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The Presidency of John Adams The XYZ Affair Hurts John Adams’ Presidency.

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1 The Presidency of John Adams The XYZ Affair Hurts John Adams’ Presidency

2 Troubles With France The French are upset over Jay’s Treaty and continue to attack American ships Adams tries to solve the problem by sending three diplomats to negotiate with France’s new government John Adams, 2 nd President of the United States

3 The XYZ Affair When the American diplomats arrived in France, 3 French agents demanded a bribe from the Americans in order to meet The event became a sensation to the American public The French agents were kept secret and were referred to as Agents X, Y, and Z, hence XYZ Affair

4 War Fever! Many Americans demanded war on France after being embarrassed Adams kept his cool and settled the problem through further negotiations with France’s new dictator: Napoleon Bonaparte However, his own political party, the Federalists, were furious with him Napoleon Bonaparte, France’s New Dictator

5 Alien and Sedition Acts War fever made federalists and Jon Adams fear a revolution in the U.S, this led to a mistrust of immigrants Federalists and Adams also sought to destroy their Republican opponents Federalists in Congress, along with the support of John Adams, passed the Alien and Sedition Acts: – Alien Act - An immigrant had to live in U.S for 14 years to become a citizen (was previously 5) – Sedition Act - It became a crime to write anything insulting or false about the government

6 Republicans React Republicans (led by Jefferson) encouraged state legislatures to nullify the Alien and Sedition Acts Two states did: Virginia and Kentucky These two resolutions had the long term effect of promoting states’ rights and allowing states to challenge the federal government (a major cause of the Civil War)

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