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Justice Entrepreneurs Project The Future is Now Supported by.

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1 Justice Entrepreneurs Project The Future is Now Supported by

2 The Justice Entrepreneurs Project (JEP) is an incubator program for newer lawyers to start innovative, socially conscious law practices providing affordable services to low and moderate income people.

3 JEP at a Glance 18-month program Training on substance, skills and law practice management Coaching on business issues and client development Mentoring by experienced and respected practitioners Structured pro-bono program (~20 hours/week for 6 months) Shared, collaborative office space Practice resources, including law practice management technology Access to helpful networks through Chicago Bar Association, Chicago Bar Foundation and other partners Ability to collaborate with peers and other successful practitioners



6 PARTNERS Supported by

7 1.Expand access to affordable legal help to low and moderate-income people in the sizable “justice gap” 2.Establish sustainable practices that meet community needs and provide affordable services to that gap market 3.Develop new and innovative service delivery models to meet the first two goals more broadly. Unbundled, a la carte services Attorney-client collaboration Fixed fees Use of technology Leverage existing referral networks JEP Goals

8 Trained 5 classes: 45 current participants & alumni Participants creating socially conscious law practices in line with JEP “Statement of Principles” Pro bono placements with partner legal aid organizations (~9000 hours per year) provide training and referral networks Developed & implemented high-quality programming Moved into open, modern loft office space that fosters collaboration Establishing brand and growing referral networks Received strong support from partners throughout legal and business community Awarded two-year, $400,000 grant from the John D. & Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation to finish pilot phase JEP Success


10 JEP members are committed to building law practices that: 1.Serve the legal needs of regular people. 2.Are client-centered and emphasize approachability, compassion and collaboration between clients and attorneys. 3.Make legal assistance more affordable and transparent by offering fixed fees and flexible representation options, and leveraging technology to increase efficiency. JEP members are also committed to collaborating with and supporting fellow members and actively participating in efforts to improve the legal profession, the practice of law and the larger justice system. Statement of Principles




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