documents maintained for evaluating projects/activities to be maintained and showcased to visiting officials.

9 FA Month Chapters Suggested Activities Evaluation 2 August September U4- Silicon U11- Industrial inorganic chemistry Collection and display of silicon compounds Visit and report to a glass factory Talk on uses of silicon Collection of different types of glasses A talk on importance of optic fibers in revolutionizing communications. Visit and report to a pot making unit Interviewing a pot maker Preparing hand paper Preparing water proof paper Students are to take an achievement test for 20 marks. Three activities/projects are to be done by the students. One activity/project from Physics, one from chemistry and one from biology Marks for written test is 20 Marks for each project /activity is 10 Totally evaluation is done for

10 FA Month Chapters Suggested Activities Evaluation 2 August September
U6- Plant and animal tissues U7- Microbial diseases U10- Nuclear Energy U14- Sound Cross section of dicot stem Cross section of monocot stem Visit to histopathology lab Differential stain of blood smear Visit to a hospital (Virology Department) Videos and PPT on STDs. A talk on “moral education a necessity in controlling STD,s”. Collecting pictures of nuclear power plant Debate on nuclear weapon free world. PPT on nuclear disasters Talk on nuclear waste management Collecting pictures of scanning Debate – Use and abuse of scanning Paper pencil test papers are to be maintained through out the year. Evaluation documents maintained for evaluating projects/activities to be maintained and showcased to visiting officials.

11 FA Month Chapters Suggested Activities Evaluation 3 November December
U12- Carbon and its compounds U13- Industrial organic chemistry U15- Metals U19- Plant and animal breeding A talk – Biological significance of Carbon Chart showing the structures of hydrocarbons. A talk – Significance of organic chemistry in daily life. Preparation of Soap Debate – Alcohol a friend and enemy Preparing alcohol in lab A talk -Fermentation a age old practice in Indian homes Lab experiments – Chemical properties of metals PPT on metallurgy A Talk – Contribution of Indians to metallurgy Debate – GM plants a boon or bane Growing plants by hydroponic technique Developing and maintaining a roof top garden Visit to a veterinary hospital PPT – Role of BT in food industry Debate – Hunger can be eradicated by BT Students are to take an achievement test for 20 marks. Three activities/projects are to be done by the students. One activity/project from Physics, one from chemistry and one from biology Marks for written test is 20 Marks for each project /activity is 10 Totally evaluation is done for

12 FA Month Chapters Suggested Activities Evaluation 3 November December
U20- Control and coordination in plants and animals U16- Electromagnetic Induction U17- Electronics Detection of glucose in urine Study of mammalian brain (live specimen) Dissection of mammalian eye ball Talk – Care of ears and skin Preparing models of motors and dynamo Construction of transformers Presentation with display of semiconductors Skill of handling soldering gun Assembly of electronic toys and gadgets Paper pencil test papers are to be maintained through out the year. Evaluation documents maintained for evaluating projects/activities to be maintained and showcased to visiting officials.

13 FA Month Chapters Suggested Activities Evaluation 4 January February
U18- Behavior of gases U21- Heredity U22- Ionic conduction U23- The story of humans U24- Space science Chart making – Gas Laws Fun with chemistry problems Preparing DNA model Dramatization on DNA replication and BT PPT on DNA finger printing PPT on cloning Constructing electrolytic cell Lab experiment – copper electroplating PPT on importance of electroplating Paper presentation on electroplating Dramatization of human evolution PPT on evolution PPT on Indian space programme Debate – Space programmes drain of economy Model of a rocket Students are to take an achievement test for 20 marks. Three activities/projects are to be done by the students. One activity/project from Physics, one from chemistry and one from biology Marks for written test is 20 Marks for each project /activity is 10 Totally evaluation is done for

14 Physics Chemistry Biology Alternate sources of energy Periodic classification of elements Environmental issues Types of motion Silicon Green plants and chordates Heat Engines Industrial inorganic chemistry Plant and animal tissues Nuclear Energy Carbon and its compounds Microbial diseases Sound Industrial organic chemistry Plant and animal breeding Electromagnetic Induction Metals Control and coordination of plants and animals Electronics Behavior of gases Heredity Space Science Ionic conduction The story of humans

15 Thank you

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