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YeutC1WN6dc What do you think this new unit of work is going to be about?

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Presentation on theme: "YeutC1WN6dc What do you think this new unit of work is going to be about?"— Presentation transcript:

1 YeutC1WN6dc What do you think this new unit of work is going to be about?

2 Paper 2 Unit 2: Environmental and Medical Issues

3 What is global warming? LO: To explain the causes and effects of global warming Global Warming: The increase in the temperature of the earth’s atmosphere (thought to be caused by the green house effect) Earth is warmer now than 1000 years ago. 3 warmest years on record have happened since 1998. Polar ice caps might melt and there will be an increase in water levels, rain and flooding.

4 What causes global warming? Look at the sources around the room and fill in the answer sheet TIF- Do you think that the greenhouse effect is the cause of global warming? (4 marks)

5 Causes of Global Warming 1. The Greenhouse Effect The burning of fossil fuels (gas, coal and oil) produces carbon dioxide. This produces a barrier in the atmosphere like the glass in a greenhouse. The heat from the sun can get through, but can’t get back out. Many scientists believe that this is causing the Earth to warm up. This is often called ‘global warming’.

6 Causes of Global Warming 2. Natural Climate Change Some say our climate has always been changing. Over the last 10,000 years the warmest periods happened long before humans were producing large amounts of CO 2. These scientists claim that nature produces more CO 2 from volcanic eruptions, from volcanic eruptions, animals, bacteria and the ocean than humans are ever likely to.

7 Causes of Global Warming 3. Solar Activity Changes to Earth’s temperature might be due to the amount of radiation coming from the sun. Clouds usually block lots of the sun’s rays but when solar activity is high, solar winds cause fewer clouds to form. Carbon emissions were high during WW2 but temperatures dropped after it, so global warming does not seem to be linked to carbon levels.

8 Look at the graph above – can you predict the temperature for the next generations to come?

9 What are the effects of global warming? What are these images off? How is global warming having an effect here?

10 What can be done to stop global warming? Individuals Scientists Governments Through the Kyoto Protocol of 2005, 55 countries (not USA, India or China) pledged to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 5% every year. A number of measures were introduced.

11 What can be done to stop global warming? Individuals Use more public transport and drive less Ride a bike to cut down on pollution recycleUse less areosols e.g hairspray, Spray deodorants ScientistsCarry out more experiments to cut down global warming Design more eco friendly technology Discover more eco friendly fuels like solar power Find ways to clean up existing pollution Governments More funding for scientists Use more eco friendly energy eg wind turbines Make it illegal to drive vehicles that cause excessive pollution Publish more information about global warming

12 c) Explain what people can do to reduce the effect of global warming. ( 8) Use Firstly, Secondly, Thirdly, Lastly Use because and/or therefore Use the words in the question You will be able to explain what global warming is and the issues it raises

13 Creative Learning! Write an email to DEFRA (Department for the Environment, Food & Rural Affairs) persuading them to take action to stop global warming. Make sure you include information about what global warming is, the effects, what action you want them to take and what you think the impact of this will be. Purpose Audience Form Tone


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