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Contents Click the link below to go directly to the slides for that chapter. Chapter 1 ■ Your Personal Strengths Chapter 2 ■ The Roles You Play Chapter.

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2 Contents Click the link below to go directly to the slides for that chapter. Chapter 1 ■ Your Personal Strengths Chapter 2 ■ The Roles You Play Chapter 3 ■ Why We Work Chapter 4 ■ Exploring the Career Clusters Chapter 5 ■ Think Like an Entrepreneur Chapter 6 ■ Skills for Success Chapter 7 ■ Academic Planning Chapter 8 ■ Communicating with Others Chapter 9 ■ Building Relationships Chapter 10 ■ Basic Math Skills Chapter 11 ■ Technology and Your Career Chapter 12 ■ Career Planning Chapter 13 ■ Managing a Job Search Chapter 14 ■ Getting Started in Your Career Chapter 15 ■ Being Productive in Your Career Chapter 16 ■ Living a Healthy and Balanced Life Chapter 17 ■ Starting Your Own Business Chapter 18 ■ Planning Your Own Business Chapter 19 ■ Managing Your Business Chapter 20 ■ Personal Money Management Chapter 21 ■ Personal Financial Planning Chapter 22 ■ Basic Economics Chapter 23 ■ Basic Business Financial Management Chapter 24 ■ Financial Calculations for Business

3 Exploring Entrepreneurship  Entrepreneurship is the process of starting a new business.  Just having a good idea is not enough. Entrepreneurs must be motivated to work hard.  Thinking like an entrepreneur can also help you do well at school, home, and in your community. When you think you show that you are creative, independent, and responsible.  Three ways to think like an entrepreneur even when you are not running your own business are.  Observe. Keep on the lookout for chances to learn new skills and accept new responsibilities.  Listen. Pay attention to what others have to say.  Think. Instead of complaining about a problem, analyze it. Then suggest possible solutions. 3 ChapterThink Like an Entrepreneur 5

4 Recognizing Entrepreneurial Rewards  Since entrepreneurs have the final say in all business decisions, they are ultimately responsible for success or failure of their businesses.  An entrepreneur must evaluate whether the potential rewards are worth more than the drawbacks and risks they take.  A successful business lets entrepreneurs earn enough so that they fulfill their needs and wants without depending on others.  Entrepreneurs also benefit in other ways:  Entrepreneurs achieve pride and personal satisfaction from starting and growing a business.  Entrepreneurs get to make your own rules.  Being an entrepreneur opens up opportunities that help make their community and the world a better place in which to live. 4 ChapterThink Like an Entrepreneur 5

5 Recognizing Entrepreneurial Risks  Risk refers to the chance of danger or loss. In terms of business, it usually refers to the risk of losing money.  An entrepreneur invests money, time, and energy in their business in the hope of receiving greater rewards, or benefits.  Other risks for entrepreneurs include:  Unexpected problems are challenges for which you are unprepared.  Unreliable income is when the amount of money you pay yourself changes month to month.  It’s not unusual for entrepreneurs to work a lot of extra hours to make their businesses successful. 5 ChapterThink Like an Entrepreneur 5

6 Developing the Characteristics of an Entrepreneur  Most entrepreneurs share similar characteristics that make them suited to starting a business.  Entrepreneurs also have certain skills that help them succeed.  If you keep a positive attitude and believe in yourself, you can develop many of the characteristics and skills needed to be a successful entrepreneur.  The qualities of an entrepreneur include:  Entrepreneurs have courage.  Entrepreneurs are curious.  Entrepreneurs are disciplined.  Entrepreneurs have empathy.  Entrepreneurs are honest. 6 ChapterThink Like an Entrepreneur 5

7 Entrepreneurial Skills  Some of the basic skills entrepreneurs need include:  Business skills: Understanding how to create and manage a business  Communication skills: The ability to listen, write, and speak well  Computer skills: The ability to use technological tools effectively  Decision-making and problem-solving skills: Knowing how to apply logic, information, and past experiences to new decisions and problems  Mathematical skills: Using math to create budgets, keep accurate records, and analyze financial statements  Organizational skills: The knack of keeping tasks and information in order; the ability to plan well and manage your time  Relationship skills: The ability to persuade and motivate people; knowing how to be a leader and to work as part of a team 7 ChapterThink Like an Entrepreneur 5

8 Entrepreneurial Keys to Success  You can increase your entrepreneurial potential by focusing on six specific areas:  Business knowledge. Make a habit of reading magazine and newspaper articles on business topics.  Financial skills. Strengthen your math skills by taking a course in accounting, personal finance, or investing.  Career exploration. It’s never too early to start thinking about your career.  Community awareness. Look for opportunities to become involved in your community.  Education. Take advantage of opportunities to learn new things, ask lots of questions, and work hard to do your best.  Relationships. Spend time with people who believe in and inspire you. 8 ChapterThink Like an Entrepreneur 5

9 Chapter Review  Entrepreneurship is the process of starting a new business.  Since entrepreneurs have the final say in all business decisions, they are ultimately responsible for success or failure of their businesses.  An entrepreneur must evaluate whether the potential rewards are worth more than the drawbacks and risks they take.  Risk refers to the chance of danger or loss. In terms of business, it usually refers to the risk of losing money.  Rewards are the financial returns an entrepreneur earns from their businesses. 9 ChapterThink Like an Entrepreneur 5

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