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Finding a Route to Asia By Sea. Motives Several Motives for Portugal Several Motives for Portugal Financial Support Financial Support Technology necessary.

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Presentation on theme: "Finding a Route to Asia By Sea. Motives Several Motives for Portugal Several Motives for Portugal Financial Support Financial Support Technology necessary."— Presentation transcript:

1 Finding a Route to Asia By Sea

2 Motives Several Motives for Portugal Several Motives for Portugal Financial Support Financial Support Technology necessary for exploration Technology necessary for exploration And And They wanted to find New Lands They wanted to find New Lands

3 Travel by Sea To go by Sea To go by Sea Still dangerous even with new technology Still dangerous even with new technology

4 Description of Sea Travel “ Those which survived could hardly be recognized as human. They had lost flesh and hair, the nails had gone from hands and feet…They spoke of heat so incredible that it was a marvel that ships and crews were not burnt ” “ Those which survived could hardly be recognized as human. They had lost flesh and hair, the nails had gone from hands and feet…They spoke of heat so incredible that it was a marvel that ships and crews were not burnt ” –Sailor, quoted in World Civilizations, edited by  Edward McNall Burns, et al.

5 Still sailed Even though the dangers existed sailors continued to explore Even though the dangers existed sailors continued to explore They continued to set up trading posts all along the trade routes They continued to set up trading posts all along the trade routes

6 Bartolomeu Dias Explored from Portugal southward along the African coast Explored from Portugal southward along the African coast Sail in 1488 Sail in 1488 Storm blew ships around the southern tip of Africa Storm blew ships around the southern tip of Africa This became know as the This became know as the

7 Results Dias wanted to continue voyage Dias wanted to continue voyage His men did not His men did not Supplies were very low Supplies were very low Dias decided to return to portugal Dias decided to return to portugal

8 Vasco da Gama Sent on expedition by King Manuel of Portugal Sent on expedition by King Manuel of Portugal Sent around the Cape of Good Hope Sent around the Cape of Good Hope Left from Lisbon in July 1497 Left from Lisbon in July 1497 Arrived in southwest India the following year Arrived in southwest India the following year Portugal won European race for sea route to Asia Portugal won European race for sea route to Asia

9 Reaching Port When he reached Indian port Muslim traders met him When he reached Indian port Muslim traders met him Surprised that the traders could speak in Portuguese Surprised that the traders could speak in Portuguese Found that People of India had been trading with Muslims and Italian merchants who could speak Portuguese Found that People of India had been trading with Muslims and Italian merchants who could speak Portuguese Made two more trips to India Made two more trips to India Governed a small colony Governed a small colony

10 Results Major implications Major implications Start of Atlantic slave trade Start of Atlantic slave trade As they explored negotiated for gold, ivory, and slaaves As they explored negotiated for gold, ivory, and slaaves Slave trade devastated African communities Slave trade devastated African communities Increased warfare among African Kingdoms Increased warfare among African Kingdoms Broke up families Broke up families Sent many slaves to Europe, Islands in the Atlantic Sent many slaves to Europe, Islands in the Atlantic Endured brutal living conditions Endured brutal living conditions

11 More Results Other nations watched new trade routes developed Other nations watched new trade routes developed In time they sent voyages out to find their own water routes to Asia In time they sent voyages out to find their own water routes to Asia

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