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Transformer Merza Jehad Al-khunaizi Abdul-Rahman AL-Dabal Ali Zohair Al-Alawi.

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Presentation on theme: "Transformer Merza Jehad Al-khunaizi Abdul-Rahman AL-Dabal Ali Zohair Al-Alawi."— Presentation transcript:

1 Transformer Merza Jehad Al-khunaizi Abdul-Rahman AL-Dabal Ali Zohair Al-Alawi

2 History of Transformer The first AC power system that used the modern transformer was in 1886 By William Stanley.

3 Three Phase Transformer Two of the early Three-Phase Transformer.

4 Why do we use high voltages? The voltage transmitted by the power plant is very high. The voltage in houses is 110-220 V. Electric devices need less voltage.

5 How does Transformer Work?

6 Types of Transformer Step-Up Convert from low voltage to high voltage.

7 Types of Transformer Step-Down Convert from high voltage to low voltage.

8 Transformer Applications Mobile Charger

9 Transformer Applications Radio transformer

10 Transformer Applications Car power supply transformer

11 Transformer Manufacturing

12 Transformer Manufacturing Component of the transformer:- Paper coded with Epoxy Glue. Lamina strips.

13 Component of the transformer:- Cooper wire (Coil). Electrical steel (Core). Metal strapping. Transformer Manufacturing

14 References How does transformer work? Transformer Manufacturing

15 Thank you

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