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* Unhealthy and healthy relationships Could depend on how they communicate (and if at all!) Attributional style – behaviours – are they dispositional.

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Presentation on theme: "* Unhealthy and healthy relationships Could depend on how they communicate (and if at all!) Attributional style – behaviours – are they dispositional."— Presentation transcript:


2 * Unhealthy and healthy relationships Could depend on how they communicate (and if at all!) Attributional style – behaviours – are they dispositional or situational? Influences their behvaiour (study by Bradbury and Fincham 1992) The role of positive and negative emotions of one’s partner makes a difference

3 * Communication plays a role in the maintenanance of relationships * Altman and Taylor’s social penetration theory – the colser the couple will be depends on how intimiate levels of communication * Self-disclosure: sharing facts, feelings, thoughts, emotions with a loved one * disclosing something about yourself makes both strangers and friends like you more


5 * Women self-disclose more than men * Women disclose more to other women than men to other men do (Reis 1986) * Deborah Tannen – written not only research articles but also books for e general audience about how men and women communicate * According to Tannen there are key differences in the ways that men and women have conversations: * Write down three things – you think are differences/ or from your own experience

6 1. Women tend to use more language tags – serving as support. Overlapping speech 2. Men tend to interrupt and change the topic more frequently 3. Women tend to be more inclusive, asking for the other person's opinion Do you agree? Why do you think this is?

7 * How should one communicate to be a better one? And to avoid an argument?

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