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Presentation on theme: "R OLE OF E ARLY C HILDHOOD E DUCATOR By Ambreen Anis Nagori."— Presentation transcript:


2 B RAIN S TORMING Introduction of the topic Recall youself as a learner and answer the following questions: Learning was most enjoyable for me when.... My favourite question was.... I got least out of learning when.... Recall your favourite teacher and list the characters that made that person your favourite teacher

3 D OMAINS OF E ARLY C HILDHOOD E DUCATION To develop a child as a whole: Social development Emotional development Cognitive development Physical development

4 R OLE OF E ARLY C HILDHOOD E DUCATOR Role of ECE Environment and Physical Space Curriculum Content of Pedagogy Knowledge and Performance Personal and Professional Characterist ic-s Moral\Ethic al Dimensions Communicat io-n with Families Educational Training Recognition of Diversity Transition of Children from Home to the setting Opportunitie s for Family and Community Participatio n Interprofessi o-nal Collaboratio n

5 E NVIRONMENT AND P HYSICAL S PACE A safe environment and physical environment A developmentally stimulating environment DAP (Developmentally Appropriate Practices)

6 C URRICULUM C ONTENT OF P EDAGOGY The curriculum development (The link between learning and development is called curriculum) Content of the curriculum Pedagogical methods Learning material Assessments of children’s progress Evaluation of programs

7 K NOWLEDGE AND P ERFORMANCE Knowledge of child’s growth, development and learning Is able to apply knowledge of growth, development and learning into practice Knowledge of the space, materials and time Is able to communicate effectively with children, colleagues, families The ability to work collaboratively Is able to use a variety of learning materials Is able to reflect on his/her practice and Make appropriate changes accordingly

8 P ERSONAL AND P ROFESSIONAL C HARACTERISTICS Exhibits personal characteristics that demonstrates: (care, acceptance, sensitivity, empathy, warmth and love) Work collaboratively and in partnership Exhibits personal commitment Advocate for children and their families

9 M ORAL \E THICAL D IMENSIONS Respects the child Respects the child’s culture and their family practices Courage to speak for the protection of the child Protection of the confidentiality of information about the families Experiences foster self-esteem nad self-confidence in all the participants Is able to frame moral\ethical\ spiritual values in the curriculum

10 C OMMUNICATION WITH F AMILIES Information about the philosophy of education Information about the policies and procedures Ongoing discussions and confrtences Formal and informal gatherings Summarized events of the year Workshops/ seminars for families to support child development and learning

11 E DUCATIONAL T RAINING Teachers ongoing training educational programs Parents ongoing training\ awareness educational programs Programs to support and promote learning - Parents – child – teacher\school

12 R ECOGNITION OF D IVERSITY Exhibits respect, tolerance and acceptance of all forms of diversity (includes language, culture, ethnicity, age, religion, gender, social\economic status/ family composition, special needs) Opportunities provided to enhance knowledge about issues of diversity Ensure participation and engagement of families with diverse characteristics

13 T RANSITION OF C HILDREN FROM H OME TO THE SETTING Fimiliarize children and their families with the school Fimiliarize children and their families with the classroom settings Fimiliarize children and their families with the curriculum Encourage and maintain connection between home and the setting

14 O PPORTUNITIES FOR F AMILY AND C OMMUNITY P ARTICIPATION Provide opportunities for families to observe program and activities Provide activites and material to the parents to help families to support learning Collaboration with families for monitoring child’s progress and assessments Parent volunteership programs

15 I NTERPROFESSIONAL C OLLABORATION Setting up collaboration with Psychologists Social workers Health visitors Public services Schools Family associations Support to be provided for families in need

16 T HE C YCLE OF R EFLECTIVE PRACTICES Before What will I teach? How will I teach it? What resources will I need? What background knowledge do my students have? What interests do my students have? After Have I been self reflective and thoughtful about my teaching? Did I assess the success of my students? How will I report student success to parents? How will I provide feedback to students? What will I do differently the next time I teach a similar lesson? During Have I used students prior knowledge to gain their interest and focus? Am I presenting the lesson well? Am I constantly evaluating my students? Am I responding to the needs of my students? Am I introducing new concepts and ideas? Am I motivating and challenging my students?

17 P HILOSOPHY OF E DUCATION A philosophy of education is a set of beliefs about how children develop It includes what and how you believe children should be taught It is based on what you believe about yourself, others, and about life Everyone has a different philosophy of education. It will be what guides and directs your daily teachings

18 T O D EVELOP - P HILOSOPHY OF E DUCATION Reflect! I believe the purposes of education are… I believe that children learn best when they are taught under certain conditions and in certain ways. Some of these are… The a classroom curriculum should include certain “basics” that contribute to children’s social, emotional, intellectual and physical development. These basics include… Children learn best in an environment that promotes learning features. Features of a good learning environment are … A teacher should have certain qualities and conduct him/herself in a certain way. Qualities that I think are important to teaching are…

19 “Children are like wet cement. Whatever falls on them makes an impression.” Dr. Hiam Ginnot Summary Questions are wecomed Thankyou

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