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 Yulia A. Strekalova, MBA  Associate Director of Research Programs  

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2  Yulia A. Strekalova, MBA  Associate Director of Research Programs  


4  Identify main research resources at UF  Provide an overview of the grant submission process  Review services provided by the Peds Grants team

5  More than $619 million in research awards in 2010-11.  More than $750 million in new research facilities, including the Nanoscale Research Facility, the Emerging Pathogens Institute, the Biomedical Sciences Building and the Clinical and Translational Research Building.  Strong research collaborations with Scripps Florida, the Burnham Institute for Medical Research and the Moffitt Cancer Center.  UF’s McKnight Brain Institute is home to more than 300 faculty using some of the world’s most powerful MRI imaging systems.  UF’s Clinical and Translational Science Institute is one of only 60 the National Institutes of Health is funding across the country.  UF’s Emerging Pathogens Institute is a national model for using interdisciplinary research methods to identify, prevent and treat human, animal and plant pathogens.

6   Research Support › Literature searches (HSC Library: personalized consultations and search strategies) › Study design (“can help refining your objectives into testable hypotheses, choosing a study design, providing you with a data analysis plan, and completing a sample size/power analysis”) › REDCap (Research Electronic Data Capture) application

7  Clinical Research › CRC (7 IP/OP rooms, specialized equipment, nursing support) › HealthStreet (connecting community residents to opportunities in research)  Laboratory Services › Biorepository › Biomedical Mass Spectrometry Core  Training for Fellows › MS in Clinical Translational Science › Certificate in Translational Health Science › Advanced Program in Clinical Investigation

8  McKnight Brain Institute (MBI)  UF Genetics Institute  UF&Shands Cancer Center  Institute on Aging  Emerging Pathogens Institute

9   Past sessions › Beyond p=.05: Evaluating Methods and Results Developing a Grant Proposal: Necessary Steps Along the Way › Introduction to Searching Techniques and PubMed › Writing Effectively for Medical Journals

10   NIH proposals will be evaluated for "text- recycling"  Searches files drawn from the Internet, 26,000,000 published research articles, 80 global scientific, technical and medical publishers, more than 1 million abstracts and citations from PubMed, and more…

11 Faculty & staff composition  Faculty 138  Joint/Affiliate 66  Education/Research Fellows 90  After-Hours Faculty 34  Staff 419  Total 747 Funded research projects  New projects (last 12 months)69  Ongoing federal20  Ongoing industry17  Ongoing other35  Total 157

12  Cellular and Molecular Therapy  Critical Care Medicine (PICU)  Endocrinology  Early Steps  Family Data Center  Gastroenterology  General Pediatrics  Genetics and Metabolism  Hematology and Oncology  Hospital Medicine  Immunology, Rheumatology and Infectious Disease  Neonatology (NICU)  Nephrology  Neurology  Ped-I-Care  Pulmonary

13  Proposal is › Scope, Aims, Methods, Results, Research Plan, Budget Justification  Proposal submission is › DSR, RAC, IRB, CRC, CnG, DUNS number, Congressional district, Authorized official, PeopleSoft number, College approvals, etc.


15 ASAP Notify Grants Office about the proposal idea Email peds- grants@peds. 6 W EEKS BEFORE DEADLINE Prepare Aims and Scope Send to Grants Office to initiate proposal 4 W EEKS BEFORE DEADLINE Complete budget informaton and justification Send to Grants Office to compile a budget 2 W EEKS BEFORE DEADLINE Finalize full proposal Send to collaborators for comments 5 Business days before deadline Finalize proposal Send to Grants Office for institutional approvals and submission

16  CATCH grants ›  AMA Seed Grant Research › foundation/our-programs/medical-education/seed-grant-  UF&Shands Q proposal (Quality Improvement Campaign). › Email  NIH F32 or K-series › areermd.aspx › preparation.ppt  APA Resident Investigator Award; ward.cfm



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