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Elements of a Short Story. Antagonist  The villain of the story who causes the conflict.

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Presentation on theme: "Elements of a Short Story. Antagonist  The villain of the story who causes the conflict."— Presentation transcript:

1 Elements of a Short Story

2 Antagonist  The villain of the story who causes the conflict

3 Mood  The overall feeling or atmosphere

4 Foreshadowing  Hints about outcome or what is to come

5 Setting  Time and place of the story

6 First person  Narrator is participant in the story

7 Third person (Objective)  Narrator is an outside observer

8 Climax  The turning point or high point of the plot

9 Resolution  Portion of a plot that reveals the final outcome

10 Round Character  A character who changes in personality or attitude

11 Flat Character  A person who remains that same throughtout the story

12 Stock Characters  Stereotype characters who occur very often

13 Characterization  The way of showing what a character is like

14 Omniscient (All-Knowing)  Narrator see and knows everything about the world of the story

15 Limited Omniscient  The narrator does not know everything

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